2023年5月9日 星期二

誰是共同發明人的爭議 - HIP, Inc. v. Hormel Foods Corp. (Fed. Cir. 2023)


HIP, Inc. v. Hormel Foods Corp. (Fed. Cir. 2023)案件資訊:
原告/被上訴人:HIP, INC.
判決日期:May 2, 2023

從上述案件資訊來看,專利權人Hormel列為被告,不是一般侵權訴訟,是關於共同發明人(joint inventor)的議題。案件在地方法院判決David Howard應列為系爭專利的共同發明人之一,對此判決,專利權人Hormel上訴CAFC,涉及法條為規範更正發明人的35 U.S.C. § 256

35 U.S. Code § 256 - Correction of named inventor(https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/35/256
Whenever through error a person is named in an issued patent as the inventor, or through error an inventor is not named in an issued patent, the Director may, on application of all the parties and assignees, with proof of the facts and such other requirements as may be imposed, issue a certificate correcting such error.
(b)Patent Valid if Error Corrected.—
The error of omitting inventors or naming persons who are not inventors shall not invalidate the patent in which such error occurred if it can be corrected as provided in this section. The court before which such matter is called in question may order correction of the patent on notice and hearing of all parties concerned and the Director shall issue a certificate accordingly.


'498的Claim 1如下,以混和式烹調系統製作預煮培根肉塊的方法包括:第一,預熱肉塊,以溶掉肉塊周圍的脂肪,過程可以撒鹽或香料,第二,以更高溫燒烤。概念上就是兩步驟烹組流程

1. A method of making precooked bacon pieces using a hybrid cooking system, comprising:
preheating bacon pieces with a microwave oven to a temperature of 140° F. to 210° F. to create preheated bacon pieces, the preheating forming a barrier with melted fat around the preheated bacon pieces and reducing an amount of condensation that forms on the preheated bacon pieces when transferred to a cooking compartment of an oven, the barrier preventing any condensation that forms from contacting the preheated bacon pieces under the melted fat and diluting flavor in the preheated bacon pieces;
transferring the preheated bacon pieces to the cooking compartment of the oven, the cooking compartment heated with steam from an external steam generator, the external steam generator being external to the cooking compartment, the steam being injected into the cooking compartment and being approximately 400° F. to 1000° F. when the steam leaves the external steam generator, the cooking compartment including internal surfaces, the steam assisting in keeping the internal surfaces at a temperature below 375° F. thereby reducing off flavors during cooking in the cooking compartment; and
cooking the preheated bacon pieces in the cooking compartment to a water activity level of 0.92 or less to create precooked bacon pieces.

關於inventorship,就從發明如何開始著手理解,2005年,Hormel先預煮培根肉,以改善微波烹煮培根的方式,在2007年,Hormel與David Howard(還有另一人Tom Van Doorn)碰面討論相關產品與程序,也討論Howard的公司Unitherm的系統,Unitherm後來成為本案的原告HIP,也是相關產品的公司。




在2008年,Hormel租了Unitherm的烤箱測試兩步驟烹煮培根,經過實驗,Hormel發展出自己的設備,後續的測試顯示他關閉了內部電熱元件,而採用微波爐預熱培根,可防止撒的鹽被洗掉。測試結果是,先預熱培根,再以高溫蒸汽煮肉,之後Hormel在2011年提出專利申請案,並於2018年獲准專利'498,其中發明人並沒有David Howard。

專利爭議仍出於訴訟,HIP(前身為Unitherm)在2021年向Hormel提出告訴,宣稱David Howard是'498的唯一發明人,或是共同發明人,認為Howard貢獻以下技術至少之一:

(1) using superheated steam at a level of 90% or more in claims 3 and 12; 
(2) heating the internal surfaces of the oven to a temperature less than 375º F. in claim 1; 
(3) preheating by hot air in claim 5; and/or
(4) preheating with an infrared oven in claim 5.


地院判決Howard貢獻'498的claim 5技術,應列為發明人之一。

列舉'498的claim 5部分,粗體字底線部分為認定Howard有貢獻的技術:

5. A method of making precooked meat pieces using a hybrid cooking system, comprising:
preheating meat pieces in a first cooking compartment using a preheating method selected from the group consisting of a microwave oven, an infrared oven, and hot air to a temperature of at least 140° F. to create preheated meat pieces, the preheating forming a barrier with melted fat around the preheated meat pieces and reducing an amount of condensation that forms on the preheated meat pieces when transferred to a second cooking compartment, the barrier preventing any condensation that forms from contacting the preheated meat pieces under the melted fat and diluting flavor in the preheated meat pieces;


第一,上訴人Hormel認為claim 5技術非重要技術,並且是申請時已知技術,不能稱Howard因此就是發明人。

關於「Inventorship」,引用前例Fina Oil & Chem. Co. v. Ewen, 123 F.3d 1466, 1473 (Fed. Cir. 1997),具有重要貢獻(significant contribution,針對請求項範圍)的人才能是共同發明人之一。

(1) contributed in some significant manner to the conception of the invention;(以某種重要方式貢獻發明概念)
(2) made a contribution to the claimed invention that is not insignificant in quality, when that contribution is measured against the dimension of the full invention; and(在整體發明上衡量貢獻時,對發明的貢獻在質量上並非微不足道)
(3) did more than merely explain to the real inventors well-known concepts and/or the current state of the art.(對真正發明人並非僅解釋已知的概念或是現有技術)

相關案例可參考:一件有關發明人不實的案例筆記 - Jaswant S. PANNU v. IOLAB CORPORATION (CAFC 1998)https://enpan.blogspot.com/2021/09/blog-post_20.html

看來,Pannu(3)就是本案David Howard面對的問題,因為Hormel宣稱地方法院判斷Howard有貢獻的claim 5發明(microwave oven, an infrared oven, and hot air)僅是已知技術甚至還引用了先前技術US2004/0131738(Holm)

有趣的是,專利權人Hormel在判決中有一大段(還需要翻頁)內容證明claim 5為習知技術的論述。


法院作出決定是,Howard並非共同發明人,理由是,如Pannu(2),發明人應對發明在質量上有非微不足道的貢獻,根據HIP的論述,說明Howard的貢獻僅是微不足道的(“insignificant in quality”),因為Holm已經提到Howard宣稱有貢獻microwave oven, an infrared oven, and hot air的特徵,將上系爭專利的說明書、請求項與圖式,都說明Howard的貢獻無足輕重,

CAFC最終否決地方法院判決,認為David Howard並非共同發明人。

my two cents:


- 發明人不實而不准專利(共同發明人有誰?) - In re VerHoef (Fed. Cir. 2018)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2018/05/in-re-verhoef-fed-cir-2018.html
- 一件有關發明人不實的案例筆記 - Jaswant S. PANNU v. IOLAB CORPORATION (CAFC 1998)https://enpan.blogspot.com/2021/09/blog-post_20.html


