2018年12月14日 星期五



Article 90.-The first-to-file principle
Article 3.-Subject matters of intellectual property rights
1. Subject matters of copyright include literary, artistic and scientific works; subject matters of copyright-related rights include performances, phonograms, video recordings, broadcasts and encrypted program-carrying satellite signals.
2. Subject matters of industrial property rights include inventions, industrial designs, layout-designs of semiconductor integrated circuits, trade secrets, marks, trade names and geographical indications.
3. Subject matters of rights to plant varieties include plant varieties and reproductive materials.

13. An industrial design means a specific appearance of a product embodied by three-dimensional configurations, lines, colors, or a combination of these elements.

Article 63.-General conditions for industrial designs eligible for protection
An industrial design shall be protected when it satisfies the following conditions:
1.Being new;
2.Being creative;
3.Being susceptible of industrial application.

Article 64.-Subject matters not protected as industrial designs
The following subject matters shall not be protected as industrial designs:
1. Appearance of a product, which is dictated by the technical features of the product;
2. Appearance of a civil or an industrial construction work;
3. Shape of a product, which is invisible during the use of the product.

Article 65.-Novelty of industrial designs
1. An industrial design shall be considered new if it significantly differs from other industrial designs that are already publicly disclosed through use or by means of written descriptions or in any other form, inside or outside the country, prior to the filing date or the priority date, as applicable, of the industrial design registration application.
2. Two industrial designs shall not be considered significantly different from each other if they are only different in appearance features which are not easily noticeable and memorable and which cannot be used to distinguish these industrial designs as whole.
3. An industrial design shall be considered having not yet been publicly disclosed if it is known to only a limited number of persons who are obliged to keep it secret.
4. An industrial design shall not be considered having lost its novelty if it is published in the following cases, provided that the industrial design registration application is filed within 6 months from the date of publication:
a/ It is published by another person without permission of the person having the right to register it defined in Article 86 of this Law;
b/ It is published in the form of a scientific presentation by the person having the right to register it defined in Article 86 of this Law;

c/ It is displayed at a national exhibition of Vietnam or at an official or officially recognized international exhibition by the person having the right to register it defined in Article 86 of this Law.

(1) 被他人竊取的公開。
(2) 科學展示。
(3) 越南國家展覽、官方展出、官方認證的國際展覽
Article 66.-Creativity of industrial designs

An industrial design shall be considered creative if, based on industrial designs already publicly disclosed through use or by means of written descriptions or in any other form, inside or outside the country, before the filing date or the priority date, as applicable, of the industrial design registration application, it cannot be easily created by a person with average knowledge in the art.

Article 67.-Susceptibility of industrial application of industrial designs

An industrial design shall be considered susceptible of industrial application if it can be used as a model for mass manufacture of products with appearance embodying such industrial design by industrial or handicraft methods.

Article 93.-Validity of protection titles

4. Industrial design patents shall have a validity starting from the grant date and expiring at the end of 5 years after the filing date and may be renewed for two consecutive terms, each of 5 years.

Article 101.-The requirement on the uniformity of industrial property registration applications

3. Each registration application may request the grant of one industrial design patent for several industrial designs in the following cases:
a/ Industrial designs of a set of products consist of numerous items expressing a single common inventive idea and used together or for a common purpose;
b/ An industrial design is accompanied by one or more variants, i.e., variations of such industrial design that express a single common inventive idea and that are not significantly different from such industrial design.

(1) 一組產品包括多個項目而表達一個共同設計概念,一般是一起使用的情況。
(2) 一個工業設計隨著有一或多個變動/變化(variations),而表達單一共同設計概念,而彼此沒有實質差異。
Article 103.-Requirements on industrial design registration applications
1. Documents identifying an industrial design registered for protection in an industrial design registration application include a description and a set of photos or drawings of such industrial design. The industrial design description consists of a section of description and a scope of protection of such industrial design.
2. The section of description of an industrial design must satisfy the following conditions:
a/ Fully disclosing all features expressing the nature of the industrial design and clearly identifying features which are new, different from the least different known industrial design, and consistent with the set of photos or drawings;
b/ Where the industrial design registration application consists of variants, the section of description must fully show these variants and clearly identify distinctions between the principal variant and other variants;
c/ Where the industrial design stated in the registration application is that of a set of products, the section of description must fully show features of each product of the set.
3. The scope of protection of industrial designs must clearly define features which need to be protected, including features which are new and different from similar known industrial designs.
4. The set of photos and drawings must fully define features of the industrial design.


(1) 文件,包括描述、一系列照片或圖示。
(2) 表達出新的、與已知有差異的特徵。
(3) 多個有變動(variations)的設計要指出這些變動。
(4) 成組產品(a set of products)的設計,要說明。

Article 119.-Time limit for processing industrial property registration applications
b/ For an industrial design, a mark or a geographical indication, 6 months from the date of publication of the application.


越南專利制度 - 用專利學地理(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2016/02/blog-post_25.html



東協專利制度介紹 - 東協審查合作方案(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2015/12/blog-post_17.html


