2012年1月16日 星期一





  1. 討論發明技術特點,並要求揭露週邊相關硬體的連結關係(如網路、近端通訊、實體連線),雲端技術常落於只是一些「交易流程」,但是這類流程並未能滿足一些國家對於方法發明的要求,比如:
    避免僅為抽象表達(abstract idea),應有產業上利用的可能
  2. 希望發明人提出「硬體」特徵,特別是具有貢獻的硬體,比如:
  3. 揭露「軟體流程」,這常是雲端技術的重點,但其中涉及的判斷常常是軟體手段,這應要求發明人提出其中技術之必要性,比如根據各客戶端硬體規格做出權重分配(weight)、判斷網路流量的訊號等
  4. 各種判斷訊號應具有影響發明功效與結果的「轉變(transformation)」
  5. 軟體流程應產生轉變(transformation),包括克服前案的問題在哪裡,產生的明顯改變在哪裡、是否有非預期的功效
  6. 關聯的硬體應有發明貢獻,比如:
  7. 技術確認後,可描繪出整體架構圖示,找出專利核心

  8. 雲端技術仍應用各端硬體設施,應該揭示細節,特別是相關專利核心的「功能方塊

  9. 描繪出技術流程,找出專利範圍,如:

  10. 雲端技術常牽扯各端的訊號處理,也可有點示意圖,如:(此例為US7949711)

  11. 檢索,迴避前案,找出專利範圍合適的範疇,雲端技術的流程如同軟體專利,可以包括方法流程:(此例為US7870044)

    1. A method, comprising:

    requesting payment of a first fee for access to cloud computing resources, wherein the first fee is a fixed fee;
    providing access to cloud computing resources via a communications network if the first fee is paid;
    monitoring computing resource usage levels for the cloud computing resources by determining computing resource demand and available computing resource supply;
    determining a grid-based batch computing price based on the monitored computing resource usage levels;
    requesting payment of a fee for grid-based batch computing service, wherein the fee is based on the grid-based batch computing price;
    providing idle cloud computing resources for grid-based batch computing service if the fee is paid;
    allocating the idle cloud computing resources for grid-based batch computing service based on the determined available computing resource supply when an idle cloud computing resources level exceeds a first threshold level;
    determining if at least one grid-based batch computing task is at a termination point;
    waiting for the at least one grid-based batch computing task to reach a termination point if the termination point has not yet been reached;
    de-allocating computing resources from grid-based batch computing when the at least one grid-based batch computing task is at a termination point; and
    wherein cloud computing resources are de-allocated from grid-based batch computing when the idle cloud computing resources level falls below a second threshold level that is no greater than the first threshold level.

  12. 權利範圍應補入相關系統範圍,其中反映執行上述流程的裝置,此例利用"wherein"表達出技術特徵,如:

    14. A system, comprising:

    a processor;
    a memory in communication with the processor and containing program instructions;
    an input and output in communication with the processor and memory comprising a graphical interface;
    wherein the processor executes program instructions contained in the memory and the program instructions comprise:
    request payment of a first fee for access to cloud computing resources, wherein the first fee is a fixed fee;
    provide access to cloud computing resources via a communications network;
    monitor computing resource usage levels for the cloud computing resources by determining computing resource demand and available computing resource supply;
    determine a grid-based batch computing price based on the monitored computing resource usage levels;
    request payment of a fee for grid-based batch computing service, wherein the fee is based on the grid-based batch computing price;
    provide idle cloud computing resources for grid-based batch computing service if the fee is paid;
    allocate the idle cloud computing resources for grid-based batch computing service based on the determined available computing resource supply when an idle cloud computing resource level exceeds a first threshold level;
    determine if at least one grid-based batch computing task is at a termination point;
    wait for the at least one grid-based batch computing task to reach a termination point if the termination point has not yet been reached;
    de-allocate computing resources from grid-based batch computing when the at least one grid-based batch computing task is at a termination point; and
    wherein cloud computing resources are de-allocated from grid-based batch computing when the idle cloud computing resources level falls below a second threshold level that is no greater than the first threshold level.


2 則留言:

  1. 謝謝分享,看起來其實就跟一般的軟體案寫法差不多?

  2. 你好:

