2023年9月12日 星期二

日本自April 1, 2022後不再接受多項依附多項附屬項(補充資料)

本部落格之前的報導:JPO修法禁止「multi-multi claim」,包括各國筆記(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2022/04/jpomulti-multi-claim.html


該篇部落格提到「歐洲、日本是允許多項附屬項間之直接或間接引用」,但網友提醒「日本已經於2022.04禁止了多項附屬項依附多項附屬項 (包含直接或是間接)」。

再複習與提醒自己(我自己都忘了),日本專利局對於April 1, 2022當日或之後發明與新型專利申請案中多項附屬多項的請求項,將不審理其新穎性、進步性與明確性。

根據JPO官網公告修訂審查基準(examination guidelines)https://www.jpo.go.jp/e/system/laws/rule/guideline/patent/kaitei/rev_202204.html),從April 1, 2022之後將不接受「multi-multi」請求項。

The draft revision of the Examination Guidelines for Patent and Utility Model in Japan (hereinafter, simply referred to as the “Examination Guidelines”) has been prepared based on the discussions at the 16th meeting of the Working Group on the Patent Examination Standards supervised by the Patent System Subcommittee under the Intellectual Property Committee of the Industrial Structure Council. The public comments were invited from February 10 to March 11, 2022.

The Examination Guidelines related to Multi-Multi Claim Restriction is revised in light of the public comments.

(Note) The term "Multi-Multi Claim" as restricted by the revised Ministerial Ordinance means "any dependent claim that refers to more than one other claim in the alternative ("multiple dependent claim") which depends from any other multiple dependent claim."

The revised Examination Guidelines is applied to examination of the applications filed on or after April 1, 2022.

根據「Part II Chapter 2 Section 5 Ministerial Ordinance Requirement on Statement of Claims」(https://www.jpo.go.jp/e/system/laws/rule/guideline/patent/kaitei/document/rev_202204/02-02-5.pdf)規定,多項附屬項直接或間接依附另一多項附屬項將導致專利範圍不容易辨識的問題,即限制這類申請專利範圍。



本部落格之前的報導:JPO修法禁止「multi-multi claim」,包括各國筆記(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2022/04/jpomulti-multi-claim.html


