2024年3月22日 星期五

解釋前言部分的轉接詞"consisting essentially of" - In re Herz (CCPA 1976)

本篇案例源自MPEP 2111.03中引用案例「In re Herz, 537 F.2d 549, 551-52, 190 USPQ 461, 463 (CCPA 1976)」定義對封閉式/半封閉式"consisting essentially of"轉接詞的解釋,可參考以下報導:

- Claim中"consisting essentially of"等轉接語的解釋與舉證責任 - 筆記(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2024/03/claimconsisting-essentially-of.html

"引用案例「In re Herz, 537 F.2d 549, 551-52, 190 USPQ 461, 463 (CCPA 1976)」,其中系爭專利範圍使用"consisting essentially of" + 一些元件,此案解釋這樣的專利範圍並沒有排除先前技術中的成分"dispersant",法院查專利說明書認為專利範圍中的成分包括任何已知添加物,也包括先前技術所提出的"dispersant",法院表示沒有證據顯示發明中有"dispersant"會實質("materially")影響發明的基本與新穎特徵"

此案例系爭專利申請案:No. 180,925,涉及一種「抗氧化磷酸鹽液壓油Oxidation Inhibited Phosphate Based Hydraulic Fluids)」,案件為申請人針對BPAI(PTAB前身)意見提出上訴,上訴法院是United States Court of Customs and Patent Appeals (CCPA,CAFC前身)。

系爭申請案發明提出的"抗氧化磷酸鹽液壓油"可用於機構中使用的潤滑劑,主要由"磷酸鹽基礎油(phosphate base stock)"以及"抗氧化劑(antioxidant)"組成,而antioxidant包括(1) a hydrogen phosphate ester, or amine salt thereof, and (2) an alkylene-linked hindered bisphenol。

系爭申請案說明書記載所提出的"抗氧化磷酸鹽液壓油"可額外包括任何已知添加物,並列舉了幾種。說明書說明了發明的功效,與習知成分不同,發明提出的功能液具有更好的氧化穩定性,且這是習知技術不可預期的,因為其中成分"hydrogen phosphates"原本並不被認為是抗氧化劑。

列舉Claim 9如下:

9. A functional fluid consisting essentially of: (a) a phosphate base stock having the formula: O | | R-(Y)[a]-P-(Y[1])[c]-R[2] | (Y[2])[b] | R[1] wherein Y is selected from the group consisting of oxygen, sulfur and R[3] | -N- ; Y[1] is selected from the group consisting of oxygen sulfur and R[4] | -N- ; Y[2] is selected from the group consisting of oxygen, sulfur and R[5] | -N- ; R, R[1], R[2], R[3], R[4], and R[5], are each selected from the group consisting of alkyl, aryl, substituted aryl and substituted alkyl; and a, b and c are numbers having a value of 0 to 1 such that the sum a + b + c is from 1 to 3; and (b) an antioxidant combination of from about 0.005 to about 3.0% by weight of the entire fluid of a hydrogen phosphate ester or amine salt thereof having the formula: wherein R[8] is a C1-C20 alkyl group; A is hydrogen, or an amine cation of the formula: wherein R', R'' and R''' are each hydrogen or a C[1]-C[3] [0] alkyl group; and A' is A or a C[1]-[2] [0] alkyl group; and from about 0.1 to about 11% by weight of the entire fluid of an alkylene-linked hindered bisphenol having at least one alkyl group of from 3 to 8 carbon atoms attached to the phenol ring in a position adjacent to the hydroxyl groups.

申請案經USPTO審查,被不符103, 112核駁,經提出訴願,BPAI確認USPTO意見,案件上訴到CCPA。


這時,連結到本次要討論的112議題,解釋專利範圍時,給予最廣且合理的解釋,如以上列舉claim 9,前言到特徵部分的轉接詞"consisting essentially of",法院的意見是,即便採用了"consisting of"封閉式用語,但解釋"consisting essentially of"需要合適地判斷是否說明書合理地支持發明可以包括其他添加物,如先前技術Messina中的"dispersant copolymer"。

"it is necessary and proper to determine whether their specification reasonably supports a construction that would include additives such as the dispersant copolymer of Messina. Norton Co. v. Carborundum Co., 530 F.2d 435 (CA 1 1976); In re Janakirama-Rao, 317 F.2d 951, 50 CCPA 1312 (1963)."

(重要)在所引用的案例In re Janakirama-Rao中,法院已經判定"consisting essentially of"限制專利範圍到特定成分,以及並不實質影響所主張成分的基本與新穎特性的成分。這即MPEP 2111.03的定義。

""consisting essentially of" limits the scope of a claim to the specified ingredients and those that do not materially affect the basic and novel  characteristic(s) of a composition."

相關解釋又溯及1948年的案例 - Ex parte Davis, 80 USPQ 448 (Pat.Off.Bd. App. 1948),此案例Ex parte Davis頗有意思,因為涉及最基礎的"comprising"與"consisting of"的解釋,可參考:MPEP 2111.03轉接詞筆記(about claims)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/08/mpep-211103about-claims.html),此案例判決又引用1931年案例 - In re Gray, 53 F.2d 520, 19 CCPA 745 (1931)

歷史上第一次出現"consisting essentially of"用語的案例在1931年判例:https://casetext.com/case/in-re-gray-25

(重要)如此,解釋本案申請專利範圍,專利範圍描述了3個成分,而問題是,是否"consisting essentially of"排除了第4個成分,法院判定"consisting essentially of"確實排除了第4個成分,理由是,根據上述案例的解釋,"consisting essentially of"不排除的是非實質影響其新穎特性的額外成分



(重要)也就是說,即便說明書記載發明(功能液)可以加入其他如"dispersant"的成分,但因為轉接詞"consisting essentially of"僅能再涵蓋不影響發明新穎特徵的其他成分,卻不能有這個dispersant

結論是,CCPA解釋"consisting essentially of"排除了第4個實質會影響系爭案發明的前案揭露的成分,這是112的議題。而在103議題中,因為前案(如Messina)已經記載了系爭案發明加入的額外添加物,並且兩者差異很小,並參考另一前案Orloff的揭露內容,整體與系爭案發明具有相似的抗氧化功能,系爭案發明為顯而易見。

"In re Herz, 537 F.2d 549, 551-52, 190 USPQ 461, 463 (CCPA 1976)"判決文:https://casetext.com/case/application-of-herz


