2021年3月3日 星期三


本篇筆記一個情況,就是接獲限制選擇要求(RR)時,若未能即時回覆(如已經超過mailing date 6個月了),那要怎麼辦?其實這與未回覆一般OA是一樣的,只是問題轉成RR這個狀況。


MPEP 818規範回覆限制選擇要求的事項。USPTO資料:https://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/pac/mpep/s818.html

Restriction Requirement:

當審查委員判斷專利申請案中涵蓋兩個以上可以分別的發明而產生嚴重的負擔(if a serious burden exists,可以發出限制要求(restriction requirement),申請人必須選擇其中之一發明繼續審查,如果申請人想要提出反對意見(traverse, for reconsideration of a requirement to restrict),除了必須的選擇之外(這時的選擇對申請人而言為provisional election of one invention for prosecution),可以加入回覆內容中加入「為何此限制要求有誤」的理由,要求審查委員撤回限制要求("A complete reply to a restriction requirement must include an election even if applicant traverses the requirement.")。


如果沒有表達是否Traverse,視為沒有反對意見,若僅提出反對(with traverse),卻沒有同時提出反對的理由,有以下兩個情況。

情況一:如果表示「反對理由(traverse)」,卻沒有提出理由,也沒有事後提出petition,USPTO視為沒有反對理由("The absence of any statement indicating whether the requirement to restrict is traversed or the failure to provide reasons for traverse will be treated as an election without traverse.")

情況二:如果表示「反對理由(traverse)」,同時沒有提出理由,是保留了提出請願(petition)的權利MPEP 818.01(c) Traverse is Required To Preserve Right of Petition)。這個事後(延遲)的請願(petition)是向審查委員的長官(Director)提出,提出理由、相關連的申請專利範圍、指出限制要求的錯誤,以要求長官重新審視審委發出的限制要求,而這個請願甚至可以「已選擇請求項」的最終審查意見或是核准之後提出(final action on or allowance of claims to be elected),但不能晚於提出訴願的時間。但之前沒有表示traverse,事後petition不會被受理。

(編按,因此寫上with traverse保留petition空間可以保留自己的權利,並無傷大雅)

可參考過去筆記:With or Without Traverse after Restriction/Election(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2011/01/with-or-without-traverse-after.html)。

(重要)「Linking Claim(連結請求項)」:可參考:保留未選擇的權利範圍(限制與選擇X)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2012/07/blog-post_12.html)。

面對限制要求,有人會在提出選擇的專利範圍時,也附上申請專利範圍中連結被視為多個發明的請求項的「linking claim」可核准理由,這OK,也非表示反對(traverse)限制要求的意見。之後,如果審查意見表示這個連結請求項非可核准,USPTO表示可以將此視為申請人對限制要求的讓步(concession);若這個連結請求項為可核准,重點來了,因為這個linking claim是涵蓋其他請求項的最上位專利範圍,表示之前發出的限制要求並不當(improper),將被撤回(withdrawn)。也就是,當審查意見核准了此linking claim,之前的限制要求會被撤回,連結此linking claim的相關附屬請求項也就一併核准

(編按,之前認為Linking Claim就如一個Generic Claim。但這裡想要澄清一下,如果要細分,Linking Claim定義為連結所有專利範圍的最上位專利範圍,因此用單數claim,但是總的請求項(generic claims)則可能是複數claims,這樣的專利範圍仍有可能包括可區分的species)

Election Requirement:

當請求項中具有"多個"總的專利範圍(generic claims),包括了一些可區分的種類(species of the invention),審查委員可以要求申請人選擇一個種類(election of species),如果專利範圍中有Linking Claim,不會有election of species。

若沒有回覆限制要求,可參考MPEP 711,面對的是案件被拋棄。

如果專利申請人沒有在期限內回覆審查意見,包括限制選擇要求,案件將被拋棄(abandonment),官方在發出notice of abandonment之後不會接受任何動作。然而,若證明專利申請人為無意地忽略(inadvertently omitted)案件而被拋棄時,有機會再獲得一次回覆期限,根據37CFR1.134。


1.134 Time period for reply to an Office action.

An Office action will notify the applicant of any non-statutory or shortened statutory time period set for reply to an Office action. Unless the applicant is notified in writing that a reply is required in less than six months, a maximum period of six months is allowed.

1.135 Abandonment for failure to reply within time period.

  • (a) If an applicant of a patent application fails to reply within the time period provided under § 1.134 and § 1.136 , the application will become abandoned unless an Office action indicates otherwise.
  • (b) Prosecution of an application to save it from abandonment pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section must include such complete and proper reply as the condition of the application may require. The admission of, or refusal to admit, any amendment after final rejection or any amendment not responsive to the last action, or any related proceedings, will not operate to save the application from abandonment.
  • (c) When reply by the applicant is a bona fide attempt to advance the application to final action, and is substantially a complete reply to the non-final Office action, but consideration of some matter or compliance with some requirement has been inadvertently omitted, applicant may be given a new time period for reply under § 1.134 to supply the omission.


