2023年3月9日 星期四

如何排除先前技術(under reexamination)? - 37 CFR 1.130

MPEP 717規範美國專利法第102(b)(1)、102(b)(2)條新穎性例外的條款,之前的文章有:

- 新穎性先前技術的例外 - MPEP 717(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2018/07/mpep-717.html
- 有關102(a)(2)例外條款102(b)(2)的筆記 - MPEP 2154.02(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/05/102a2102b2-mpep-215402.html


37 CFR 1.130(a) 當系爭案任何專利範圍在reexamination下被駁回,專利申請人或專利權人可以提交宣誓或聲明(affidavit or declaration)表明這些為出自系爭案發明人的揭露,以排除先前揭露成為先前技術。

37 CFR 1.130(b) 當系爭案任何專利範圍在reexamination下被駁回,專利申請人或專利權人可以提交宣誓或聲明表明系爭案發明人在先前技術之前已經"公開揭露(publicly disclosed)"。這時宣誓書要證明先前公開揭露的證據。

重要的是,在此排除先前技術的規定中,系爭案申請人或專利權人應提交相關印刷品的副本!如果所述"公開揭露(publicly disclosed)"不是印刷品,應提出細節描述"公開揭露"的內容。

37 CFR 1.130(c) 如果先前技術的揭露為系爭案有效申請日(若有優先權以優先權日為準)前超過一年,就不適用37 CFR 1.130規定可排除先前技術的措施。如果要證明先前技術的揭露是取自系爭案發明人的,申請人應提出petition。

37 CFR 1.130(d) 以上適用可應用在March 16, 2013年後(適用AIA)申請的任何申請案或專利案。


情況一:有效申請日之前一年內的發明人(包括共同發明人或自發明人直接間接取得)自己的揭露(disclosure)不構成先前技術的宣誓或聲明(affidavit or declaration)-37 CFR 1.130(a)

情況二:提出發明人比申請案有效申請日之前的揭露(他人的)更早的"公開揭露(publicly disclosed)"以排除此揭露為先前技術的宣誓或聲明-37 CFR 1.130(b)

上述「37 CFR 1.130」可適用以下情況(系爭申請案沒有疑慮就是要聲明排除前案的美國申請案):

(1) 系爭申請案的核駁意見基於美國專利或是非美國申請案,如:非專利文獻或他國專利文件。(也就是說,上述排除先前技術的措施仍適用前案為非美國專利案的揭露)

(2) 系爭申請案的核駁意見基於美國專利或美國專利申請案,並且這些前案並非主張與系爭申請案相同的發明。(也就是說,要排除的前案不一定要主張與系爭申請案相同的發明,說明書有即算

(3) 系爭申請案的核駁意見基於美國專利或美國專利申請案,而這些前案專利範圍的主張與系爭申請案發明相同或實質相同。重要的是,這時的宣誓或聲明並非爭論前案發明是由系爭申請案發明人取得,而是要爭辯發明人在相關前案的揭露或申請還早已經"公開揭露(publicly disclosed)"。

"The provisions of 37 CFR 1.130, however, would be available if:
(1) The rejection is based upon a disclosure other than a U.S. patent or U.S. patent application publication (such as non-patent literature or a foreign patent document); 
(2) the rejection is based upon a U.S. patent or U.S. patent application and the patent or pending application did not claim an invention that is the same or substantially the same as the applicant’s claimed invention; or 
(3) the rejection is based upon a U.S. patent or U.S. patent application and the patent or pending application that does claim an invention that is the same or substantially the same as the applicant’s claimed invention, but the affidavit or declaration under 37 CFR 1.130 does not contend that an inventor named in the U.S. patent or U.S. patent application publication derived the claimed invention from the inventor or a joint inventor named in the application or patent (e.g., an affidavit or declaration under 37 CFR 1.130 would be available if instead of alleging derivation the affidavit or declaration under 37 CFR 1.130 contends that the subject matter disclosed had, before such disclosure was made or before such subject matter was effectively filed, been publicly disclosed by the inventor or a joint inventor or another who obtained the subject matter disclosed directly or indirectly from the inventor or a joint inventor)."

my two cents:
根據37 CFR 1.130(a),他國專利文獻仍適用排除先前技術的條件。




