2019年12月30日 星期一

請求項的撰寫規定 - MPEP 608(i)


說怎麼寫專利說明書,包括申請專利範圍,MPEP 608, 608.01與這些事息息相關。(https://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/pac/mpep/s608.html

MPEP 608.01(i)~(n)規定有關申請專利範圍的撰寫方式。MPEP 608.01(j)規定請求項的編號、MPEP 608.01(m)有關請求項的格式、MPEP 608.01(n)規定附屬請求項怎麼寫

各種附屬項寫法可參考:About claims XI - MPEP Section 608.01(n)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2008/10/about-claims-xi-mpep-section-60801n.html

MPEP 608.01(m) Form of Claims

The claim or claims must commence on a separate physical sheet or electronic page and should appear after the detailed description of the invention. Any sheet including a claim or portion of a claim may not contain any other parts of the application or other material. While there is no set statutory form for claims, the present Office practice is to insist that each claim must be the object of a sentence starting with "I (or we) claim," "The invention claimed is" (or the equivalent). If, at the time of allowance, the quoted terminology is not present, it is inserted by the Office of Data Management. Each claim begins with a capital letter and ends with a period. Periods may not be used elsewhere in the claims except for abbreviations. See Fressola v. Manbeck, 36 USPQ2d 1211 (D.D.C. 1995). Where a claim sets forth a plurality of elements or steps, each element or step of the claim should be separated by a line indentation, 37 CFR 1.75(i).

「申請專利範圍」撰寫以一分開的頁面開始,以「I (or We) claim」開始,或可以「The invention claimed is」開始,每項範圍以大寫開始,句點結束,一句話原則。句點不能用在其他地方,但「縮寫」除外,且每行元件以縮開撰寫。

There may be plural indentations to further segregate subcombinations or related steps. In general, the printed patent copies will follow the format used but printing difficulties or expense may prevent the duplication of unduly complex claim formats.


Reference characters corresponding to elements recited in the detailed description and the drawings may be used in conjunction with the recitation of the same element or group of elements in the claims. The reference characters, however, should be enclosed within parentheses so as to avoid confusion with other numbers or characters which may appear in the claims. The use of reference characters is to be considered as having no effect on the scope of the claims.
Many of the difficulties encountered in the prosecution of patent applications after final rejection may be alleviated if each applicant includes, at the time of filing or no later than the first reply, claims varying from the broadest to which he or she believes he or she is entitled to the most detailed that he or she is willing to accept.


Claims should preferably be arranged in order of scope so that the first claim presented is the least restrictive. All dependent claims should be grouped together with the claim or claims to which they refer to the extent practicable. Where separate species are claimed, the claims of like species should be grouped together where possible. Similarly, product and process claims should be separately grouped. Such arrangements are for the purpose of facilitating classification and examination.


The form of claim required in 37 CFR 1.75(e)  is particularly adapted for the description of improvement-type inventions. It is to be considered a combination claim. The preamble of this form of claim is considered to positively and clearly include all the elements or steps recited therein as a part of the claimed combination.


For rejections not based on prior art, see MPEP § 706.03.
The following form paragraphs may be used to object to the form of the claims.

(1)申請專利範圍並非分頁(separate sheet)提出。


