2012年1月12日 星期四

柯達的終戰!?(Kodak sues Apple, HTC over patents)

「Kodak moment」是個習慣用語,柯達一刻意指是「指能留下美好記憶的時刻

最近的新聞是1/10控告蘋果與宏達電(HTC)的手機侵害柯達的專利,分別在ITC(International Trade Commission,相關內容可參考:http://enpan.blogspot.com/2011/10/itc.html)與紐約地方法院提出告訴。

訴訟專利涉及「透過網路從相機自動傳送影像的技術」與「取得傳送email的影像」的技術,並且在Kodak宣稱的專利中,相關基礎專利超過190件(可參考:『The four patents asserted Tuesday against both Apple and HTC have as co-inventor Kodak researcher Kenneth Parulski, who has more than 190 patents "and is widely recognized as a pioneer in numerous digital camera technologies," according to the company's complaint.』)


US7,210,161揭露一種透過網路從數位相機自動傳遞影像的技術,我認為特別的是,先將網路設定(network configuration)由電腦載入數位相機,網路設定中包括如何連接網路與傳遞目標的設定,使用者則可透過相機上的傳遞按鍵自動將影像檔案傳送到目的端,比如一個照片分享網站。其中相機內記憶體規劃兩個空間,第一空間是儲存數位影像;第二空間是儲存網路設定

1. A method of transferring one of more images from an electronic camera to a service provider, the camera including optics and an image sensor for generating an image signal, a display for displaying images, a plurality of user inputs, a first digital memory for storing digital images, a second digital memory for storing a network configuration file, and a communications interface, the method comprising the steps of:
(a) storing the network configuration file for the service provider in the second digital memory;
(b) subsequently using the optics and image sensor to generate a plurality of image signals which are stored as a plurality of digital images in the first digital memory;
(c) viewing at least one of the plurality of digital images on the display of the electronic camera;
(d) using at least one of the plurality of user inputs to select at least one digital image for transfer to the service provider;
(e) using at least one of the plurality of user inputs to initiate transfer of the selected at least one digital image to the service provider;
(f) using the network configuration file, the electronic camera automatically establishing communications with the service provider and transferring the selected digital image(s) from the electronic camera to the service provider using the communications interface;
(g) transferring from the service provider to the electronic camera, feedback indicating the status of the transfer process; and
(h) displaying the status on the display of the electronic camera.

US7,742,084揭露一種從數位相機自動傳遞影像的網路設定檔案,此案就揭示儲存在相機內的網路設定檔(network configuration file),設定內容如:通訊埠、使用者帳號密碼、目標位址等

1. An electronic camera comprising:
a communication interface;
a sensor for capturing images;
a first memory for storing images;
a second memory for storing information for communicating with a plurality of destinations via the communications interface; and
a user interface for selecting an image destination and for commanding the camera to send the images to the selected destination via the communications interface using the information, and
wherein the user interface displays a plurality of descriptive icons representative of the plurality of destinations and selection is made by reference to at least one of the icons.


1. An electronic camera for capturing images to be transferred to at least one e-mail address, the electronic camera comprising:
(a) an image sensor for capturing a plurality of images;
(b) a first memory for storing the plurality of images;
(c) a second memory for storing a plurality of e-mail addresses;
(d) a processor for producing a utilization file;
(e) a display coupled to the first memory for displaying at least one of the plurality of stored images; and
(f) a user interface for selecting at least one e-mail address stored in the second memory and for scrolling through the plurality of images stored in the first memory in order to display and select at least one image to be transferred to the selected at least one e-mail address,
wherein the utilization file identifies the at least one selected e-mail address and the at least one image to be transferred to the at least one selected e-mail address.

1. A digital camera for capturing a plurality of images comprising:
an image sensor for receiving incident light of a scene, the digital camera capturing an image corresponding to the incident light of the scene;
a display for displaying the plurality of captured images and for displaying a menu of destinations;
at least one user input for selection of at least one image from the plurality of captured images and a destination from the menu of destinations displayed on the display;
a communications interface for transmitting the at least one selected image to the selected destination over one of a plurality of networks, the plurality of networks including at least two different types of wireless networks; a memory; and
a processor coupled to the image sensor, the display, the at least one user input, the communications interface, and the memory, the processor controlling the transmission of the at least one selected image to the selected destination using either one of the at least two different types of wireless networks.

1. An electronic still camera for initiating capture of a still image while previewing motion images on a display, comprising:
(a) an image sensor having a two-dimensional array of photosites covered by a mosaic pattern of color filters including at least three different colors for capturing images of a scene, each captured image having a first number of color pixel values provided in a first color pattern;
(b) motion processing means for generating from the captured images, a second number of color pixel values provided in a second color pattern having at least three different colors and representative of a series of motion images to be previewed, the second number of color pixel values being less than the first number of color pixel values, and the second color pattern being different from the first color pattern;
(c) a color display for presenting at least some of the motion images of the series of motion images corresponding to the captured images of the scene, the color display having an arrangement of color display pixels including at least three different colors in a pattern different from the first color pattern;
(d) a capture button for initiating capture of a still image while previewing the motion images presented on the color display;
(e) still processing means for generating a third number of color pixel values including at least three different colors representative of a processed captured still image; and
(f) a digital memory for storing the processed captured still image.

就使用者的角度而言,這些權利範圍感覺頗為適當,也是一般的技術應用;如果把智慧手機、平板電腦視為數位相機,這些範圍也算是可能read on這些3C產品;上述權利範圍的描述主軸都在電子照相機(數位相機)上的基本硬體描述,但透過細節功能與連接關係的限定,產生一系列有意義的權利範圍

柯達提出訴訟算是有點把握,柯達在影像處理方面確實仍是先驅,應該擁有許多關鍵專利,並且報導指出,關於訴訟的專利已經授權給許多大公司,如LG Electronics, Motorola, Samsung Electronics and Nokia等,因此在此「印象」之下,對訴訟應該是有幫助的!

FOSS Patents

