2015年2月25日 星期三


(本次修正Rules 2, 124, 125, 126, 127, 129, 133 and 134都是有關郵寄遞送EPO通知,中文摘要與修正後規定如下,英文黑體字為主要修正字眼)

Rule 2(1) shall read as follows:
"(1) In proceedings before the European Patent Office, documents may be filed by delivery by hand, by postal services or by means of electronic communication. The President of the European Patent Office shall lay down the details and conditions and, where appropriate, any special formal or technical requirements for the filing of documents. In particular, he may specify that confirmation must be supplied. If such confirmation is not supplied in due time, the European patent application shall be refused; documents filed subsequently shall be deemed not to have been received."
Rule 124(3) shall read as follows:
"(3) The minutes shall be authenticated by the employee responsible for drawing them up and by the employee who conducted the oral proceedings or taking of evidence, either by their signature or by any other appropriate means."
Rule 125(1) and (2)(a) and (b) shall read as follows:
"(1) The European Patent Office shall, as a matter of course, notify those concerned of decisions and summonses, and of any notice or other communication from which a time limit is reckoned, or of which those concerned must be notified under the Convention, or of which notification has been ordered by the President of the European Patent Office. Any notification to be made shall take the form of the original document, a copy thereof certified by or bearing the seal of the European Patent Office, a computer print-out bearing such seal or an electronic document containing such seal or otherwise certified. Copies of documents emanating from the parties themselves shall not require such certification.
(2) Notification shall be made:
(a) by postal services in accordance with Rule 126;
(b) by means of electronic communication in accordance with Rule 127;"
Rule 126 shall read as follows:
Notification by postal services
(1) Decisions incurring a period for appeal or a petition for review, summonses and other such documents as determined by the President of the European Patent Office shall be notified by registered letter with advice of delivery or equivalent. All other notifications by postal services shall be by registered letter.
(2) Where notification is effected in accordance with paragraph 1, the letter shall be deemed to be delivered to the addressee on the tenth day following its handover to the postal service provider, unless it has failed to reach the addressee or has reached him at a later date; in the event of any dispute, it shall be incumbent on the European Patent Office to establish that the letter has reached its destination or to establish the date on which the letter was delivered to the addressee, as the case may be.
(3) Notification in accordance with paragraph 1 shall be deemed to have been effected even if acceptance of the letter has been refused.
(4) To the extent that notification by postal services is not covered by paragraphs 1 to 3, the law of the State in which the notification is made shall apply."
Rule 127 shall read as follows:
Notification by means of electronic communication
(1) Notification may be effected by means of electronic communication as determined by the President of the European Patent Office and under the conditions laid down by him.
(2) Where notification is effected by means of electronic communication, the electronic document shall be deemed to be delivered to the addressee on the tenth day following its transmission, unless it has failed to reach its destination or has reached its destination at a later date; in the event of any dispute, it shall be incumbent on the European Patent Office to establish that the electronic document has reached its destination or to establish the date on which it reached its destination, as the case may be." 
The German version of Rule 129(1) shall read as follows:
"(1) Kann die Anschrift des Empfängers nicht festgestellt werden oder war die Zustellung nach Regel 126 Absatz 1 auch nach einem zweiten Versuch unmöglich, so wird durch öffentliche Bekanntmachung zugestellt."
Rule 133(1) shall read as follows:
"(1) A document received late at the European Patent Office shall be deemed to have been received in due time if it was delivered to a recognised postal service provider in due time before expiry of the period in accordance with the conditions laid down by the President of the European Patent Office, unless the document was received later than three months after expiry of the period."
Rule 134(1) shall read as follows:
"(1) If a period expires on a day on which one of the filing offices of the European Patent Office under Rule 35, paragraph 1, is not open for receipt of documents or on which, for reasons other than those referred to in paragraph 2, mail is not delivered there, the period shall extend to the first day thereafter on which all the filing offices are open for receipt of documents and on which mail is delivered. The first sentence shall apply mutatis mutandis if documents filed by one of the means of electronic communication permitted by the President of the European Patent Office under Rule 2, paragraph 1, cannot be received."
Rule 134(5) shall read as follows:
"(5) Without prejudice to paragraphs 1 to 4, a party concerned may produce evidence that on any of the ten days preceding the day of expiry of a period the delivery or transmission of mail was dislocated due to an exceptional occurrence such as a natural disaster, war, civil disorder, a general breakdown in any of the means of electronic communication permitted by the President of the European Patent Office under Rule 2, paragraph 1, or other like reasons affecting the locality where the party or his representative resides or has his place of business. If the evidence produced satisfies the European Patent Office, a document received late shall be deemed to have been received in due time, provided that the mailing or the transmission was effected at the latest on the fifth day after the end of the dislocation."



2015年2月24日 星期二



當Typo Keyboard被告侵權,而且還取得禁令且輸了訴訟(Typo因持續販售而繳交罰金約86萬美元),仍進行一些改變且持續販售:Typo2 Keyboard,不過面對Blackberry"手機鍵盤"上既深且廣的專利佈局與使用者印象,這回提出告訴除了專利侵權外,還主張Typo2侵害Blackberry的外觀商標("Trade Dress",Blackberry未註冊),也就是侵害大眾在Blackberry一些產品線上的經典認知。

Trade dress是泛指一個產品的外觀,包括產品的包裝,也可說是保護一個消費者心目中的形象,或對產品認同的信心,防止消費者因為「辨識」混淆而產生錯買的事情。Trade Dress是透過一系列專利、產品與行銷所產生的印象,明顯的如Apple的iPhone, iPad, iPod,Blackberry一系列產品也形成類似的印象。

TMEP1202.02 Registration of Trade Dress
When an applicant applies to register a product's design, product packaging, color, or other trade dress for goods or services, the examining attorney must consider two issues: (1) functionality; and (2) distinctiveness....

被告:Typo Products, LLC.
被告產品:Typo2 Keyboard




1. A keyboard for a wireless handheld mobile communication device, the keyboard comprising:
a keyfield comprising a plurality of depressible keys arranged in rows that are distributed about a vertical centerline of the keyboard; and
each of the depressible keys has a top engagement surface of which an upper inboard portion is raised relative to a lower outboard portion thereof, wherein the top engagement surface of at least some of the depressible keys has a generally inclined crest shape with a top of the crest diagonally oriented on the key.


1. A keypad assembly comprising:
a) a dome configured to operatively engage a switch sensor;
b) a dome overlay guide adhered to the dome;
c) a key corresponding to the dome, and configured to operatively engage the dome;
d) a light emitting source configured to emit light;
e) a reflector layer configured to reflect light escaping the dome overlay guide;
f) wherein the dome overlay guide is configured to receive the emitted light and direct the received light toward the key.

1. A keypad assembly comprising:
a) a dome configured to operatively engage a switch sensor;
b) a dome overlay guide adhered directly to the dome;
c) a key corresponding to the dome, and configured to operatively engage the dome;
d) a light emitting source configured to emit light; and
e) wherein the dome overlay guide is configured to receive the emitted light and direct the received light toward the key.


1. A hand-held electronic device comprising:
a keyboard, said keyboard having a plurality of keys of identical shape, each key having a substantially flat contact surface extending between a first side and an opposed second side of said each key, said first side having a substantially planar upper portion meeting said contact surface at an obtuse angle; said second side having a substantially planar surface meeting said contact surface at substantially a right angle; said keys oriented such that, for each of a plurality of pairs of adjacent keys, said second side of one key of each pair faces said first side of an adjacent key of each pair.




2015年2月21日 星期六

台中歌劇院 - 麗明營造專利


TW I463057(混凝土灌漿牆之鋼筋結構體及其施工方法)
TW M421351(間隔器及具有間隔器的混凝土灌漿牆之桁架)

TW I463057(混凝土灌漿牆之鋼筋結構體及其施工方法)



複數固定桿,係間隔排列地固接該些第一主筋與該些第二主筋,以使 每一條第一主筋與每一條第二主筋之距離固定,且每一固定桿之至少一端設有一組裝部;
兩面支撐網,分別張 設於該二防漏網的外側;
複數壓板,具有一穿孔套入對應的外接桿,且位在支撐 網的外側。


TW M421351(    間隔器及具有間隔器的混凝土灌漿牆之桁架)






主持建築師 伊東豐雄(Toyo Ito & Associates Architects )
計畫主持人 楊逸詠建築師(大矩建築師事務所)
第二期主體工程- 麗明營造股份有限公司

Toyo Ito & Associates Architect



2015年2月17日 星期二




第二十一條  發明,指利用自然法則之技術思想之創作。

歐洲的訴願委員會(BoA)態度為,只要有技術特點(technical character,或說足以與先前技術區隔的進一步技術特點),即便相關的技術手段採用了電腦(形式上),為可專利標的。




  1. 非利用自然法則者,如人為計畫安排、商業方法本身,如果是藉助硬體資源(如電腦、網路)實現商業方法,則需要進一步判斷是否「簡單利用電腦」?
  2. 非技術思想者,如「單純的資訊揭示」(如螢幕上的佈局或安排),資料格式本身僅靜態的記憶體配置,不具技術性;若電腦系統與資料格式的互動結合後"產生技術方面的功效",符合發明的定義。如「簡單利用電腦(僅採用電腦的固有能力)」,在請求項中簡單附加電腦軟體或硬體,不符發明定義;若經結合電腦後克服了技術上的困難,或利用技術領域之手段解決問題,而對整體系統產生技術領域相關功效,則符合發明之定義。




智慧局對CLS v. Alice案例分析:


2015年2月16日 星期一

答辯歷史限制專利範圍的案例討論 - University of Texas v. BENQ, et al. (Fed. Cir. 2008)

這是一個源自侵權不成立的訴訟結果的上訴案件,當CAFC法官進行專利範圍解釋時(claim construction),參考了系爭專利獲准專利的歷史,認為系爭專利在審查歷史中"為了克服先前技術"而替換了一個關鍵字,讓專利範圍不再適用均等論不能擴大解釋(updated on Feb. 17, 2015),使得侵權不成立。


上訴人(侵權訴訟原告):University of Texas
原地方法院被告:BenQ ...等
系爭專利:US4,674,112(Character pattern recognition and communications apparatus)



提告的專利範圍為claim 10:
使用者利用電話上約12個按鍵輸入訊息,電話內解碼器接收後,形成為二元碼,比對預設的碼,這些預設碼都表示一些預設有意義的訊息,這裡稱為「syllabic element」(擬翻為「音節元素」),之後從比對符合的一或多個"syllabic element"形成訊息中的字(word)。
10. A method of communicating, utilizing a signal-generating keyboard where at least some of the keys represent two or more alphabetic characters, comprising the steps of:
inputting a word into said keyboard by depressing a single key for each alphabetic character of said word;
transmitting signals generated by the key depressions;
receiving said transmitted signals and decoding the signals into binary code;
matching said binary code with one or more pre-programmed codes, each pre-programmed code being representative of a syllabic element;
Forming a representation of the word from the one or more syllabic elements represented by the matched one or more pre-programmed codes; and
outputting the word representation in a form perceptible to the user.
爭議關鍵:syllabic element,在系爭專利審查歷史中,遭遇過一次核駁OA,在1985年的案例中留下了一些修正筆跡(如下圖),看來在"matching"步驟中將原本"one or more syllabic elements"改為"a syllabic element",最後將"combining"改為"forming a representation of the word from the one or more syllabic elements ..."。

以上修正造成法院(地方法院)解釋時,將已刪除的「one or more syllabic elements」排除解釋範圍(關鍵是「one or more」改為「a」...)



答辯過程形成禁反言(或如此案放棄某種影響專利範圍的寫法updated on Feb. 17, 2015)常常是無法避免(除非已經預測侵權訴訟的對象),並且專利說明書也是對手用來限縮專利範圍解釋的來源(本案也是),但是說明書與修正都是形成專利的要件。我覺得,要在一個技術上取得比較完整的專利範圍,可能「不止一件專利的佈局」是必要手段之一,透過不同專利所表示的利用各種範疇來界定一個發明(技術)。




2015年2月15日 星期日




Flipboard, Inc.的專利佈局也不少,只是到現在為止就三件美國核准專利,這裡涉及純軟體專利的寫法,可以拿來學習。

US8,935,629 Systems and methods for flipping through content(翻頁的技術)

Claim 1:
1. A method, implemented in a device having touch hardware, for enabling a user to flip through a plurality of pages, the method comprising: 

receiving a plurality of gesture inputs via the touch hardware within a predetermined period of time; and 

executing a flip transition animation in response to each received gesture input, 
wherein execution of each transition animation sends a page inflight along a flight path, each page comprising first and second halves separated by an axis, 
wherein a half of an inflight page is mated to a half of the different page, as the inflight page progresses along the flight path, the mated halves of the inflight page and the different page flip about the axis, and a position of the mated halves within the flight path dictates viewable portions of the inflight page and the different page, 
wherein the viewable portions of the inflight page and the different page change as the inflight page progresses along the flight path, and wherein the predetermined period of time is such that at least two pages are simultaneously inflight


請求項1如果要講tied to machine,大約僅有觸控硬體與接收到手勢輸入的隱含訊號處理,整體來看,有點像是蘋果軟體專利的描述方式,強調使用者使用經驗。

US8,872,855 Adjusting orientation of content regions in a page layout(內容自動轉向的技術)
Claim 1:
1. A method of adjusting the orientation of content regions in a page layout, the method comprising: 

selecting a page template from a plurality of page templates, each page template including one or more slots specifying spatial positioning of content regions relative to each other

displaying content in a plurality of the content regions of the page template in a first orientation on a display of a client device; 

identifying a reference point of the display of the client device; 

responsive to a rotation of the display of the client device from the first orientation to a second orientation, determining positions of the content regions of the page template in the second orientation relative to each other so that the plurality of content regions are presented having locations in the second orientation matching positions of the content regions in the first orientation relative to each other based on the reference point; 

counter-rotating the content within the plurality of content regions to offset the rotation of the display and to maintain a constant orientation of the content within each content region with respect to the reference point; 

modifying one or more dimensions of a content region based on the rotation of the display of the client device from the first orientation to the second orientation; 

modifying a layout of the content presented in the content region based on the modified one or more dimensions of the content region; and 

displaying content in the plurality of content regions of the page template in the second orientation based on the determined positions of content regions of the page template in the second orientation relative to each other, the displayed content including the modified content presented in the content region having the modified one or more dimensions. 


US8,788,925 Authorized syndicated descriptions of linked web content displayed with links in user-generated content(觀看時自動連結原始網頁取得內容的技術)
Claim 1:
1. A method executed by a processor for obtaining a corpus of authorized syndicated descriptions of web content, the method comprising: 

obtaining items from a plurality of feeds from one or more sources, each item comprising a link to a content page and a description of content included in the content page; 

for each of one or more items from one or more of the feeds, accessing the content page associated with a link included in an item

analyzing metadata associated with the accessed content page to identify an indication of a source from which the content page was obtained; 

determining whether the analyzed metadata associated with the accessed content page includes a pointer to the source from which a feed including the item was obtained; 

responsive to determining that the accessed content page includes a pointer to the source from which the feed including the item was obtained, recording a description of content from the item for use as an authorized syndicated description of the item; and 

responsive to determining that the analyzed metadata associated with the accessed content page does not include the pointer to the source feed from which a feed including the item was obtained, checking a root of the domain for the content page for the pointer to the source feed from which the feed including the item was obtained; and 

generating a page including a selected item from the obtained items, the page including a pointer to the feed from which the selected item was obtained responsive to the description of content from the selected item being recorded as an authorized syndicated description of the selected item. 


