2016年12月12日 星期一

Amazon Go - 產品與專利


最近不錯的科技新聞 - Amazon Go,除了傳統的實體店面需要開始電子商務外,反過來,線上電子商務巨擘Amazon又朝實體店面前進,還是一個無人結帳的購物商店,聽說中國這個電子商務大國的幾個大電商也開始著手實體店面。

看到這個新聞,雖然這是小規模實驗,但是卻是科技滿滿,想要找Amazon的專利來看,時間有限的情況下很難找到經典而關鍵的專利,不過,就有人傳給我這個inside新聞,其中列舉兩件Amazon的專利(編按:如果用兩件專利就可以一窺整個Amazon Go,也未免太簡單了,更不論這兩件專利(申請案)還有不能專利的阻礙了)。

ps. 當然,這個Amazon Go一定有更多細節在各樣的專利中,應該是個綜合各種技術的成果,包括Amazon以外的專利。從Amazon專利面對軟體專利的困難 - 35 U.S.C. 101議題,更還有102, 103的問題來看,從已下列舉的專利的"引用前案"可以看出Amazon Go使用的技術大概都是一些成熟或已知的技術

US 2015/0019391,Detecting Item Interaction And Movement

申請人:Amazon Technologies, Inc.
申請日:Jun. 26, 2013

現況:目前正面臨Final Rejection,過程中曾有一次限制選擇要求與一次non-Final意見。目前Claims截圖如下:





從Amazon規劃的專利範圍來看,標準的軟體專利寫作,Claim 1(申請時版本)描述一個計算系統,具有處理器與記憶體,經處理器執行的步驟有:判斷使用者位置、取得使用者影像中"手"的位置,可以判斷出手在取出商品,從商品位置識別商品,加入購物清單(我的描述已經設想是在購物)。Claim 8即界定一個電腦實踐方法,方法主要是辨識商品的改變後,更新使用者的清單。Claim 18揭示一個方法,從系統的角度描述使用者取貨與更新清單的步驟。

1. A computing system, comprising:
one or more processors; and
a memory coupled to the one or more processors and storing program instructions that when executed by the one or more processors cause the one or more processors to:
determine a location of a user within a materials handling facility, wherein the location is near an inventory location;
receive a first image of at least a portion of a user's hand, wherein the first image of the user's hand is captured prior to the user's hand moving into the inventory location;
receive a second image of at least a portion of the user's hand, wherein the second image is captured after the user's hand is removed from the inventory location;
determine, based at least at least in part on a comparison of the first image and the second image, that the second image includes a representation of an object held in the user's hand;
in response to a determination that the second image includes a representation of an object held in the user's hand, identify an item of inventory associated with the inventory location;
determine that the object corresponds with the item of inventory; and
add to a user item list, an item identifier representative of the item, wherein the user item list is associated with the user.
8. A computer-implemented method for providing assistance to users within a materials handling facility, comprising:
under control of one or more computing systems configured with executable instructions,
determining a location of a user within a materials handling facility;
receiving a first image of the location;
detecting a change in a quantity of items stored at an inventory location,
wherein the inventory location is near the location;
receiving a second image of the location;
identifying, based at least in part on the first image and the second image, an item associated with the inventory location; and
updating a user item list associated with the user, wherein the updating is based at least in part on the detected change in the quantity of items stored at the inventory location and the identified item.
18. A method comprising:
under control of one or more computing devices configured with executable instructions,
identifying a location of a user within a materials handling facility;
retrieving a user item list associated with the user;
receiving a first image of the location, wherein the first image is obtained prior to the user placing a hand into an inventory location near the location within the materials handling facility;
receiving a second image of the location, wherein the second image is obtained subsequent to the user placing the hand into the inventory location;
determining based at least in part on the first image or the second image, that the user has placed an object at the inventory location;
determining an identity of the object placed at the inventory location; and
updating the user item list to remove an item identifier for the identified object from the user item list.

本篇兩次審查都遭遇了101問題,第二次(Final OA)的描述更為清楚,審查委員將整個判斷基礎都描述出來,用上了所有目前檢驗101議題的審查標準,基本上就是請求項範圍在TWO-STEP TEST下判斷為"抽象概念",然後又沒有特定元件產生"實質超出"一般目的電腦執行的功能的技術特徵,並且沒有改善任何技術問題。


US 2015/0012396,Transitioning Items From A Materials Handling Facility

申請人:Amazon Technologies, Inc.
申請日:Sep. 24, 2014

本案目前處於提出RCE中,也在掙扎中,同樣也面臨101, 103問題。

本案為13/928,345(本篇介紹的第一案)的CIP案,技術上是同一家族,但CIP後案仍有差別,例如此案就新增了Fig. 8,揭示了物件轉換(移動)時,偵測到使用者在轉換區(如結帳區),辨識使用者,看到有否物件轉換,判斷有時(表示結帳),與使用者確認。

專利範圍規劃如其母案,以Claim 1(申請時)為例,界定一電腦系統,有處理器與記憶體,當偵測到有人存在時,偵測是否有選取項目,辨識有選取項目,即判斷是否有進入轉換區(結帳區),確認後,將更新使用者的資料,並更新庫存。

1. A computing system, comprising:
one or more processors; and
a memory coupled to the one or more processors and storing program instructions that when executed by the one or more processors cause the one or more processors to at least:
detect a presence of a user within a materials handling facility using first data collected by at least one of a plurality of input devices in the materials handling facility;
detect a pick of an item, performed by the user, from an inventory location within the materials handling facility using second data collected by at least one of the plurality of input devices in the materials handling facility;
identify, using the second data collected by at least one of the plurality of input devices in the materials handling facility, the picked item;
associate an item identifier representative of the picked item with the user;
determine, using third data collected by at least one of the plurality of input devices, that the user has passed through a transition area located near an exit of the materials handling facility;
update an inventory data store to decrease an inventory count of the item; and
update a user profile data store to identify that the item has been transitioned to the user.

本案核駁意見中引證前案有US20130076898US20140279713US8094026US20140279713揭露根據行動裝置位置自動結帳的技術,看來是十分命中Amazon Go的技術;US8094026是一個偵測賣場犯罪事件的技術,也像是Amazon Go需要的樣子,其實技術涉及判斷使用者是否有拿取架上物品的動作(物品有被移動),只是被拿來判斷偷竊而已。

Amazon Go影片:https://youtu.be/NrmMk1Myrxc

my two cents:

感謝網友提供的資訊與所找到的相關先前技術,顯然,Amazon Go是一種影像辨識技術的極致表現,包括辨識人與動作,自然需要搭配強大的運算能力與後端處理,才能實現一個無人的實體商店。不過,就專利而言,這些大方向的技術都大有前案在,很容易被認為沒有進步性,不容易獲准專利,但是實現它自然有其困難度(實現技術的人通常會被告),Amazon能夠取得專利應該是在細節中。


