2023年5月17日 星期三

最高法院拒絕審理兩件下級法院的專利適格性判決 - 101議題更撲朔迷離

從幾個常看的blog與新聞網頁得知美國最高法院拒絕受理兩件有關專利適格性(35 U.S.C. § 101)的上訴案件:Interactive Wearables v. Polar 以及 Tropp v. Travel Sentry

- SCOTUSblog - https://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/tropp-v-travel-sentry-inc/(for Tropp v. Travel Sentry

----- Interactive Wearables v. Polar -----
經查,Interactive Wearables v. Polar案過去曾經有分享:審判專利適格性考量發明是否明確?- Interactive Wearables, LLC v. Polar Electro Oy et. al (E.D.N.Y. 2020) (https://enpan.blogspot.com/2022/04/interactive-wearables-llc-v-polar.html)。

此案在地方法院的爭議是,因為說明書不明確造成請求項元件為"抽象概念"的描述,也找不出可專利的"進步特徵inventive concept)",因此判決不具專利適格性。這是很特別的判決,其中將112議題連結到101議題。

"The specification limits its discussion of the components to abstract functional descriptions devoid of technical explanation as to how to implement the invention."

"Such vague, functional descriptions of . . . components are insufficient to transform the abstract idea into a patent-eligible invention.” 

"The failure of the specification in this regard, which applies to all of the components identified in the claims of the Asserted Patents, cannot be remedied through new allegations in an amended complaint."

案件上訴CAFC,CAFC直接依據Fed. Cir. Rule 36維持原判(affirmances without a written opinion

----- Tropp v. Travel Sentry -----

Tropp v. Travel Sentry (CAFC)(因為過去沒報導,因為此新聞,補了:硬體結構描述不足的專利適格性議題 - TRAVEL SENTRY, INC. v. DAVID A. TROPP (CAFC 2022)-https://enpan.blogspot.com/2023/05/travel-sentry-inc-v-david-tropp-cafc.html


my two cents:


