2023年3月10日 星期五


37 CFR 1.130的理解可以參考前一篇:https://enpan.blogspot.com/2023/03/under-reexamination-37-cfr-1130.html


問題一:how 37cfr1.130 can be applied to a patent application in prosecution?

如果對照37 CFR 1.130的法條(https://www.bitlaw.com/source/37cfr/1-130.html),顯然真的是ChatGPT"整理"後給答案。



講得很正經,卻是"隨意拼湊"相關法條的結果,都不是37 CFR 1.130的用途!!!(真令人"反向"驚訝!)

37 CFR 1.130 is a provision of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) that allows a patent applicant to submit affidavits or declarations to address certain issues that may arise during the examination of a patent application. 

Specifically, a patent applicant may submit an affidavit or declaration under 37 CFR 1.130 to: 

(1) Overcome a prior art rejection: If the examiner has cited prior art that the applicant believes can be distinguished from the claimed invention, the applicant can submit an affidavit or declaration to provide evidence of the differences between the prior art and the claimed invention. 
(2) Establish patentability: If the examiner has raised a rejection based on lack of written description or enablement, the applicant can submit an affidavit or declaration to provide evidence of how the claimed invention meets the requirements of written description or enablement. 
(3) Address claim interpretation: If the examiner has taken a different interpretation of a claim term than the applicant intended, the applicant can submit an affidavit or declaration to explain the intended meaning of the claim term. 

It's important to note that affidavits or declarations submitted under 37 CFR 1.130 must be supported by evidence such as data, experiments, or expert opinions. They cannot be used to add new matter to the application or to broaden the scope of the claims. 

Overall, 37 CFR 1.130 provides a mechanism for patent applicants to provide additional evidence or clarification to the examiner during prosecution in order to overcome rejections and improve the chances of obtaining a patent. Regenerate response


問題二:do you know where you got these information?

ChatGPT回覆這個問題來源的回答很經典,這是它從MPEP與CFR"理解"來的,不是copy and paste,但卻不能當作legal advice。

As an AI language model, I was trained on a diverse range of textual data, including legal documents such as the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and the Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP) published by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The information I provided on 37 CFR 1.130 and its application to patent prosecution is based on my understanding of these legal documents and my training on various other textual sources. However, please note that my responses are purely informational and should not be considered legal advice.

my two cents:


ps. 與一般搜尋引擎果然不同,但給出明顯錯誤的答案也是ChatGPT厲害的地方,或者這就是需要擔心的情況!!!


