2012年7月18日 星期三


在各行動裝置廠商告來告去愈來愈多的情況來看,法院逐漸採用統合各廠商互告的案子,能併案處理,比如之前討論口香糖廠商互告也是(http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2012/07/blog-post_13.html)。當某廠商被告時,可以及時提出另外侵權訴訟進行反訴(countersue, counterclaim),相同的法院可以併案處理(consolidated),可以促進和解,策略上原被告廠商可以獲得足夠的談判籌碼,亦或取得緩衝時間、或加速法院審理。

美國專利第7,571,221號(221案)涉及一種安裝網路服務於伺服系統中內嵌網路服務器(embedded network server)的技術,這件專利直指蘋果公司出的所有電腦產品線,也包括手機,認定各裝置都有使用此安裝網路服務的技術。
其中特別是關於一些動態服務(dynamic service),這些服務,或說程式,是動態安裝於伺服系統中內嵌網路服務器中,可參考下圖,顯示有一遠端裝置106與一遠端伺服器109,透過網路113與伺服系統103連結,這顯然是一個雲端的服務系統,遠端裝置106可為使用者端的電腦系統,伺服系統103中的內嵌網路服務器116中提供多種靜態內容與動態服務,這些服務內容可由遠端伺服器109所提供。遠端裝置106則是利用瀏覽器或是相似的介面來存取內嵌網路服務器116中提供多種靜態內容與動態服務。

在此架構描述下,就可以大致瞭解221案的權利範圍,比如Claim 1所界定的維護伺服系統中內嵌網路服務器的方法,這是一個雲端系統的維護方法,根據步驟描述,包括:
1. A method for maintaining an embedded network server, comprising:
providing a dynamic engine in the embedded network server;
providing a dynamic service loader in the dynamic engine in the embedded network server;
receiving a service request to install a dynamic service in the embedded network server; and
installing the dynamic service in the embedded network server with the dynamic service loader in the dynamic engine without shutting down the embedded network server,
wherein said installing occurs with substantially all static content and services remaining available, and further wherein receiving the service request causes the dynamic engine to determine whether at least one dynamic service is to be invoked based on the service request.

我認為,所對應的蘋果公司的服務是App Store或是Mac Store,但此專利技術涉及雲端服務的維護,權利範圍的描述確實關鍵,雖然專利與雲端服務的維護有關,但是權利範圍的描述僅在於兩端(embedded network server與接收服務請求的遠端伺服器)的動作,是否可以關聯到如iPhone等終端裝置安裝各種網路服務的方式,似乎有均等效果,但是仍有疑慮!



1. A method for centrally managing plural network clients interfaced with a network host, the method comprising the steps of:
initiating a login script at a network client, the login script calling a login routine associated with the network host that operationally manages the configuration of the network client;
installing a start-up routine with the login routine, the start-up routine associated with the network client;
using the start-up routine to determine an operating system of the network client;
and managing configuration of the operating system of the network client with the start-up routine according to the operating system of the network client.


以下是Apple Remote Desktop 3的畫面與描述:
Apple Remote Desktop is the best way to manage the Mac computers on your network. Distribute software, provide real-time online help to end users, create detailed software and hardware reports, and automate routine management tasks — all without leaving your desk. Featuring Automator actions, Remote Spotlight search, and a new Dashboard widget, Apple Remote Desktop 3 makes your job easier than ever.

資料參考:FOSS Patents

