2018年9月1日 星期六




EP(嚴格,申請日前六個月內,僅適用官方認可的展覽公開(國際展覽會公約),並需提交證明,可參考以下法規,以及歐洲專利簡介I - https://enpan.blogspot.com/2008/08/blog-post_05.html
Article 55 EPC Non-prejudicial disclosures

(1) For the application of Article 54, a disclosure of the invention shall not be taken into consideration if it occurred no earlier than six months preceding the filing of the European patent application and if it was due to, or in consequence of:
(a) an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his legal predecessor, or 
(b) the fact that the applicant or his legal predecessor has displayed the invention at an official, or officially recognised, international exhibition falling within the terms of the Convention on international exhibitions signed at Paris on 22 November 1928 and last revised on 30 November 1972. 

(2) In the case of paragraph 1(b), paragraph 1 shall apply only if the applicant states, when filing the European patent application, that the invention has been so displayed and files a supporting certificate within the time limit and under the conditions laid down in the Implementing Regulations.

Rule 25 Certificate of exhibition(需要的證明)

Within four months of filing the European patent application, the applicant shall file the certificate referred to in Article 55, paragraph 2, which:
(a) is issued at the exhibition by the authority responsible for the protection of industrial property at that exhibition; 
(b) states that the invention was in fact displayed there; 
(c) states the opening date of the exhibition and, where the invention was disclosed later than on that date, the date on which the invention was first disclosed; and  

(d) is accompanied by an identification of the invention, duly authenticated by the above-mentioned authority. 

第二十四條 申請專利的發明創造在申請日以前六個月內,有下列情形之一的,不喪失新穎性:

第三十條  專利法第二十四條第(一)項所稱中國政府承認的國際展覽會,是指國際展覽會公約規定的在國際展覽局註冊或者由其認可的國際展覽會。專利法第二十四條第(二)項所稱學術會議或者技術會議,是指國務院有關主管部門或者全國性學術團體組織召開的學術會議或者技術會議。





Article 29 (Requirements for Patent Registration)

Article 30 (Inventions Not Deemed to be Publicly Known, etc.) 
(1) If any of the following applies to a patentable invention, but a patent application is filed within 12 months from the relevant date, the invention shall not be deemed to fall under any subparagraph of Article 29 (1), for the purposes of Article 29 (1) or (2):
1. When a person entitled to a patent has caused his/her invention to fall under any subparagraph of Article 29 (1): Provided, That this shall not apply where the relevant application has been laid open, or the patent has been registered and published, in the Republic of Korea or in any foreign country under a treaty or an Act;
2. When the invention falls under any subparagraph of Article 29 (1) contrary to the will of the person entitled to a patent. 
(2) A person who seeks to claim entitlement under paragraph (1) 1 shall file a patent application to that effect and submit documents evidencing the relevant facts to the Commissioner of the Korean Intellectual Property Office within 30 days from the filing date of the patent application in the manner prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(3) Notwithstanding paragraph (2), if the amendment fee prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy has been paid, documents stating the willingness to become entitled to the application of paragraph (1) 1 or documents evidencing such willingness may be submitted during the period set in either of the following subparagraphs: 

1. The period during which amendment is permitted under Article 47 (1);
2. A period of not more than three months from the date when the certified copy of a written decision to grant a patent under Article 66 or the certified copy of a written judgment to revoke the decision to reject a patent application under Article 176 (1) (limited to a judgment made to register a patent but including a judgment on a retrial) is served: Provided, That the period shall end on the day when it is intended to have the grant of a patent registered under Article 79, if the period up to such day is less than three months.

JP(日本專利修法後的喪失新穎性的例外 - https://enpan.blogspot.com/2018/06/blog-post.html




my two cents:

https://baike.baidu.com/item/国际展览会公约Convention on international exhibitions


