2014年4月24日 星期四

是否實施專利為核發初步禁制令的依據,但還有其他條件 - Trebro. v. FireFl (Fed. Cir. 2013)

初步禁制令(preliminary injunction)可以停止被告侵權者在尚未有最終判決時(被告可以持續地上訴)繼續侵權的行為,常常是專利侵權專利訴訟中法院在尚未作出最後決定前的措施,透過一些初步的判斷就作出決定,以避免專利權人因為等待最後決定的期間損害擴大,相對於發出永久禁制令(permanent injunction)顯然是需要快速決定以避免審理時間拉長後造成不可回復損害的考量所產生的。

  1. 侵權訴訟應該會成立(That there is a substantial likelihood of success on the merits of the case)。
  2. 如果不核發禁制令會導致實質不可回復的損害(That they face a substantial threat of irreparable damage or injury if the injunction is not granted)。
  3. 權衡損害後站在提出初步禁制令的一方(That the balance of harms weighs in favor of the party seeking the preliminary injunction)。其實,如果經判斷符合上述兩個條件,判決將傾向原告,也就是提出禁制令的一方,而核發初步禁制令。
  4. 核發禁制令時應有利於大眾(That the grant of an injunction would serve the public interest),這點比較難判斷,比如這件答辯:http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2014/04/edwards-life-scoence-v-corevalve-and.html
不過是否專利權人實施了系爭專利為核發初步禁制令的要件?通常上述所提到的「損害(damage, harm)」應該是原專利權人有實施該專利,比如製造、販售與進口相關物品,這樣侵權者才會造成專利權人的損害,不過,這件CAFC案例中有不同於一般常識的議題討論。

Trebro Mfg. v. FireFly Equipment and Steven Aposhian (Fed. Cir. 2013)

1. A sod harvester for harvesting a sod piece from a ground surface and stacking said sod piece on a support, the sod harvester comprising:
a) a sod cutting knife for cutting said sod piece from said ground surface;
b) at least one inclined conveyor movable at faster than ground speed;
c) a substantially horizontal conveyor, wherein said at least one inclined conveyor is adapted to carry said sod piece from said cutting knife to said substantially horizontal conveyor; and
d) a sod carrier movable between a first position above said horizontal conveyor and a second position, wherein, in said first position, said sod carrier is adapted to removably secure said sod piece to said sod carrier when said sod piece is on said horizontal conveyor, wherein said sod carrier is adapted to release said sod piece at said second position,
wherein said horizontal conveyor is moveable in a vertical direction toward said sod carrier.
被告侵權的對象為FireFly’s ProSlab 150


被告侵權物品並不落入專利範圍,其並無專利範圍中的垂直可移動的輸送裝置(也就是claim 1的最後一句話:wherein said horizontal conveyor is moveable in a vertical direction toward said sod carrier);況且這個垂直可移動的結構是否有新穎特徵也是個問題;最後,地方法院認為被告侵權物品並未造成不可回復的損害(did not create any irreparable harm)。

訴訟中,被告FireFly曾對該專利提出Ex Parte再審,因為先前技術無證據能力,因此仍確認了系爭專利的專利性。相關爭議也是如本文前半段提到的提出preliminary injunction的條件認定,包括侵權是否成立、是否有不可回復的損害、是否涉及公共利益等。



第二:對於系爭專利的有效性,CAFC認為地院認定的專利沒有新穎或進步性的判斷有誤,特別是對Claim 1的最後一句話:wherein said horizontal conveyor is moveable in a vertical direction toward said sod carrier。




第四:因為相關草皮收割的需要為小眾市場,並無足夠的證據證明是否有任何會傷害公眾利益的事實,因此CAFC認為地院沒有測試這個條件(the district court did not consider the final two Winter factors),駁回對於否決初步禁制令的決定,發回重審。

最後,CAFC認定地方法院濫用自由裁量權(abused its discretion),不同意地院駁回原告Trebro請求初步禁制令的決定,也就是傾向同意核發初步禁制令,理由是原告並非是未實施該專利,而有販售對照產品的證據,因此並非不可以取得禁制令(party that does not practice the asserted patent may still receive an injunction when it sells a competing product),本案發回重審。

資料參考:patently-O, wikipedia


