2019年10月18日 星期五

「設計選擇」為"非"顯而易知的案例討論 - Ex parte Maeda (2012)

本篇為根據USPTO 10/16/2019 標註案例之二:

關於「design choice(設計選擇)」,如果發明的特徵僅是「設計選擇」之一,表示沒有對發明本身有實質的影響,就不會因為有差異而具有非顯而易知性(non-obvious)。

- 可參考部落格文章:發明僅設計選擇是顯而易見的技術 - Ex parte Gehring (PTAB, 2016)https://enpan.blogspot.com/2016/11/ex-parte-gehring-ptab-2016.html


- 可參考過去報導:一件訴願先行案例報導(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2016/11/blog-post_17.html

- 「設計選擇」為顯而易知的案例討論 - Ex parte Spangler (2019)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/10/ex-parte-spangler-2019.html

PTAB designates two decisions as informative regarding design choice
Ex parte Spangler, Appeal No. 2018-003800 (Feb. 20, 2019)
This decision affirms the examiner’s obviousness rejection, which determined that claimed relative lengths and locations of two claimed components were a matter of obvious design choice because the specification did not suggest that the relative lengths or locations were critical to the claimed invention.
Ex parte Maeda, Appeal No. 2010-009814 (Oct. 23, 2012)
This decision reverses the examiner’s obviousness rejection, which determined that the location of a claimed component of a manufacturing apparatus was a matter of obvious design choice because moving the component to the claimed location would result in a different function than shown in the prior art.
Learn more about these informative decisions on the USPTO website.

Ex parte Maeda, Appeal No. 2010-009814 (Oct. 23, 2012)

此案為2012年10月23日作出的訴願決定,相較於上一篇Ex parte Spangler案,早了7年多,或許這七年很多觀念都變了,不過USPTO再次提出提醒,或許是要告訴我們甚麼吧!

系爭申請案:10/519,832 (Appeal 2010-009814)
引證案:Wilcox  (US 6,234,351 B1)、Meserole (US 6,494,055 B1)
引用法條:35 U.S.C. § 103(a)


系爭案關於裝液體的袋子以及甜點製造機。系爭案主要專利範圍Claim 6如下,所描述的冷凍甜點製造機包括了冷凍儲存區、袋身、冷凍裝置、混合物供應區、壓力區,以及其中結構描述與製造過程。(編按,本篇結構描述比較鬆散,有興趣者可以看原文)

6. A frozen dessert manufacturing apparatus comprising: 
a cold storage which cold-stores a liquid containing bag constituted of a bag main body containing a mixture and having flexibility and an outer layer member disposed outside this bag main body, capable of forming a sealed space between the outer layer member and the bag main body, and having flexibility; 
a cooling cylinder which stirs and cools the mixture supplied from the liquid containing bag to thereby manufacture frozen dessert; 
a cooling device which cools the cold storage or the cooling cylinder; 
an air compression device; 
a mixture supply passage for connecting the inside of the bag main body of the liquid containing bag to the inside of the cooling cylinder; 
a bag pressurizing passage for supplying compressed air produced by the air compression device between the outer layer member and the bag main body of the liquid containing bag; 
an air supply passage for supplying compressed air into the cooling cylinder; and
a combined passage member detachably attached to the cooling cylinder and disconnectably connected to the mixture supply passage and the air supply passage, wherein the mixture supply passage is combined with the air supply passage, and thereafter connected to the inside of the cooling cylinder by the combined passage member, and the combined passage member is disposed in the cold storage.





USPTO審查此項範圍時,引用上述前案,認為,雖系爭案發明與前案裝置設計(混合部分在冷凍區內或在外)不同,但是認為系爭案發明在所屬領域一般技術人員來說是「顯而易知」,系爭案發明將混合輸送的部分放在冷凍區的設計並沒有產生「無法預期的結果(unexpected result)」,換句話說,這是一種「設計選擇(design choice)」而已。

USPTO意見:"The location of the combined passage member 35 of Meserole is considered to be a matter of obvious choice to one of ordinary skill in the art. No criticality or unexpected results are seen or have been disclosed for the location of the combined passage member being located in the cold storage."


申請人答辯:"Changing the location of the air injection point 35 to a new location inside the refrigerated mix cabinet 40 would modify the operation of the Meserole ’055 device. If the air injection point were located inside the refrigerated mix cabinet 40, the mix and the air would be at colder temperatures when they were combined, and thus the mix and the air would combine in a different manner.  Accordingly, in view of the above, the location of the air injection point 35 is not merely a matter of obvious design choice."




PTAB委員引用最高法院案例In re Ochiai, 71 F.3d 1565, 1571 (Fed. Cir. 1995)甚至還引用到當年重要KSR判例,要求審查委員作出顯而易知的核駁意見時,應有論述來支持審查意見,而非僅作出結論而已。




my two cents:
當審委利用「design choice」核駁案件時,答辯就是「說明設計差異產生的效果非前案可預期,非顯而易知」,最好是說明書已經有解釋,加上,如果先前技術的設計更有自己的理由時,先前技術可能是TEACH AWAY本案發明。




