2020年11月30日 星期一

PTAB自為判定不具專利性後應通知當事人回應 - Nike, Inc. v. Adidas AG (Fed. Cir. 2020)

Nike, Inc. v. Adidas AG, 955 F.3d 45 (Fed. Cir. 2020)案件討論源自前一篇討論POP案例(PTAB是否在IPR程序可以自為判斷專利性?)針對「PTAB是否可以/應該自主地提出自己對專利性的看法(特別針對新增/替代範圍)?」議題討論時所引用的前例,這段摘錄內容簡直是前一篇討論議題的答案


本篇Nike v. Adidas案件資訊:

上訴人:NIKE, INC.


判決日:April 9, 2020


系爭專利US7,347,011關於一種具有織物鞋面的鞋子的製造方法,也就是通過編織方法製作鞋子的方法,Claim 1寫的很簡單,感覺上頗具威脅性,一種鞋類物品,包括有鞋面與鞋底,鞋面採用了一體式結構的緯編織的紡織元件,定義了套上足部的空間。

1. An article of footwear comprising:

an upper incorporating a weft-knitted textile element having edges that are joined together to define at least a portion of a void for receiving a foot, wherein the weft-knitted textile element incorporates a single type of textile having a plurality of knit constructions; and
a sole structure secured to the upper.

但是這樣的專利範圍也有許多前案,IPR程序審理中,Nike請求修正,刪除了原本公告的專利範圍Claims 1-46,要求新增Claims 47-50,恐怖的是,PTAB同意刪除claims 1-46,但不否決新增claims 47-50,這...不是就甚麼都沒有了嗎?

新增Claim 47:

47. An article of footwear comprising

an upper incorporating a flat knit textile element, the flat knit textile element

(1) having flat knit edges free of surrounding tex-tile structure such that the flat knit edges are not surrounded by textile structure from which the tex-tile element must be removed, some of the flat knit edges joined together to form an ankle opening in the upper for receiving a foot, the ankle opening having an edge comprised of one of the flat knit edges; and

(2) having a first area and a second area with a uni-tary construction, the first area being formed of a first stitch configuration, and the second area being formed of a second stitch configuration that is different from the first stitch configuration to impart varying properties to the textile element; and

a sole structure secured to the upper.


上述理由主要有:(1)針對上訴人/專利權人Nike新增專利範圍,PTAB並非根據異議人Adidas提出的前案即作出該項範圍為已知的決定;(2)PTAB作出不具專利性決定卻沒有給專利權人回應的機會;(3)PTAB認為Nike提出證據不足以建立「解決長久需要卻未解決的需求(" long-felt but unmet need")」的非顯而意見性。

雖然法院同意PTAB對於專利性的意見,但仍指出PTAB以下兩點錯誤,並且在做出不具專利性理由後,應通知當事人回應後才能做出終判(final decision)。

(1)PTAB並沒有判斷專利權人提出修正中Claims 48, 49為何應根據前例(Idle Free Systems, Inc. v. Bergstrom, No. IPR2012-00027, 2013 WL 5947697 (P.T.A.B. June 11, 2013))設下的標準來審查;(2)PTAB並未審理Nike提出長久需要卻未解決的證據。

法官的意見是:PTAB應根據IPR異議人的前案證據來考量系爭專利的專利性,但如果自為決定了,還是要通知當事人(專利權人),提供回應的機會(APA's notice requirements),另外則是同意PTAB判定Nike並未提出足以證明系爭專利解決了長久而為解決的需求的證據。






