2019年10月21日 星期一

CAFC以on-sale bar駁回部分專利範圍 - Quest Integrity v. Cokebusters (Fed. Cir. 2019)

「on-sale bar」,意思是,專利申請前的「商業實施」使專利不具新穎性,在優惠期的影響下,這個「on-sale bar」需要證明專利申請前超過一年已經商業實施。然而,進一步地,這個「新穎性」的阻礙還可擴及「專利申請前的銷售合約」。

CAFC於2019年5月作出的Quest Integrity USA,LLC v. Cokebusters USA Inc.決定確立了on-sale bar的效力,先前關鍵案例為:

- 先前販售合約形成「on-sale bar」- Helsinn Healthcare v. Teva Pharma USA (Supreme Court 2019)https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/01/on-sale-bar-helsinn-healthcare-v-teva.html
秘密販售與合約是否阻礙新穎性,答案是"看情況" - Helsinn v. Teva (Fed. Cir. 2018)https://enpan.blogspot.com/2018/01/helsinn-v-teva-fed-cir-2018.html
未揭示申請前合約為不當行為 - Energy Heating, LLC v. Heat On-The-Fly, LLC (Fed. Cir. 2018)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/07/energy-heating-llc-v-heat-on-fly-llc.html

判決日:May 21, 2019

本案緣起Quest對Cokebusters提出侵權告訴,被告提起專利無效請願,美國地院在簡易判決中認為系爭專利claims 12, 24, 30, 33, 40等項無效,理由是系爭專利在申請前超過一年已與他人簽訂合約(offered for sale),不符35 U.S.C. § 102(b)規定。Quest提起上訴。



列舉兩項範圍,系爭專利Claim 24(本項被認定為不具新穎性):

24. A computer-readable medium having computer-executable instructions for performing a method of displaying inspection data collected from a furnace, wherein said furnace comprises a plurality of tube segments interconnected by a plurality of bends so as to allow stacking of at least a portion of said tube segments, said method comprising:
generating a plurality of data markers each of which identifies a location of a physical feature of said furnace;
partitioning said inspection data at said data markers so as to correlate said inspection data to an appropriate one of said tube segments of said furnace;
generating a display of at least a portion of said partitioned inspection data arranged to represent said physical geometry of a plurality of said tube segments and enable visual detection of a problem area comprising one or more of said tube segments; and
wherein said inspection data is collected by one or more devices selected from the following group: an ultrasonic transducer, a laser profilometer, and combinations thereof.

Claim 40(本項被認為不在on-sale bar範圍下):

40. A system for displaying inspection data collected from a furnace with a specified physical geometry, wherein said furnace comprises a plurality of tube segments interconnected by a plurality of bends so as to allow stacking of at least a portion of said tube segments, said system comprising:
a storage device for storing said inspection data and sensor data collected from said furnace; and

a computer programmed to:
analyze said sensor data and generate a plurality of data markers based upon said analysis of said sensor data, wherein each of said data markers identifies a location of a physical feature of said furnace so as to correlate said inspection data to said physical geometry of said furnace;
partition said inspection data at said data markers;
generate a display of at least a portion of said partitioned inspection data arranged to represent said physical geometry of a plurality of said tube segments and enable visual detection of a problem area comprising one or more of said tube segments; and
wherein said sensor data comprises a plurality of readings collected by one or more auxiliary sensors selected from the following group: an axial encoder, an accelerometer, a roll encoder, a gyroscope, an inertial navigation system, and combinations thereof.

Quest對Cokebusters提起侵權告訴,理由是Cokebusters向客戶提出熔爐清潔與檢測服務,Cokebusters提出答辯,主張系爭專利在其有效申請日(申請日:June 1, 2005;provisional優先權日:June 1, 2004)之前超過一年(June 1, 2003,critical date)已經有商業服務(提供給Orion Norco Refinery),認為系爭專利不具新穎性

在專利範圍解釋時,可知系爭專利的幾項主要範圍之間有些許差異,包括專利標的(computerized method、computer-readable medium、method、system)以及內文,但地院仍判決系爭專利的幾項主張侵權的範圍不具新穎性。


on-sale bar:

先確認日期:系爭專利的critical date為June 1, 2003(在其優先權日前一年)。

更嚴肅地,on-sale bar甚至追溯到「任何使用系爭發明的企圖」,也就是討論到專利立法的理由,要求發明人在準備好要提出專利時,就要提出。相關案例為最高法院Pfaff (Pfaff v. Wells Electronics, Inc., 525 U.S. 55 (1998))。(相關報導:申請前商業販售或約定形成的專利權障礙 - Hamilton Beach v. Sunbeam Products (Fed. Cir. 2013)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/05/hamilton-beach-v-sunbeam-products-fed.html))

最高法院在Pfaff案中提出two-part test,兩部測試是否符合「on-sale」:商業要約與準備申請專利("(1) “the subject of a commercial offer for sale” and (2) “ready for patenting.”")。甚至「秘密的販售合約」都可無效專利權:

各方判斷與主張頗為刁鑽,如法院認為系爭專利權人Quest滿足的on-sale bar是在商業要約,並沒有販售硬體或軟體,也就是認為Quest在critical date之前的行為關於系爭專利的幾個標的:METHOD, COMPUTER-READABLE MEDIUM與SYSTEM。

Quest承認critical date之間確實有商業行為,但主張提供給Norco的服務沒有「顯示」,但如各方所述,當時提供給Norco的表格已經有視覺化地檢測熔爐,也細讀了系爭專利說明書中列舉的範例,如系爭專利Fig. 3,都成為Quest無法否決的證據。

如說明書提出的Example 1,對應到系爭專利「system」範圍,也查出系爭專利審查歷史沒有對相關範圍有任何disclaimer,沒有排除Example 1,但因為核駁的關係,Quest也在相關範圍中併入「display」特徵。特別地,一般專利權人都想要得到較廣範圍的專利,但在此時卻又極力表示所限制的條件,都是為了要避免「on-sale bar」。對於解釋專利範圍而言,各方對此都有一番來往論述。

除了確認系爭專利critical date之間的商業行為已經讓claims 12, 24, 33(computerized method, computer-readable medium, method for displaying inspection date)不具新穎性之外,關於Claims 30, 40(computer-readable medium - data marker, system for displaying inspection data),這裡還有些來往討論。

Claim 30為附屬項,其中包括了「composite data markers」,Claim 40為獨立項,包括了分析感測數據的特徵。對於部分專利特徵,Quest主張在之前與Norco的服務中僅建議有這些功能,但並未提出服務,加上被告對此也沒有足夠的on-sale bar證據,無法證明Quest對Norco的商業服務中涵蓋所有claims 30, 40的專利特徵,使得CAFC認為地方法院對這兩項範圍的無效決定有誤。

CAFC結論:根據on-sale bar,認為系爭專利Claims 12, 24, 33不符新穎性規定,但否決Claims 30, 40的無效決定。(顯然新穎性為逐項判斷)

my two cents:
很多專利不見得能夠那麼準確地對應到特地產品,或僅是一個產品的某個小部件或功能,要形成on-sale bar,相對困難,但是有些產品卻很明確地有其對應專利,特別是具有視覺化功效、產品本身的專利,這些更要小心on-sale bar。



