2023年2月7日 星期二

"花"公開使用(public use)的新穎性議題 - IN RE: WINGEN LLC (Fed. Cir. 2023)

判決日:February 2, 2023

案件緣起美國專利US9,313,959申請人提出再領證申請案(reissue application),內容可以參考母案US9,313,959,為一種「Calibrachoa(查出的中文:萬鈴花)」變種「Cherry Star」的植物專利:

Claim 1:
1. A Calibrachoa plant comprising at least one inflorescence with a radially symmetric pattern along the center of the fused petal margins, wherein said pattern extends from the center of the inflorescence and does not fade during the life of the inflorescence,
and wherein the Calibrachoa plant comprises a single half-dominant gene, as found in Calibrachoa variety ‘Cherry Star,’ representative seed having been deposited under ATCC Accession No. PTA-13363.

1."萬鈴花",包括至少一個沿融合花瓣邊緣的中心具有徑向對稱圖案的花序,圖案從花序的中心延伸並且在花序的生命期間不褪色,其中,"萬鈴花"包含單個半顯性基因,此為"萬鈴花"變種“Cherry Star”(櫻桃星)中所發現的,代表性種子已經以ATCC(美國典型培養物保藏中心)保存號PTA-13363保存。


從Google查到的"萬鈴花",看來是沒有「沿融合花瓣邊緣的中心具有徑向對稱圖案(cherry star)的花序」的圖案:

美國典型培養物保藏中心(American Type Culture Collection)為一全球生物資源中心網站:https://www.atcc.org/

系爭申請案專利範圍特徵在植物包括「single half-dominant gene」(這是母案獲准的關鍵),可以在花瓣上形成中心星形圖案,這個樣式並未在野生萬鈴花中發現。

本次系爭申請案(再領證案)在審查過程中並不順利(編按,這也是再領證案的風險),歷經四次核駁(2次RCE)意見,審查委員在最後一次審查意見發出系爭申請案缺乏內容、非法定重複專利、缺乏可實施性,以及較早公開使用等核駁理由,特別是面臨其他公開前案(Proven Winners North America LLC (“Proven Winners”)、ButlerDole)的阻礙(102, 103),其中Proven Winners還是原母案'959的"原始"共同專利權人,現在'959專利權人則為本案上訴人WinGen

系爭申請案經最終核駁後,申請人上訴PTAB,PTAB認為"Cherry Star"申請前已經公開(在Home Depot event),且其中講義沒有任何保密協定(confidentiality restrictions),同意USPTO審查意見,認為系爭申請案不具新穎性。


public use -

其中爭議的是,申請案主張的發明在申請日前已經是「公開使用(public use)」,申請人WinGen主張PTAB認定所有發明特徵的"公開使用"有誤,主張參與之前公開活動(Home Depot event)的人不會知道系爭申請案是通過"single half-dominant gene"得出"Cherry Star",不應以發明已經公開使用認定不具新穎性。

(重要)CAFC判定發明是否已經公開使用(public use),採用的判斷是:(1) 所述公開使用是可以被公眾取得;或是(2)公開使用的部分是已經商業開發。

CAFC特別指出,雖然公開使用議題的案例很多,但過去關於植物專利的「public use」僅一件案例 - Delano Farms Co. v. Cal. Table Grape Comm’n, 778 F.3d 1243 (Fed. Cir. 2015),剛好過去曾經有報導:

- 植物專利的新穎性討論 - Delano Farms v. California Table (Fed. Cir. 2015)https://enpan.blogspot.com/2015/01/delano-farms-v-california-table-fed-cir.html

所述Delano案指出一種葡萄變種的非授權使用(unauthorized use),雖然這個公開是可以被公眾看到,但因為沒有標示,沒有證據表示有人可以認出這些葡萄品種判定非申請前已公開使用

編按,所以證明"public use"是有一定門檻,仍不如以各種公開文獻、專利作為前案證據的證據力。

如此,以相同標準看本次案例中"Cherry Star"品種的萬鈴花是否已經在上述「Home Depot event」公開?相關證人證詞表示當時已經向與會人員公開"Cherry Star"的照片,表示與會人員已經知悉這個品種。

特別的是,根據CAFC想法,本次"Cherry Star"顯然是純粹的"裝飾性"的外觀("purely ornamental"),Delano案中不容易以外觀分辨的葡萄品種不同,雖在別的領域有類似判例,但這個特別之處在植物專利爭議中沒有特定前例。

與"內在特性"不同的是,本案所謂"使用",就是直指花的外觀,因此在「Home Depot event」的公開已經算是"public use"

在PTAB的結論是,因為在「Home Depot event」已經公開"Cherry Star",之餘特徵是一種外在形式,算是可公眾取得系爭申請案主張的發明,CAFC同意PTAB觀點,判定系爭申請案claims 1-4, 6-7, 11不具新穎性,也確認其他請求項不具非顯而易見性。
美國專利法第251條 - Reissue(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2008/12/251-reissue.html

35 U.S. Code § 252 - Effect of reissue

- 當專利(母案)另外提出「再領證申請案」,再領證申請案一旦獲准,母案將被拋棄。
- 再領證專利不應影響原來(母案)專利權人在商業上(如製造、銷售等)的權益。

The surrender of the original patent shall take effect upon the issue of the reissued patent, and every reissued patent shall have the same effect and operation in law, on the trial of actions for causes thereafter arising, as if the same had been originally granted in such amended form, but in so far as the claims of the original and reissued patents are substantially identical, such surrender shall not affect any action then pending nor abate any cause of action then existing, and the reissued patent, to the extent that its claims are substantially identical with the original patent, shall constitute a continuation thereof and have effect continuously from the date of the original patent.

A reissued patent shall not abridge or affect the right of any person or that person’s successors in business who, prior to the grant of a reissue, made, purchased, offered to sell, or used within the United States, or imported into the United States, anything patented by the reissued patent, to continue the use of, to offer to sell, or to sell to others to be used, offered for sale, or sold, the specific thing so made, purchased, offered for sale, used, or imported unless the making, using, offering for sale, or selling of such thing infringes a valid claim of the reissued patent which was in the original patent. The court before which such matter is in question may provide for the continued manufacture, use, offer for sale, or sale of the thing made, purchased, offered for sale, used, or imported as specified, or for the manufacture, use, offer for sale, or sale in the United States of which substantial preparation was made before the grant of the reissue, and the court may also provide for the continued practice of any process patented by the reissue that is practiced, or for the practice of which substantial preparation was made, before the grant of the reissue, to the extent and under such terms as the court deems equitable for the protection of investments made or business commenced before the grant of the reissue.


