2012年5月25日 星期五



之前Kodak控告Samsung, LG侵權成立,也讓Kodak趁勝在不同的告訴中繼續告HTC, RIM, Apple等,但是又在這次被ITC判斷專利無效,造成之前的訴訟都產生了不確定性,也同時影響曾經用這次系爭專利已經授權的30多個公司往後繳錢的變數(討價還價,或是不繳了)。
這一整套下來,Kodak算是輸了一大半!接著,當Kodak準備出售他的專利時,有1100多件,也因輸掉這個訴訟,可能會影響買方意願?這又會輸了另一半! 更可能影響後續Kodak繼續用專利手段取得授權金的策略...


這個美國專利US6,292,218涉及一種在預覽動態影像時拍攝靜態影像的技術,主要獨立範圍涉及一個在預覽影像時拍攝照片的"彩色"數位相機,這"live preview"的功能在目前看來,自然到不行,但在此案申請的1997年,或是在1994年的母案申請時,確實是個很特別的想法,因為過去傳統的照相機並沒有可能預覽照片的可能,即便到數位時代,初期也並不會有此特徵!
(a)影像感測器,具有二維陣列的感測元、彩色濾光片,拍攝的影像取得第一彩色圖案(first color pattern)的第一畫素值(first number of color pixel values);
(b)動態處理手段,此手段為進行"取景",取得LIVE PREVIEW的動態影像,影像有第二畫素值(second number of color pixel values),並特別描述第二畫素值小於第一畫素值
(e)靜態處理手段,用以產生第三畫素值(second number of color pixel values),也就是最後產生的數位照片;

1. An electronic still camera for initiating capture of a still image while previewing motion images on a display, comprising:
(a) an image sensor having a two-dimensional array of photosites covered by a mosaic pattern of color filters including at least three different colors for capturing images of a scene, each captured image having a first number of color pixel values provided in a first color pattern;
(b) motion processing means for generating from the captured images, a second number of color pixel values provided in a second color pattern having at least three different colors and representative of a series of motion images to be previewed, the second number of color pixel values being less than the first number of color pixel values, and the second color pattern being different from the first color pattern;
(c) a color display for presenting at least some of the motion images of the series of motion images corresponding to the captured images of the scene, the color display having an arrangement of color display pixels including at least three different colors in a pattern different from the first color pattern;
(d) a capture button for initiating capture of a still image while previewing the motion images presented on the color display;
(e) still processing means for generating a third number of color pixel values including at least three different colors representative of a processed captured still image; and
(f) a digital memory for storing the processed captured still image.
主要爭議則是在Claim 15,此項同樣是涉及可以預覽拍攝的數位相機,權利範圍主要的特徵在:
(a)影像感測器,有二維陣列的感測元、彩色濾光片,可取得第一彩色圖案(pattern)的第一畫素值(first number of color pixel values);

15. An electronic still camera for initiating capture of a still image while previewing motion images on a display, comprising:
(a) an image sensor having a two-dimensional array of photosites covered by a mosaic pattern of color filters including at least three different colors for capturing images of a scene, each captured image having a first number of color pixel values provided in a first color pattern;
(b) a motion processor for generating from the captured images, a second number of color pixel values provided in a second color pattern having at least three different colors and representative of a series of motion images to be previewed, the second number of color pixel values being less than the first number of color pixel values, and the second color pattern being different from the first color pattern;
(c) a color display for presenting at least some of the motion images of the series of motion images corresponding to the captured images of the scene, the color display having an arrangement of color display pixels including at least three different colors in a pattern different from the first color pattern;
(d) a capture button for initiating capture of a still image while previewing the motion images presented on the color display;
(e) a still processor for generating a third number of color pixel values including at least three different colors representative of a captured still image; and
(f) a digital memory for storing the processed captured still image.
上述兩個範圍僅有微小的描述差異,我看來是一致的範圍,其中如:Claim 1用手段功能用語(如motion processing means)的方式,到了Claim 15則以處理器(motion processor)的具體描述;在取得最後影像時,一個有說要處理,一個則忽略處理的描述。

根據之後法官的範圍解釋,或許Claim 1是比較好的範圍,因為用動態處理手段靜態處理手段,或許可以解釋為一個處理器的處理手段,這個解釋還是要看說明書與其等效的範圍;但是對於Claim 15,則很明確有兩個處理器


(參考ITC 337 LAW Blog)根據ITC行政法官透過claim construction認為本案Claim 15的主要元件有:
(1) “motion processor” and “still processor”; 
(2) “at least three different colors”;
(3) “capture button”;
(4) “initiating capture of a still image while previewing the motion images”;
(5) “each captured image having a first number of color pixel values provided in a first color pattern”;
(6) “captured image”;
(7) “first number of color pixel values”;
(8) “first color pattern.”

有趣的是,上述法官的Claim Construction認定這個範圍有兩個處理器,一個是處理動態影像、一個是處理靜態影像,這也如同我們一般看「文字」的認定!雖Kodak反對,但是Apple與RIM則表示認同!

Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open Disclosure No. H5-122574 (“Mori”), U.S. Patent No. 4,887,161 (“Watanabe”), Sharp ViewCam Technical Manual, Operation Manual and Information Sheet, U.S. Patent No. 3,971,065 (“Bayer”), U.S. Patent No. 4,837,628 (“Sasaki”), U.S. Patent No. 5,493,335 (“Parulski”), and Timothy Tredwell, Sensors and Signal Processing for Digital Electronic Photography, Optoelectronics — Devices & Technologies (“Tredwell”)



資料參考:ITC 337 LAW Blog

2 則留言:

  1. Commission在去年review Luckern的ID時,就已經表明motion processor跟still processor不需要是seperate...

  2. 對了,還有Commission也認為不管是RGB或是YCC,實質上都是含有顏色的,所以這箇認定其實對Kodak有利
