2012年7月13日 星期五


案例:WM. Wrigley Jr. Co. v. Cadbury Adams USA LLC (Fed. Cir. 2012)

口香糖每年有數十億美元的商機,口香糖業者著名的有箭牌(Wrigley)與吉百利(Cadbury),兩家這幾年也都是主打「清涼感受(cooling sensation)」的口香糖,廣告很多。

(Google images)

在美國聯邦巡迴法院的案例(WM. Wrigley Jr. Co. v. Cadbury Adams USA LLC (Fed. Cir. 2012))中,Wrigley先主張Cadbury侵害其美國專利US6,627,233(233專利,Google翻譯:口香糖含有生理冷卻劑)所主張口香糖中薄荷與冷卻劑(menthol and a coolant)的組成成份,權利主張為Claim 34,標示(WS-23);
接著Cadbury反訴主張Wrigley侵害其美國專利US5,009,893(893專利,Google翻譯:呼吸清新的可食用成分的甲醇和甲酰胺),也就是聲稱Wrigley製造的口香糖包括了此專利權中主張同類的薄荷與冷卻劑(menthol and a coolant)的組成成份,標示為(WS-3)。

233專利Claim 34:
34. A chewing gum composition comprising:
a) about 5% to about 95% gum base;
b) about 5% to about 95% bulking and sweetening agent; and
c) about 0.1 to about 10% flavoring agent wherein the flavoring agent comprises N-2,3-trimethyl-2-isopropyl butanamide and menthol.

893專利Claim 1:
1. A chewing gum composition capable of providing long-lasting, breath freshening perception without bitterness comprising a gum base, a sweetener and a cooling composition comprising menthol and an N-substituted-p-menthane carboxamide of the formula:

wherein R1, when taken separately, is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, and an aliphatic radical containing up to 25 carbon atoms;
R2, when taken separately is selected from the group consisting of a hydroxy radical, and an aliphatic radical containing up to 25 carbon atoms, with the proviso that when R1 is hydrogen R2 may also be an aryl radical of up to 10 carbon atoms and selected from substituted phenyl, phenalkyl, naphthyl and substituted naphthyl, and pyridyl; and
R1 and R2 when taken together, represent a cyclic or heterocyclic group of up to 25 carbon atoms.

地方法院的簡易判決(summmary judgment)是,Wrigley並未侵害US5,009,893專利,但也判斷US6,627,233不具新穎性與進步性(表示Cabury也未侵權),兩方都輸、也都贏,這個奇異的判決自然也讓雙方同時上訴聯邦法院。

US6,627,233不具新穎性的理由是因為前案US5,688,491("Shahidi")揭露了233案的Claim 34(這裡Patently-O的摘錄有誤);不具進步性的理由是因為結合了Shahidi案、美國專利No.5,698,181("Luo")與Parrish博士的文章。

Shahidi案揭露了如牙膏與口香糖的口服成份,包括了一些關鍵必要的成份,也有涉及前述WS-3與WS-23等不重要的成份,Wrigley則爭辯Shadidi案僅選取了相關類別成份中的項目,但並未包括全部的成份,但聯邦法院法官認為這已經足夠認定US6,627,233(Claim 34)不具專利性。這裡涉及的問題為是否一部分類別的化學成份的揭示在該技術領域的人可以認定相關使用者個類別的後續專利無效?顯然,美國聯邦法院認定是「是的」,雖有法官持不同意見。

聯邦法院接著表示同意地方法院認為233案為顯而易見,因為相關成份根據前案來案沒有非預期的效果(清涼,cooling effect),WS-23與薄荷(menthol)的結合為可預見的效果(清涼),可遇見於前案WS-3與薄荷的結合產生的效果,更者,法院也未見箭牌口香糖的商業成功(commercial success)與前述成份的結合有關,兩者考量下,判斷233案不具進步性。雖也有法官認為此為先入為主的觀點。


The court further found that the ’893 patent narrowly claimed the combination of N-substituted-p-menthane carbox-amides and menthol, and that it implicitly excluded other carboxamides, including WS-23. The court therefore held that a combination of WS-23 and menthol did not infringe the ’893 patent under the doctrine of equivalents.


