2012年11月15日 星期四


...蘋果以所謂的「overscroll bounce」的US7469381381案)要求對手支付每個單位(每個行動裝置)2.02美金的權利金,...

Apple在觸控顯示器上的彈回專利與相關觸控技術是否是有效專利,可以看看以下證據(有影片),其中「Diamond touch」的計畫由三菱電子實驗室( Mitsubishi Electronic Research Laboratory (MERL))自2001年開始,應該是有效的前案!另有一個證據為2004年開發的「LaunchTile system」,其中的使用者界面曾應用在HP iPAQ上。

Circle Twelve的DIAMOND TOUCH:


影片中可以清楚看到兩個特徵:觸控放大特定視窗,以及多手指觸控,文章特別提出讓使用者將影像放在一個視窗以下,此時產生一個重複的影像,如果不放手最後會回到原來的位置,這個視覺效果類似蘋果的反彈(bounce back)的效果。三星即引用此影片揭示的動作要求法官作出381案專利無效(專利的優先權時間可溯及2007年1月的provisional application)的判斷。
(...allows users to pull an image down in a window, revealing a duplicate image right above it; letting go causes the image to snap back to its original position, providing a visual effect that appeared quite similar to Apple's bounce-back effect...)

這個"前案"的效果是,根據相關文章表示,任何人可以輕易進入該實驗室參觀此技術,並且甚至此計畫主持人Adam Bogue曾於2003年向Apple展示這個產品
但是,Adam Bogue承認,相關放大縮小的觸控功能確實是在Apple的開發之後!

在LaunchTile system的使用者界面呈現在不同畫面前後滑動時,有類似彈回的視覺效果,不果,賈伯斯曾經提到這個前案並未有如381案中在各畫面之間的邊緣的空白區域,因為這個區域的變化產生彈回的視覺效果。
(... the system didn't reveal empty space scrolling past the edge of the screen — an important component of Apple's '381 patent.)


1. A computer-implemented method, comprising:
at a device with a touch screen display:
displaying a first portion of an electronic document;
detecting a movement of an object on or near the touch screen display;
in response to detecting the movement, translating the electronic document displayed on the touch screen display in a first direction to display a second portion of the electronic document, wherein the second portion is different from the first portion;
in response to an edge of the electronic document being reached while translating the electronic document in the first direction while the object is still detected on or near the touch screen display:
displaying an area beyond the edge of the document, and
displaying a third portion of the electronic document, wherein the third portion is smaller than the first portion; and
in response to detecting that the object is no longer on or near the touch screen display, translating the electronic document in a second direction until the area beyond the edge of the electronic document is no longer displayed to display a fourth portion of the electronic document, wherein the fourth portion is different from the first portion.
19. A device, comprising:
a touch screen display;
one or more processors;
memory; and
one or more programs, wherein the one or more programs are stored in the memory and configured to be executed by the one or more processors, the programs including:
instructions for displaying a first portion of an electronic document;
instructions for detecting a movement of an object on or near the touch screen display;
instructions for translating the electronic document displayed on the touch screen display in a first direction to display a second portion of the electronic document, wherein the second portion is different from the first portion, in response to detecting the movement;
instructions for displaying an area beyond an edge of the electronic document and displaying a third portion of the electronic document, wherein the third portion is smaller than the first portion, in response to the edge of the electronic document being reached while translating the electronic document in the first direction while the object is still detected on or near the touch screen display; and
instructions for translating the electronic document in a second direction until the area beyond the edge of the electronic document is no longer displayed to display a fourth portion of the electronic document, wherein the fourth portion is different from the first portion, in response to detecting that the object is no longer on or near the touch screen display.
20. A computer readable storage medium having stored therein instructions, which when executed by a device with a touch screen display, cause the device to:
display a first portion of an electronic document;
detect a movement of an object on or near the touch screen display;
translate the electronic document displayed on the touch screen display in a first direction to display a second portion of the electronic document, wherein the second portion is different from the first portion, in response to detecting the movement
display an area beyond an edge of the electronic document and display a third portion of the electronic document, wherein the third portion is smaller than the first portion, if the edge of the electronic document is reached while translating the electronic document in the first direction while the object is still detected on or near the touch screen display; and
translate the electronic document in a second direction until the area beyond the edge of the electronic document is no longer displayed to display a fourth portion of the electronic document, wherein the fourth portion is different from the first portion, in response to detecting that the object is no longer on or near the touch screen display.


