2021年4月9日 星期五

處理人家拍的照片是否是合理使用? - The Andy Warhol Foundation v. Goldsmith (U.S. Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit)

普普藝術(pop art)大師 Andy Warhol(安迪沃何)著名作品是將瑪麗連夢露的影像重新變色編排,成為一個矩陣形式的變色作品,本案中,Andy Warhol重施故技,但被認為並未產生著作權法判斷是否合理使用的「轉換/變化(transformative)」要件,不過法院說明並非貶抑藝術家的作品,而是在討論著作權的合理使用法律議題時,並不滿足其中合理使用的要件。

The Andy Warhol Foundation(安迪沃何基金會) v. Goldsmith(著名女性攝影師) (U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit)案件資訊:

上訴法院:U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit
判決日:March 26, 2021

Lynn Goldsmith於1981年拍攝王子(Prince王子合唱團主唱)影像:

Vanity Fair雜誌委託Andy Warhol根據Lynn Goldsmith拍攝王子的影像製作一個作品,用於1984年11月雜誌,共有16幅作品:

Prince於2016年過世,紀念特輯得到「安迪沃何基金會」授權使用這系列影像,但是原作者Lynn Goldsmith對安迪沃何基金會提出侵權告訴。

被告安迪沃何基金會以合理使用抗辯(fair-use defense),地院同意被告為合理使用,於是Lynn Goldsmith上訴聯邦法院。

「合理使用(fair use)」涉及1976年法案列舉非排他性(non-exclusive)的四個「合理使用」著作權的判斷因子:

(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes; 
(2) the nature of the copyrighted work; 
(3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and 
(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.


合理使用著作權標的的四個判斷因素 - Oracle America, Inc. v. Google LLC (Fed. Cir. 2018)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2018/03/oracle-america-inc-v-google-llc-fed-cir.html


"the court concluded that: (1) the Prince Series was “transformative” because, while the Goldsmith Photograph portrays Prince as “not a comfortable person” and a “vulnerable human being,” the Prince Series portrays Prince as an “iconic, larger-than-life figure,”; (2) although the Goldsmith Photograph is both creative and unpublished, which would traditionally weigh in Goldsmith’s favor, this was “of limited importance because the Prince Series works are transformative works,”; (3) in creating the Prince Series, Warhol “removed nearly all [of] the [Goldsmith] [P]hotograph’s protectible elements,”; and (4) the Prince Series works “are not market substitutes that have harmed – or have the potential to harm – Goldsmith,”"



A. The Purpose and Character of The Use (p. 15)
1. Transformative Works and Derivative Works


"the use is "transformative""的檢查是:"whether the new work merely supersedes the objects of the original creation, or instead adds something new, with a further purpose or different character, altering the first with new expression, meaning, or message."

評估作品是否「transformative」或是「derivative」(轉換或衍生),法院考量的是原作品(primary work)與二次作品(secondary work)的目的,其中判斷的是,二次作品(secondary work)是否與原作品(primary work)有基本的差異與新穎的部份(fundamentally different and new)。

法院認為,Andy Warhol王子系列作品僅放大了原本王子影像的部份元素,而最小化其他的,這樣仍不滿足合理使用中的「轉換變化(transformative)」要件。(但法院有強調,這並非貶低其中藝術價值,只是根據著作權法的解釋)

"the Prince Series retains the essential elements of its source material, and Warhol’s modifications serve chiefly to magnify some elements of that material and minimize others."

2. Commercial Use

(意見二)是否合理使用,第一個要件還要考量使用是否是商業用途,或是非營利的教育用途("whether the use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes."),上訴法院同意地院判定這是商業本質的用途,但也產生了「藝術價值」而服務更大公眾利益,但基金會不能在沒有原作者同意與繳付慣常的費用下商業使用

B. The Nature of the Copyrighted Work (p. 35)


(1) whether it is “expressive or creative . . . or more factual, with a greater leeway being allowed to a claim of fair use where the work is factual or informational, and 
(2) whether the work is published or unpublished, with the scope of fair use involving unpublished works being considerably narrower.” 

C. The Amount and Substantiality of the Use (p. 37)

(意見四)此判斷因素是針對著作整體而言,非僅使用的量,而是考量與原作品相關的質與重要性("“In assessing this factor, we consider not only ‘the quantity of the materials used’ but also ‘their quality and importance’” in relation to the original work.")。

就二次作品使用原作品的「質」與「重要性」來看,法院認為Andy Warhol是從王子攝影作品而創作王子系列作品,其質與量實質上都借鑒原作品。("we readily conclude that the Prince Series borrows significantly from the Goldsmith Photograph, both quantitatively and qualitatively.")

D. The Effect of the Use on the Market for the Original (p. 44)

(意見五)此判斷因素是查,若二次作品變得廣泛,是否會對原作品的潛在市場產生影響(衝擊)?("The fourth factor asks “whether, if the challenged use becomes widespread, it will adversely affect the potential market for the copyrighted work.”")

這個判斷是要先分析原作品的作者可能合理授權他人去發展的主要市場(primary market)與其衍生市場(derivative market),並非作者自己主張。


"Fair use is an affirmative defense; as such, the ultimate burden of proving that the secondary use does not compete in the relevant market is appropriately borne by the party asserting the defense: the secondary user."


E. Weighing the Factors (p. 50)

法院作出最後結論的主要態度是,王子"被轉換"的一系列作品與原作品實質相似(Substantial Similarity),並沒有形成「轉換變化(transformative)」的要件,其他要件的考量也都偏向是在原作Goldsmith。


my two cents:


最近「著作權/版權"合理使用"」議題很多,包括美國最高法院作出的判決:Google合理使用JAVA API程式 - Google LLC v. Oracle America, Inc. (Supreme Court 2021)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2021/04/googlejava-api-google-llc-v-oracle.html)。


The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. v. Goldsmith, No. 19-2420 (2d Cir. 2021)判決文:


