2021年12月17日 星期五

損害賠償的加強程度討論 - Stryker Corp. v. Zimmer, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2018)

Stryker Corp. v. Zimmer, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2018)



回顧決定損害賠償的標準:Read factors

前言的影響與蓄意侵權討論 - Georgetown Rail v. Holland (Fed. Cir. 2017)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/08/georgetown-rail-v-holland-fed-cir-2017.html

因為蓄意侵權而追加賠償的條件有(Read factors):
1. 是否侵權者蓄意抄襲?(“whether the infringer deliberately copied the ideas of another”)(成立)
2. 當侵權者已知他人的專利,是否調查了專利範圍而形成相信專利無效與不侵權的善意(“whether the infringer, when he knew of the other’s patent protection, investigated the scope of the patent and formed a good-faith belief that it was invalid or that it was not infringed”)(成立)
3. 侵權者的行為造成成為訴訟的一方(“the infringer’s behavior as a party to the litigation”)(輕微成立)
4. 被告的規模與財務狀況(the “defendant’s size and financial condition”)(輕微成立)
5. 最接近的案例(the “closeness of the case”)(成立)
6. 被告不當(侵權)的期限(the “duration of the defendant’s misconduct”)(模糊,不確定)
7. 被告的補救行為(“remedial action by the defendant”)(輕微成立)
8. 被告造成傷害的動機(the “defendant’s motivation for harm”)(模糊,不確定)
9. 是否被告企圖隱瞞其不當行為(“whether the defendant attempted to conceal its misconduct”)(模糊,不確定)

以上是2018年判決,之後,美國最高法院將作出回應,但在2019年的簡述中,也有不錯的資訊,關於前例Halo v. Pulse (June 13, 2016, Supreme Court),形成本案應面對判斷損害賠償加強程度的問題。

The questions presented are:
1. Whether enhanced patent damages can be awarded without regard to whether there was an objectively high risk of infringement based on a finding of negligence, as opposed to a finding of intentional or knowing infringement.
2. Whether the Federal Circuit erred in affirming the enhanced damages award here in a summary order without providing any guidance to lower courts regarding the proper application of Halo.

美國最高法院案例的損害賠償討論 - Halo v. Pulse (June 13, 2016, Supreme Court)https://enpan.blogspot.com/2016/06/halo-v-pulse-june-13-2016-supreme-court.html


蓄意侵權的判決 - 有關豁免主張 - In re Seagate Technology, LLC, (Fed. Cir. 2007)案例討論(http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2015/01/in-re-seagate-technology-llc-fed-cir.html),在Seagate案例中可得到蓄意侵權的要件:蓄意侵權應由疑似侵權者證明有「客觀的不在乎(輕忽)(objective recklessness)」的事實。

根據美國專利法第284條規定法官認定(裁量權)損害賠償時最高可增至3倍,對此,CAFC係採用兩部分測試法("Seagate test"),第一,專利權人應明確證明被告侵權者有侵權的客觀事實,以及第二,專利權人應明確證明被告侵權者已知其侵權的風險。


不論是以上述"Seagate test"兩部分測試用在284條或285條,最高法院都否決,認為只要證明被告侵權者為「主觀惡意(subjective bad faith)」,就足以作出損害賠償。(細節則仍屬於法院裁量權)同理,只要證明被告侵權者有「主觀蓄意(subjective willfulness,故意或知悉)」,即可判斷加強損害賠償,而不需要確認侵權行為是否為客觀輕忽(objectively recklessness)。


