2019年6月5日 星期三

用技術來認定專利適格性的案例 - Uniloc USA, Inc. v. ADP, LLC (Fed. Cir. 2019)



判決日:May 24, 2019



1. A method for distribution of application programs to a target on-demand server on a network comprising the following executed on a centralized network management server coupled to the network:
providing an application program to be distributed to the network management server;
specifying a source directory and a target directory for distribution of the application program;
preparing a file packet associated with the application program and including a segment configured to initiate registration operations for the application program at the target on-demand server; and
distributing the file packet to the target on-demand server to make the application program available for use by a user at a client.

US6,324,578的Claim 1:
1. A method for management of configurable application programs on a network comprising the steps of:
installing an application program having a plurality of configurable preferences and a plurality of authorized users on a server coupled to the network;
distributing an application launcher program associated with the application program to a client coupled to the network;
obtaining a user set of the plurality of configurable preferences associated with one of the plurality of authorized users executing the application launcher program;
obtaining an administrator set of the plurality of configurable preferences from an administrator; and
executing the application program using the obtained user set and the obtained administrator set of the plurality of configurable preferences responsive to a request from the one of the plurality of authorized users.

US6,510,466的Claim 1:
1. A method for management of application programs on a network including a server and a client comprising the steps of:
installing a plurality of application programs at the server;
receiving at the server a login request from a user at the client;
establishing a user desktop interface at the client associated with the user responsive to the login request from the user, the desktop interface including a plurality of display regions associated with a set of the plurality of application programs installed at the server for which the user is authorized;
receiving at the server a selection of one of the plurality of application programs from the user desktop interface; and
providing an instance of the selected one of the plurality of application programs to the client for execution responsive to the selection.

US6,728,766的Claim 1、7:
1. A method for management of license use for a network comprising the steps of:
maintaining license management policy information for a plurality of application programs at a license management server, the license management policy information including at least one of a user identity based policy, an administrator policy override definition or a user policy override definition;
receiving at the license management server a request for a license availability of a selected one of the plurality of application programs from a user at a client;
determining the license availability for the selected one of the plurality of application programs for the user based on the maintained license management policy information; and
providing an unavailability indication to the client responsive to the selection if the license availability indicates that a license is not available for the user or an availability indication if the licensed availability indicates that a license is available for the user.

7. A license use management system for a network comprising:
means for maintaining license management policy information for a plurality of application programs at a license management server, the license management policy information including at least one of a user identity based policy, an administrator policy override definition or a user policy override definition;
means for receiving at the license management server a request for a license availability of a selected one of the plurality of application programs from a user at a client;
means for determining the license availability for the selected one of the plurality of application programs for the user based on the maintained license management policy information; and
means for providing an unavailability indication to the client responsive to the selection if the license availability indicates that a license is not available for the user or an availability indication if the licensed availability indicates that a license is available for the user.


根據CAFC判決書,本案議題不只是專利適格性,還有時間、修正、訴訟立場等,但這裡僅討論35 U.S.C. § 101議題。

同樣地採用TWO-STEP規則,但我覺得TWO-STEP rules仍是模糊而概念性的,但本次法官提出了有效而具體可用的判斷方法

step one:判斷申請專利範圍是否涉及不可專利標的,對於這個很"抽象"的表示,本案例CAFC法官採用的態度是:先評估專利與先前技術的進步特徵,以判斷整體專利特性,並參考說明書內容,是否涉及了不可專利標的?(編按,法院在此的判斷方式頗為具體可實施,即利用先前技術與說明書來評估專利範圍整體是否為不可專利標的

"we evaluate “the focus of the claimed advance over the prior art” to determine if the character of the claim as a whole, considered in light of the specification, is directed to excluded subject matter."

step two:考量每項申請專利範圍的元件的個別與其組合,以判斷是否有額外元件(additional element)可以轉換專利範圍(抽象概念)為可專利應用?法院的方式是,仔細地查看申請專利範圍的元件中是否具有可以識別出進步特徵(inventive concept)的元件

"looks more precisely at what the claim elements add” to determine if “they identify an inventive concept in the application of the ineligible matter to which . . . the claim is directed."


A. ’293 Patent

不過,CAFC法官認為,'293案的技術特徵看來不僅是抽象概念,雖如被告認為這是一個中心化散布軟體的技術,法官用「整體」技術來看(說明書、先前技術、答辯歷史),認為專利範圍提出了如何執行這個方式的方案,也就是使用一段檔案封包作為啟始註冊授權的方式,且沒有前案記錄顯示這是習知的方法,使得法院判斷'293案屬於電腦功能的改良,不屬於抽象概念(連step two都不用判斷),具有專利適格性

B. ’578 Patent

- 美國專利局提供針對"Enfish"與"TLI"案例的審查方針(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2016/05/usptoenfishtli.html
- 改善電腦技術的軟體方法具有可專利性? - Enfish LLC v Microsoft (Fed. Cir. 2016)

法院認為'578雖是抽象的(step one),但在step two檢驗下為可專利標的,其中的判斷多少也隱含了與先前技術的比對。

C. ’466 Patent
雖地方法院認為'466案為抽象而不可專利標的,但CAFC法官關注其中是否有超越先前技術的特徵("focus of the claimed advance over the prior art")以及專利範圍的整體特點("the character of the claim as a whole"),認為專利範圍並沒有提出特別的軟體方法,認為'466僅是使用電腦介面存取伺服器的技術。


D. ’766 Patent


如此,使得'766案與過去軟體授權方式沒有顯著差異,也沒有包括step two需要的進步特徵(inventive concept),且如果發明僅是改善了速度或效能,不足以讓抽象概念轉變為可專利應用。





