2012年11月14日 星期三



[Claim 1] (JPO機器翻譯)
On the side periphery surface which is a placing bottom surface of cut rice cake which is a rectangular wafer rice cake object, or not a flat upper surface but a reorganization side surface of an upper surface part of this wafer rice cake object, contour shape which is placed on a gridiron, is roasted and is eaten, Provide 1 which has length in this hoop direction by making a direction along this reorganization side surface into a hoop direction, two or more notching parts, or a groove part, and this notching part or groove part, As a notching part formed in opposite 2 side surface on the surface of a side periphery which is the aforementioned reorganization side surface or it made this hoop direction carry out round continuation by having made a direction along this reorganization side surface into a hoop direction and considered it as the shape of a square ring, or a groove part, Rice cake which changes with the characteristics a thing to outside by expansion constituted so that it might spurt out and might be inhibited into the state where contents which it faced roasting, was raised to the bottom above the aforementioned notching part or a groove part, and were plumped between up-and-down ovenware shaped parts like the midst or sandwiches are sandwiched, by carrying out expansion deformation.

Article 100 (Right to seek injunction)
(1) A patentee or exclusive licensee may demand a person who infringes or is likely to infringe the patent right or exclusive license to stop or prevent such infringement.
(2) In making a demand under the preceding paragraph, the patentee or exclusive licensee may demand measures necessary for the prevention of such infringement including the disposal of products constituting such act of infringement (including, in the case of a patented invention of a process of producing products, products produced by the act of infringement; the same shall apply in Article 102(1)) and the removal of facilities used for the act of infringement.




Article 102 (Presumption of Amount of Damage, etc.)
(2) Where a patentee or an exclusive licensee claims against an infringer compensation for damage sustained as a result of the intentional or negligent infringement of the patent right or exclusive license, and the infringer earned profits from the act of infringement, the amount of profits earned by the infringer shall be presumed to be the amount of damage sustained by the patentee or exclusive licensee.
(3) A patentee or an exclusive licensee may claim against an infringer compensation for damage sustained as a result of the intentional or negligent infringement of the patent right or exclusive license, by regarding the amount the patentee or exclusive licensee would have been entitled to receive for the working of the patented invention as the amount of damage sustained.


