1. 關於「引用記載形式之請求項」(包括獨立項、附屬項),審查基準講得”很傳神”,包括有:
2. 上述第(1)種為一個獨立項涵蓋兩個(或以上)範疇,審查基準範例:
2.一種製造如請求項1 之化合物A 的方法,……。
3. 上述第(2)與(3)種為在相同範疇下的請求項;審查基準指出第(4)與(5)種寫法為”不佳”。
4. 看來,台灣對這個寫法的接受度很高,即便是「引用不同範疇」的請求項也是可以。
5. 對於美國實務而言,寫成如同獨立項的開頭「a [cited
subject matter] provided according to claim 1.」,還是會以「附屬項」的方式認定與解釋,不算獨立項。因此,如果引用在前請求項範圍而造成「跨類別Claim」,實務上不能被接受,例如:
6. 以下列舉案例提到Claim 10不符35 U.S.C. 101規定,理由是不是「指涉(directed to)」單一法定類別,因為Claim 10界定一種「方法」,但所引用的Claim 1為「機器/裝置」。

7. 因此,如果要使用「引用記載形式之”獨立”請求項」,應該是在相同範疇(類別)下,否則容易被認為不符35U.S.C.101規定。可被接受的寫法,列舉幾個: 引用式獨立項(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2008/08/blog-post.html)
8. MPEP 2104:
- 35 U.S.C. 101規定的幾個可被專利的標的範疇(類別):process, machine, manufacture, composition of matter。
- 一個發明取得一件專利。
- 發明人為必然的專利申請人。
- 欲取得專利,應符合專利適格性(eligibility),其中有兩個要件(可參考本部落格有關101議題:https://enpan.blogspot.com/search/label/101)
"(a) first, a claimed invention must fall within one of the four statutory categories of invention, i.e., process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter; and (b) second, a claimed invention must be directed to patent-eligible subject matter and not a judicial exception (unless the claim as a whole includes additional limitations amounting to significantly more than the exception)."
- 欲取得專利的發明應具備可用性(useful)或實用性。
9. 我國「電腦軟體專利審查基準」同意使用引用記載形式的獨立項寫法:
10. 我國對「電腦程式產品請求項」也同意可以「引用記載形式獨立項」撰寫:
11. 其他參考:
- 獨立請求項數目計算的討論(about Claims)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2014/11/about-claims.html)
- 中華民國軟體專利筆記(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2014/08/blog-post.html)
12. (補充)寫這篇時,發現一個不錯的TIPO文件:淺談引用記載形式請求項之審查概況(
- 關於獨立項與請求項界定:

- 關於「多項附屬項間之引用」:
- 我國、日本和中國大陸均明確規定引用記載形式請求項須敘明所引用請求項的項號,但是美國和歐洲是允許“如前述任一項之⋯”的記載方式。
[MPEP2104] (https://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/pac/mpep/s2104.html)
MPEP 2104 Inventions Patentable - Requirements of 35 U.S.C. 101
35 U.S.C. 101 Inventions patentable
Whoever invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof may obtain a patent therefor, subject to the conditions and requirements of this title.
35 U.S.C. 101 has been interpreted as imposing four requirements.
First, whoever invents or discovers an eligible invention may obtain only ONE patent therefor. This requirement forms the basis for statutory double patenting rejections when two applications claim the same invention, i.e. claim identical subject matter. See MPEP § 804 for a full discussion of the prohibition against double patenting.
Second, the inventor(s) must be the applicant in an application filed before September 16, 2012, (except as otherwise provided in pre-AIA 37 CFR 1.41(b)) and the inventor or each joint inventor must be identified in an application filed on or after September 16, 2012. See MPEP § 2137.01 for a detailed discussion of inventorship, MPEP § 602.01(c)et seq. for details regarding correction of inventorship, and MPEP § 706.03(a), subsection IV, for rejections under 35 U.S.C. 101 and 115 (and pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. 102(f) for applications subject to pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. 102) for failure to set forth the correct inventorship.
Third, a claimed invention must be eligible for patenting. As explained in MPEP § 2106, there are two criteria for determining subject matter eligibility: (a) first, a claimed invention must fall within one of the four statutory categories of invention, i.e., process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter; and (b) second, a claimed invention must be directed to patent-eligible subject matter and not a judicial exception (unless the claim as a whole includes additional limitations amounting to significantly more than the exception). See MPEP § 2106 for a detailed discussion of the subject matter eligibility requirements and MPEP § 2105 for special considerations for living subject matter.
Fourth, a claimed invention must be useful or have a utility that is specific, substantial and credible. See MPEP § 2107 for a detailed discussion of the utility requirement.
2 則留言:
您好,謝謝潘大的說明。僅補充說明日本已經於2022.04禁止了多項附屬項依附多項附屬項 (包含直接或是間接)。
感謝,我找到相關的新聞並確認後,會有一篇blog!!! enpan