2018年11月28日 星期三



本篇筆記源自:如何取得歐洲專利(How to get a European patent)?第18版(http://documents.epo.org/projects/babylon/eponet.nsf/0/8266ED0366190630C12575E10051F40E/$File/how_to_get_a_european_patent_2018_en.pdf

- 當提出歐洲專利申請案時,依照Article 79 EPC,都視為指定全部的EPC成員國(締約國)。

- 但專利要在各成員國生效,需要繳交費用。並可以在任何時間撤銷指定國別。

- 各國指定費應在歐洲專利檢索報告(隨著專利申請案)公開(申請日後18個月)後6個月內繳交。

- 當歐洲專利獲准後,可以因此在任何歐洲專利公約(EPC)的成員國(contracting state)中受到保護,條件是,要翻譯成該成員國的官方語言。

根據Article 65(1) EPC規定,在獲准歐洲專利後3個月內要提出指定國的官方語言翻譯,而在簽署倫敦協議(London Agreement)的成員國中獲得專利保護,僅須翻譯申請專利範圍。(成員國:The contracting states are: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom.

- 獲准專利為方法流程(process),保護範圍及於由此方法流程直接產生的產品。

- 在各成員國中發生的侵權事件,由該國國內法執行。

- 「公開」的歐洲專利申請案有一種臨時保護(provisional protection)的效力,也如各成員國國內公開案的效力,日後專利一旦獲准,這段時間的侵權行為可以主張補償。

- 根據Article 63(Term of the European patent),歐洲專利自申請日起保護20年,進入各成員國內也沒有變長,但例外的是,到了國家階段,專利期限可以延長:戰爭、緊急狀況,以及,若專利權涉及產品或製造產品的方法,在上市前需要經過行政授權程序(administrative authorisation procedure),如藥品或植物檢驗,可以延長專利權(supplementary protection certificate (SPC))。

- 在各成員國提出的專利異議程序,可以在EPO上訴。

- 歐洲專利獲准後,開始指定國,即便指定了所有歐洲專利公約成員國,但仍須在各國繳費,除非明確表達要撤銷的幾個指定國。同樣地,繳付年費也是一樣。(因此,歐洲專利在各成員國生效的條件是:獲准歐洲專利、繳費與翻譯)

Article 65 Translation of the European patent
(1) Any Contracting State may, if the European patent as granted, amended or limited by the European Patent Office is not drawn up in one of its official languages, prescribe that the proprietor of the patent shall supply to its central industrial property office a translation of the patent as granted, amended or limited in one of its official languages at his option or, where that State has prescribed the use of one specific official language, in that language. The period for supplying the translation shall end three months after the date on which the mention of the grant, maintenance in amended form or limitation of the European patent is published in the European Patent Bulletin, unless the State concerned prescribes a longer period.

Article 79 Designation of Contracting States
(1)All the Contracting States party to this Convention at the time of filing of the European patent application shall be deemed to be designated in the request for grant of a European patent. 
(2)The designation of a Contracting State may be subject to the payment of a designation fee. 

(3)The designation of a Contracting State may be withdrawn at any time up to the grant of the European patent. 

歐洲專利簡介V - London Agreement(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2008/12/v-london-agreement.html


