2021年4月22日 星期四

被告產品沒有的功能,就不能均等讀入 - Olaf Soot Design, LLC v. Daktronics, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2021)

判決日:January 7, 2021

本案緣起Olaf Sööt Design, LLC (“OSD”)對Daktronics提出侵權告訴,主張被告侵害系爭專利'485的Claim 27專利權,地方法院陪審團判定被告侵權產品(Vortek)適用均等論(doctrine of equivalents)侵權成立,但蓄意侵權不成立,被告提出請願,主張被告侵權產品對系爭專利中一個元件"h"不符合文義讀取,也不適用均等論,但地院駁回請願。


系爭專利'485關於升降物品的懸吊系統(fly system),其中結構特徵整理起來,如Claim 27所描述的,有支架40、基底構件30、在基底夠架上轉動設置的長形鼓輪11,以及相關手段、在基底構件30上滑動裝設支架40的手段,以及,當有物體移入相應上下位置時,且有纜線從鼓輪上解開或纏繞時,其中中空輪與中空鼓輪經尺寸調整可讓螺桿移入中空輪,以讓中空鼓輪接收螺桿("h) said hollow hub and hollow drum being sized such that the screw can move into the hollow hub to allow the hollow drum to receive the screw as the cable unwinds from or winds up on the drum as the object moves to its respective down or up position.")。

27. A motorized fly system winch, drum and carriage combination for raising and lowering an object, comprising:
a) a carriage,
b) a base member having first and second end portions,
c) an elongated hollow drum having cable grooves and having a longitudinal axis and rotatably mounted on the base member and a cable for simultaneously winding and unwinding the cable on or off the drum grooves when the drum is rotated, said cable passing from the outside of the drum directly or via a sheave to the object such that rotation of the drum causes the object to move up and down,
d) first means for slideably mounting the base member to the carriage,
e) said drum having at a first end a hollow hub rotatably journalled at the first end portion of the base member,
f) second means for rotating the drum relative to the base member such that the base member with its drum and the carriage can move with respect to each other in synchronism with the rotation of the drum to control the cable run to the object,
g) said second means comprising an elongated screw having a first end non-rotatably mounted to the carriage and a second end connected to the drum and axially aligned with the hollow hub and the hollow drum, said screw extending mainly outside of the hollow drum when the cable is wound up on or unwound from the drum and the object is in its respective up or down position,
h) said hollow hub and hollow drum being sized such that the screw can move into the hollow hub to allow the hollow drum to receive the screw as the cable unwinds from or winds up on the drum as the object moves to its respective down or up position.


主要爭議在解釋Claim 27的'h'元件。

法官引用案例「O2 Micro International Ltd. v. Beyond Innovation Technology Co.」,其中當有訴訟一方提起有關解釋專利範圍的爭議時,法院有責任解決,在本案地院審判中,法院並未在陪審團判決前解釋專利範圍,即不符O2 Micro意旨。更者,法院還在陪審團判決前還未解釋專利範圍(解釋專利範圍的責任在法院)就駁回被告提起不侵權請願(JMOL of noninfringement),也就是法院在這個程序上有違背前例,也不當地提交未處理爭議的專利範圍解釋給陪審團的問題。

案件到CAFC,法官表示解釋範圍的最佳時機應該是在地方法院,但此時,因為雙方都提出爭議,CAFC自行解釋專利範圍,依循的是案例「Phillips v. AWH Corp. (Fed. Cir. 2005)」所指示應由相關領域一般技術人員依照請求項文字、說明書內容,以一般與常規的意思解釋專利範圍用語也不必要將說明書的限制讀入專利範圍中。本案中,在系爭專利Claim 27元件'h'中出現的"hollow hub"與"hollow drum"為不同的元件。

h) said hollow hub and hollow drum being sized such that the screw can move into the hollow hub to allow the hollow drum to receive the screw as the cable unwinds from or winds up on the drum as the object moves to its respective down or up position.

參考報導:合理解釋專利範圍的案例 - Phillips v. AWH Corp. (Fed. Cir. 2005)http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2015/05/phillips-v-awh-corp-fed-cir-2005.html

於是,法院就根據以上原則解釋元件'h'的專利範圍,其中,根據請求項字面意思,以及說明書內容,顯然"hollow hub"與"hollow drum"為分開的兩個元件。

根據這個解釋,被告產品Vortek字義上沒有侵權,因為Vortek產品中的「hollow drum」(可參考以上截圖)並不能將螺桿收進。






my two cents:


