2021年5月22日 星期六

解釋"at least one",雖有前例但說明書沒有支持 - Ex parte Jung (PTAB 2016-008290)

本篇討論的是曾被USPTO指定為“informative“,但又被取消指定的案例(從informative list移除) - Ex parte Jung。(編按,難怪從USPTO找不到),而Ex parte Jung本身有頗為有趣,在此探討一下,PTAB駁回USPTO核駁理由,但又找新理由核駁申請案(雖有前例但說明書沒有支持) - Ex parte Jung (PTAB 2016-008290)。

Ex parte Jung


此案中,USPTO審查委員解釋專利範圍中"at least one of a precedence relation and a connection relation",認為是"disjunctive"(分離),解釋這句話只要其中之一即可(precedence or connection),因此當先前技術僅揭露場景的"precedence",即判定先前技術已經揭露系爭案的範圍。不過,申請人主張這句話是要求同時有"precedence"與"connection"(顯然目的是克服USPTO提出先前技術),特別的是,
PTAB同意這個解釋,這個立場是因為案例SuperGuide Corp. v. DirecTV Enters., Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2004)(可參考過去報導:https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/05/at-least-one-of-superguide-corp-v.html),不過...PTAB參考系爭案說明書後認為,說明並未支持這解釋,甚至發明還強調是二擇一。



1) "at least one of A or B";
2) "at least one of A or at least one of B"; or
3) "at least one selected from the group of A and B".



後語,系爭案最終仍是獲准專利了,申請人"一氣之下(這是我的猜測)"捨棄"at least one of"寫法,大幅改寫專利範圍,之後又歷經好幾次OA與修正,不過面對的是103議題,從申請日開始到最終獲准的時間約花了9.5年,獲得1222天的PTA(編按,補償的期限還算不錯,但一路上花費的成本真是難以估算)。

PTAB決定後回到USPTO的修正,將令人傷心的at least one of寫法都刪除了。

最後一次修正獲准的claim 1:

本案應用的前例:SuperGuide Corp. v. DirecTV Enters., Inc., 358 F.3d 870 (Fed. Cir. 2004)
可參考本部落格報導:解釋「at least one of」用語的老案子 - Superguide Corp. v. Direct TV Enterprises, Inc. (CAFC 2004)https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/05/at-least-one-of-superguide-corp-v.html

SuperGuide案例的重點:"(重要)原則上,解釋「at least one of」這種有些爭議的用語,就先依照說明書內容(文字與圖式),以字面與一般意思解釋,文法上,「at least one of」位置以及後面接著的項目是用「and」或是「or」,也都影響著如何解釋專利範圍。"

in SuperGuide,
"We agree with DirecTV. The phrase "at least one of" precedes a series of categories of criteria, and the patentee used the term "and" to separate the categories of criteria, which connotes a conjunctive list. A common treatise on grammar teaches that "an article of a preposition applying to all the members of the series must either be used only before the first term or else be repeated before each term." William Strunk, Jr. & E.B. White, The Elements of Style 27 (4th ed. 2000). Thus, "[i]n spring, summer, or winter" means "in spring, in summer, or in winter." Id. Applying this grammatical principle here, the phrase "at least one of" modifies each member of the list, i.e., each category in the list. Therefore, the district court correctly interpreted this phrase as requiring that the user select at least one value for each category; that is, at least one of a desired program start time, a desired program end time, a desired program service, and a desired program type."

my two cents:
雖本案例為最後從informative list移除,但仍有些參考價值。也就是,雖然有前例SuperGuide支持"at least one of A and B"解釋是"at least one of A and at least one of B",但是說明書內容仍需要支持這個解釋,要不然仍有112問題


- 專利用詞「at least one」討論 - Joao v. Sleepy Hollow Bank (S.D.N.Y. 2004)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2016/04/at-least-one.html
- 請求項中"and/or"的專利用語侵權案例討論 - Kustom Signals, Inc. v. Applied Concepts, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2001)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/02/andor-kustom-signals-inc-v-applied.html

"這裡講"and/or"的"更好的寫法"是:「在PTAB的意見中,解釋「A and/or B」為A, B之個別或是兩者組合,但建議最好的寫法(preferred verbiage)是「at least one of A and B」,其實PTAB認同"and/or"的寫法,不過前提是:說明書要支持"and/or"的解釋,才會讓這個用語夠明確。
即便有不少前案可以參考,也支持"and/or"的明確性,但總有審查委員不認同,因此,更嚴格的處理方式是:不使用"and/or"說明書要支持"and/or"用意上包含所有的可能性,以及在請求項中使用「at least one of A, B, and C」"

- 美國專利局認同"and/or"的專利範圍語言,但有更好的寫法 (about Claims)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2014/01/andor-about-claims.html

本篇從同事提到的USPTO指定案例Ex parte Jung開始,參考內容: 



"Informative One Day, Non-Informative the Next"


