2024年4月16日 星期二

根據任命,PTAB的APJ屬於下級官員! - United States v. Arthrex (supreme court 2021)

這件案例(United States v. Arthrex (supreme court 2021))"存"很久了,這時拿出來看是因為USPTO將根據本案最高法院意見修正PTAB案的審查程序。

判決日期:June 21, 2021


2021年議題:APJ代表行政部門的職權是否符合憲法任命的規定?("The question in these cases is whether the authority of Administrative Patent Judges (APJs) to issue decisions on behalf of the Executive Branch is consistent with the Appointments Clause of the Constitution. APJs conduct adversarial proceedings for challenging the validity of an existing patent before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB).")

PTAB的APJ的任命:35 U. S. C. §§6(a),(c)

35 U.S. Code § 6 - Patent Trial and Appeal Board
(a)In General.—
There shall be in the Office a Patent Trial and Appeal Board. The Director, the Deputy Director, the Commissioner for Patents, the Commissioner for Trademarks, and the administrative patent judges shall constitute the Patent Trial and Appeal Board. The administrative patent judges shall be persons of competent legal knowledge and scientific ability who are appointed by the Secretary, in consultation with the Director. Any reference in any Federal law, Executive order, rule, regulation, or delegation of authority, or any document of or pertaining to the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences is deemed to refer to the Patent Trial and Appeal Board.

(c)3-Member Panels.—
Each appeal, derivation proceeding, post-grant review, and inter partes review shall be heard by at least 3 members of the Patent Trial and Appeal Board, who shall be designated by the Director. Only the Patent Trial and Appeal Board may grant rehearings.

本案緣起Arthrex專利權被PTAB/IPR程序撤銷,即上訴聯邦巡迴法院/CAFC主張PTAB違反總統任命行政官員的條款(Appointments Clause)。

Arthrex認為,APJ屬於"上級官員/principal officer"(聯邦官員分為「上級官員/principal officer」與「下級官員/inferior officer」),應為國會同意由總統任命,但是現行APJ則是由美國商務部長(Secretary of Commerce)任命,因此主張違憲




(a) "Appointments Clause"僅讓總統,經國會同意,任命上級官員;但讓國會授權給行政部門任命下級官員。

(b) 根據案例"Edmond v. United States",法院解釋下級官員必須受到其他由總統任命經國會同意的人指導與監督。根據以上資訊可知,APJ屬於需要被監督的下級官員,因此,PTAB的APJs應受到其他官員允許才能作出判決

參考1997年Edmond v. United States案例(https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/520/651/):"Despite the importance of the responsibilities the judges in question bear, they are "inferior Officers" under the Clause. Generally speaking, "inferior officers" are officers whose work is directed and supervised at some level by others who were appointed by Presidential nomination with the Senate's advice and consent.

也就是說,根據APJs的APJs的任命基礎,APJs屬於下級官員,因此所作出的PTAB決定應受到監督,至少其Director應有責任檢查/影響APJ的決定。因此才有以下列舉後續案例:CUPP COMPUTING AS v. TREND MICRO INC. (Fed. Cir. 2022)


"The Court does not attempt to “set forth an exclusive criterion for distinguishing between principal and inferior officers for Appointments Clause purposes.” Edmond, 520 U. S., at 661. Many decisions by inferior officers do not bind the Executive Branch to exercise executive power in a particular manner, and the Court does not address supervision outside the context of adjudication. Here, however, Congress has assigned APJs “significant authority” in adjudicating the public rights of private parties, while also insulating their decisions from review and their offices from removal."


(編按,本次判決不表示過去PTAB的決定無效。"even if the Director can refuse to designate APJs on further PTAB panels, he has no means of countermanding the final decision already on the books.")

my two cents:
後續案例如:審查歷程棄權原則並非天條,仍關乎審理層級與當下專利範圍的解釋 - CUPP COMPUTING AS v. TREND MICRO INC. (Fed. Cir. 2022)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2022/11/cupp-computing-as-v-trend-micro-inc-fed.html

"CAFC依循2021年最高法院在案件"United States v. Arthrex, Inc., 141 S. Ct. 1970 (2021)"中的意旨(此案中,專利權人對於PTAB作出最終決定的APJ們提出異議,認為他們可以作出不可挑戰的意見的權利,但其任命基礎是錯的...),讓CUPP(專利權人)有機會針對IPR的最終決定(final written decision)要求重審,但此請求被PTAB的acting director否決,CUPP更改訴狀後繼續上訴CAFC。




