2018年8月8日 星期三

衝浪板侵權爭議 - 有關解決長久以來未解決問題的議題 ZUP, LLC v. Nash Mfg. (Fed. Cir. 2018)


原告/專利權人/上訴人:ZUP, LLC
判決日:July 25, 2018

本案緣起專利權人ZUP對競爭對手Nash提出侵權告訴,但地方法院決定是系爭專利claims 1, 9相對於先前技術為顯而易知,侵權不成立。案件上訴到CAFC,主要議題是系爭專利的專利性(35 U.S.C. 103)。


Claim 1中有幾個重要元件,這裡用藍色粗體字標示。

1. A water recreation device comprising:
a riding board having a top surface, a bottom surface, a front section, a middle section, and a rear section;
a tow hook disposed on the front section of the riding board;
first and second handles disposed side-by-side on the front section of the top surface of the riding board aft of the tow hook;
first and second foot bindings disposed side-by-side on the middle section of the top surface of the riding board aft of the first and second handles; and
a plurality of rails protruding from the bottom surface of the riding board and extending substantially the full length of the riding board;
wherein the tow hook includes a rearward-facing concave section sized to receive a tow rope bar and positioned to allow the riding board to be pulled in a forward direction by a tow rope attached to the tow rope bar,
wherein the first and second handles and the first and second foot bindings are configured for simultaneous engagement by a rider to position the rider in a crouching stance facing in a forward direction,

wherein the plurality of rails are disposed relative to a longitudinal axis along the bottom surface of the riding board, the longitudinal axis projecting rearwardly from a reference location substantially central to the front section, and each of the plurality of rails is laterally spaced closer to the longitudinal axis nearest the rear section of the riding board than the each of the plurality of rails is laterally spaced from the longitudinal axis nearest the front section of the riding board thereby allowing the water that moves across the bottom surface nearest the front section of the riding board to funnel towards the bottom surface nearest the rear section of the riding board for the purpose of generating lift force against the bottom surface of the riding board.

專利權人ZUP雖是這行的後進者,但先提出自己的改良型的衝浪板:ZUP Board(圖片截自:https://zup.com/)。

被告Nash的產品是這行的老手,原本要與原告合作生產新產品,但是被告自己也提出產品:Versa Board(圖片截自:https://www.liquidlogickayaks.com/product/LRVB1215.html)。


結果,地院法官判決,根據先前技術US5,163,860 (“Clark”)、US6,306,000 (“Parten
’000”)、US7,530,872 (“Parten ’872”)、US5,979,351 (“Fleischman”)、US5,797,779 (“Stewart”)、US6,585,549 (“Fryar”),以及對Claim 9新增的US4,678,444 (“Monreal”)(總共有7件),認為Claims 1, 9為顯而易知。


*判斷時依循Graham v. John Deere Co.判例的決定(常見於103核駁意見中):
(1) the scope and content of the prior art; 
(2) the differences between the claims and the prior art; 
(3) the level of ordinary skill in the pertinent art; and 
(4) any secondary considerations of non-obviousness.

("whether one of skill in the art would have had a motivation to combine pieces of prior art in the way claimed by the patent is also a factual determination.")


上訴的主要議題就是,在這樣領域一般技術人員是否有動機去結合這些先前技術得到系爭專利的發明?另一議題是,原告專利權人提出的進步性輔助性考量(secondary consideration)。


接著原告提出Secondary Consideration,這可以對抗「顯而易見性判斷上的後見之明」,這裡提出的是,系爭專利發明解決這行衝浪板「長久以來未解決的問題(long-felt but unresolved need)」,但是,地院法官認為,原告ZUP並沒有提出這個產業對於衝浪板穩定特徵嘗試而失敗的證據,也沒有證據顯示被告曾經獨立嘗試製作如系爭專利範圍的衝浪板而失敗的事實

另一Secondary Consideration是「商業上的成功(commercial success)」,但這個議題並不成立。

原告在「長久以來未解決的問題(long-felt but unresolved need)」議題失敗的理由之一是,證據顯示原告並非是第一個提出解決方案的人;另外是,原本原告與被告是有商議合作,因此被告握有一些文件(這一部分不清楚,倒是有前例文件中顯示原告發明是有參考其他專利,包括拆解專利原型、拍攝功能,使用照片作為構建藍圖,以及專利產品結合實質相似專利產品等的內容)。

CAFC確認地院判決,系爭專利Claims 1, 9無效。

法官Newman提出反對意見,她認為,雖有相近先前技術,但是系爭專利具有新穎性,這是沒有爭議的,但對於顯而易見性的判斷,Newman不同意CAFC與地院的判斷方式,她認為,法官們在判斷顯而易見性時,使用Graham判例的四個步驟中的三個,但忽略了第四點((4) objective considerations of obviousness)(客觀考量顯而易知性),這涉及Secondary Consideration的判斷,顯然使得第四點判斷與前三點不對等。


my two cents:

Secondary Consideration的答辯,在證據考量上需要有一定的強度,否則不容易成功,例如本次原告專利權人並未能提出他人在解決長久以來的問題時失敗的證據。



