2014年4月25日 星期五

美國專利訴訟禁制令的判例 - eBay Inc. v. MercExchange, L.L.C.

美國最高法院判例eBay Inc. v. MercExchange, L.L.C.涉及美國專利訴訟中如何核發禁制令(preliminary injunction, permanent injunction)的標準。

美國先前提出解決patent troll問題的措施(立法建議)中也提到此案例,建議改變ITC核發禁制令的標準,使得可以與最高法院判例in eBay Inc. v. MercExchange確認過去四個測試的標準一致,藉此拉平ITC與傳統法院的標準。

eBay Inc. v. MercExchange, L.L.C.
被告是有名的拍賣網站eBay,以及eBay子公司購物網站Half.com,原告則是所謂非專利實施實體(NPE)的MercExchange, L. L. C.,原告以所持有涉及信用認證的商業方法專利US5,845,265,對eBay與子公司提出侵權告訴。


上訴到CAFC,CAFC則認為一般來說,法院應在沒有特殊情況下的專利侵權行為核發永久禁制令。"general rule that courts will issue permanent injunctions against patent infringement absent exceptional circumstances"。
於是,eBay繼續上訴到最高法院,質疑傳統判斷是否核發永久禁制令的測試(如下) 是否適用於本案,最高法院同意上訴人意見並撤回CAFC判決


  1. 原告遭遇不可回復的損害
  2. 法律規定的賠償並不足夠
  3. 原告與被告之間難以公平地得到補償
  4. 公眾利益不會被永久禁制令所影響

系爭專利US5,845,265(MercExchange有很多件)揭露一種以低價終端與市場建立者建立的委託(賣家、買家可決定出價)與受委託者(如二手拍賣網站)合約關係的技術,技術涉及以電腦技術實現二手拍賣市場的委送節點(Consignment nodes)的系統,獨立範圍可以顯露這個技術重點:


1. A system for presenting a data record of a good for sale to a market for goods, said market for goods having an interface to a wide area communication network for presenting and offering goods for sale to a purchaser, a payment clearing means for processing a purchase request from said purchaser, a database means for storing and tracking said data record of said good for sale, a communications means for communicating with said system to accept said data record of said good and a payment means for transferring funds to a user of said system, said system comprising:
a digital image means for creating a digital image of a good for sale;
a user interface for receiving textual information from a user;
a bar code scanner;
a bar code printer;
a storage device;
a communications means for communicating with the market; and
a computer locally connected to said digital image means, said user interface, said bar code scanner, said bar code printer, said storage device and said communications means, said computer adapted to receive said digital image of said good for sale from said digital image means, generate a data record of said good for sale, incorporate said digital image of said good for sale into said data record, receive a textual description of said good for sale from said user interface, store said data record on said storage device, transfer said data record to the market for goods via said communications means and receive a tracking number for said good for sale from the market for goods via said communications means, store said tracking number from the market for goods in said data record on said storage device and printing a bar code from said tracking number on said bar code printer.

我覺得這個專利範圍並不特殊,但是多了一些似乎比較不會見於相關技術前案中的小特徵,藉著這些小細節獲准一個看似頗OK的專利範圍,這可能是一些NPE的專利策略,用一些障眼法獲准專利。這類專利的獲准過程(prosecution history)常常是專利侵權判斷的關鍵,不過也是挺棘手的。

以下圖示可能比較清楚這是一個拍賣網站上的技術,bar code的特徵出現在其他圖中:






