2016年12月13日 星期二

後見之明之於顯而易見性 - In re McLaughlin (CCPA 1971)

""Any judgment on obviousness is in a sense necessarily a reconstruction based upon hindsight reasoning, but so long as it takes into account only knowledge which was within the level of ordinary skill at the time the claimed invention was made and does not include knowledge gleaned only from applicant's disclosure, such a reconstruction is proper." In re McLaughlin, 443 F.2d 1392, 1395 (CCPA 1971)."

這個1971年CCPA判決中給予「後見之明(hindsight)」一個註解。在「顯而易見性(obviousness,或說進步性)」的判斷中,審查委員往往會根據一些前案的揭露事實作出發明是否輕易達成的意見,但這是現在的實務,曾經,審查委員可以自己判斷發明是否顯而易見。不過,此案給予的指示是,如這段話的第一句,任何關於顯而易見性的判斷"在某種意義上"必然是基於"後見之明"的推理的重建("reconstruction based upon a hindsight reasoning")。



Graham v. John Deere Co. 判例(http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2012/10/graham-v-john-deere-co.html
KSR v. Teleflex案簡單描述(http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2009/02/ksr-v-teleflex.html

In re McLAUGHLIN, Patent Appeal No. 8474. June 24, 1971
發明人:Mclaughlin Gerald

系爭案申請人針對專利局訴願委員會決定提出上訴,爭議的請求項為Claims 13, 14, 15的顯而易見性(35 U.S.C. § 103)。

系爭案涉及一種鐵路車廂的配置,車廂有偏移的側門口(39, 40),車廂內有兩側艙壁或貨物隔板,可以縱向移動,使得可以根據貨物調整車廂內配置。車廂配置可以參考下圖,隔板(47, 48)可以向左移動,可以根據貨品自由調整空間。

US 2,930,332

US 3,212,458

US 3,217,664

US 3,163,130


"It should be too well settled now to require citation or discussion that the test for combining references is not what the individual references themselves suggest but rather what the combination of disclosures taken as a whole would suggest to one of ordinary skill in the art."


"Any judgment on obviousness is in a sense necessarily a reconstruction based upon hindsight reasoning, but so long as it takes into account only knowledge which was within the level of ordinary skill at the time the claimed invention was made and does not include knowledge gleaned only from applicant's disclosure, such a reconstruction is proper."




"A patentable invention, within the ambit of 35 U.S.C. § 103, may result even if the inventor has, in effect, merely combined features, old in the art, for their known purpose, without producing anything beyond the results inherent in their use."

1971年CCPA決定(Patent Appeal No. 8474):


"Appellants do not identify any knowledge relied upon by the Examiner that was gleaned only from Appellants’ disclosure and that was not otherwise within the level of ordinary skill at the time of the invention. See In re McLaughlin, 443 F.2d 1392, 1395 (CCPA 1971)."

information from James Long (ptab.us)

my two cents:

另有關於hindsight的參考案例PRINCETON BIOCHEMICALS, INC. v. BECKMAN COULTER, INC.,為了要證明以後見之明推論顯而亦知性,可將系爭發明作為一個路線圖來找前案,但如果用新的方式組合已存在特徵達到新的結果(這反而是發明的本質),這就非適當的方式。

"This line of reasoning would import hindsight into the obviousness determination by using the invention as a roadmap to find its prior art components. Further, this improper method would discount the value of combining various existing features or principles in a new way to achieve a new result — often the essence of invention. "



