2022年9月12日 星期一

基於資料庫的發明難以超越抽象概念 - In re Smith, 22-1301 (Fed. Cir. Sept 9, 2022)

In re Smith, 22-1301 (Fed. Cir. Sept 9, 2022)案件資訊:
判決日:September 9, 2022

案件緣起USPTO核駁系爭案'244的claims 1-13, 15-36,理由是系爭案發明不具專利適格性(35 U.S.C. § 101),申請人Smith提起訴願,訴願決定仍確認系爭案發明不可專利,申請人提起上訴。

既然是101議題,沒有甚麼故事,就直接看claim 1,提出一種「促進資產收購的方法」,專利名稱直指101核心問題,直接踩到101紅線,發明的目標是通過資產管理與維護方便消費者可從多個賣家中收購資產,方法包括:提供軟體、提供與維護賣家與買家的資料庫、提供可搜尋產品資料庫、提供庫存數據庫表和資產管理數據庫表、提供客戶存取資料庫、提供使用者身分資料;連結收購者與相關資產。

1. A method for facilitating asset acquisition, asset management and asset maintenance whereby customers can purchase from multiple vendors comprising:
(a) providing to vendor and customer users access to consortium management software;
(b) providing and maintaining in said consortium management software relational data base tables which are linked together, including a vendor/customer database table, whereby vendor users and customer users can enter their identifying and personal data, and a searchable product catalogue database table;
(c) providing in said searchable product catalogue database for receipt from vendor users, product, product pricing and product maintenance data;
(d) providing an inventory database table and a customer asset management database table;
(e) providing customer users access to said searchable product catalogue database, whereby a customer searches the catalogue data base and purchases from any vendor user product selected from said product catalogue database;
(f) providing for association of any said user's identifying data with information in any database table, which information is pertinent only to a particular said identified user with said users identifying data; and
(g) linking the purchasing customer's identifying information from the customer/vendor database table, and the product, product pricing and product maintenance data for the selected product or products, to one or both of said inventory database table and/or said customer asset management data base table, such that the customer can retrieve, use and manipulate the product, product pricing and product maintenance data in connection with the management of the assets purchased.

面對這樣的專利範圍,只能說,在還未涉及102, 103議題之前,答辯成功機會就不大,況且申請人答辯策略也欠缺除了重複說明有particular element作為可以轉換抽象概念為可專利應用的進步特徵等以外的101論述。


step 1:PTAB認為(我自己的詮釋),系爭案專利範圍關於儲存買賣家資訊、產品資訊、資產管理資訊,以及得出提供取得資訊的各種資訊之間的關聯性,這樣的技術涉及資料管理,如資料收集、分析與顯示結果等,這樣屬於不可專利的抽象概念

step 2:在PTAB判斷中,系爭案申請專利範圍中包括的額外元件(additional element)僅是習知的電腦元件,屬於相關領域公眾已知、常規與一般技術,因此判斷沒有進步概念(inventive concept)可以讓申請專利範圍為可專利標的。


my two cents:

另一個參考案例:專利適格性涉及事實議題的討論 - WhitServe LLC v. Dropbox, Inc., 19-2334 (Fed. Cir. 2021)https://enpan.blogspot.com/2021/04/whitserve-llc-v-dropbox-inc-19-2334-fed.html




