2019年12月27日 星期五

關於不違反EPC Art.123(3)的圖式修正訴願案例 - T 236/12

EPO案例 T 236/12 (https://www.epo.org/law-practice/case-law-appeals/recent/t120236du1.html


專利權人:Behr France Rouffach SAS
異議人:RENAULT s.a.s.
系爭專利:EPO Patent No. 1,728,658


異議人提出的主要引證前案:D01: EP-A-0 867 319, D04: FR-A-2 750 461, 以及D16: EP-A-1 520 991,列舉我比較看得懂的前案圖示:

根據訴願決定,在口審(Oral proceedings)議題中,其中之一為兩方費用分擔,而本篇主要討論為「圖式修正」的議題。









無效異議人主張,根據Art. 83 EPC揭露規定,說明書應明確而完整揭露到讓相關領域技術人員可以實現的程度專利權人修正的圖式不僅可能讓專利範圍不明確或解讀過廣,還可能無法實施

Article 83 Disclosure of the invention
The European patent application shall disclose the invention in a manner sufficiently clear and complete for it to be carried out by a person skilled in the art. 

專利權人反駁,主張修正符合規定(Art. 123(3) EPC),認為專利範圍是否被擴大,根據Art. 69 EPC,應是申請專利範圍的文字而定。並主張相關領域技術人員要實施系爭案發明並沒有問題。

Article 69 Extent of protection
(1) The extent of the protection conferred by a European patent or a European patent application shall be determined by the claims. Nevertheless, the description and drawings shall be used to interpret the claims. 

(2) For the period up to grant of the European patent, the extent of the protection conferred by the European patent application shall be determined by the claims contained in the application as published. However, the European patent as granted or as amended in opposition, limitation or revocation proceedings shall determine retroactively the protection conferred by the application, in so far as such protection is not thereby extended. 



關於專利範圍的解釋(Art. 69 EPC)以及修正是否實質超出(Art. 123(3) EPC),訴願委員會表示以原始圖式置換核准時圖式並沒有得出專利範圍有擴大的問題也就是圖式置換為品質不好的原始送件版並沒有實質影響專利範圍的解釋,也沒有擴大範圍的疑慮


"In the present case, the board cannot see that the scope of protection of the patent is extended if the substitute drawings are used instead of the drawings published with the patent specification to interpret the claims."



"... it does not conclude that the loss of information has extended the scope of protection of the patent."


"The lost technical information relates to minor design details that do not affect the scope of the present claims."


"Because the technical features of the claims are detailed and detailed enough in the description in conjunction with the original drawings, those skilled in the art can still clearly imagine what is protected and what it should look like."

將圖式置換到原始圖式仍符合Art. 123(3) EPC修正規定,因為相關領域專家可以理解其中技術特徵。

"The replacement of the drawings by the original drawings does not constitute a violation of Article 123 (3) EPC in the present case, because the expert can still understand with the changed drawings, like all technical features of the now determining the scope of protection claimed double fan assembly can be accomplished."


"With regard to the interpretation of the claims, the amended drawings do not open up new, expanded possibilities of interpretation for the Chamber, nor do they raise new questions with regard to the clarity of the claims."



EPO Case Law

Replacement of drawings 
In T 236/12 the drawings published in the patent specification had been replaced by those originally filed. Although the published drawings had disclosed technical information not derivable from those originals, their replacement did not broaden the scope of the patent. The technical features of the claims were explained in sufficient detail in the description, as read together with the originals, so the skilled person could still get a clear idea of the protected subject-matter and how it should look.

