2021年2月17日 星期三

說明書缺乏精確度而無法得知合理明確的專利範圍 - Saso Golf, Inc. v. Nike, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2021)

本篇討論說明書缺乏精確度而無法明確定義專利範圍 - Saso Golf, Inc. v. Nike, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2021),由於專利範圍需要更明確的解釋,但專利說明書又沒有提供精準的定義,導致專利範圍不明確。本篇比較偏重結構特徵的描述,特別是利用一些用語(toe, heel)描述一個結構時,需要有足夠的內容支持這個描述,如果無法有精確的解釋,會導致各說各話,專利範圍邊界不明。


原告/上訴人:SASO GOLF, INC.

被告/被上訴人:NIKE, INC.


判決日:February 10, 2021

系爭專利US5,645,495是件1995年申請、1997年獲准的美國專利,關於高爾夫球桿(桿頭),案件始於Saso在2008年向Nike提出侵權訴訟,系爭請求項Claim 7如下,球桿包括金屬木質桿頭,分為根部(heel)與頭部(toe),形成一個擊球面(hitting surface),這個擊球面在航向與縱向有實質相同的曲面,但背面的曲面不同。

7. A golf club comprising:

a metallic wood type head including a cylindrical hosel portion formed integrally therewith;
said metallic wood type head having a heel side and a toe side, said metallic wood type head having a hitting surface extending from the toe side to said heel side, the hitting surface having substantially the same curvature along a transverse direction as a longitudinal direction,
said metallic wood type head further comprising a toe, a heel, and a back side profile shape extending from the toe side to the heel side, said back side profile shape between the toe and a most rearwardly point of said metallic wood type head having a radius of curvature that is larger than the radius of curvature of said back side profile shape between the most rearwardly point of said metallic wood type head and the heel.


根據專利說明書內容(編按,事實上說明書內容也沒太多內容),以及CAFC法官在意的技術特徵,這個桿頭的創新之處是將桿頭頭部(toe)的重量(原本重量偏頭部)移到根部(heel),這是可以避免打高爾夫球時扭轉桿頭產生左曲球(hook shot)(這是我的非專業理解)。



不過,以這些位置定義來決定一個專利範圍,產生了不明確的議題,例如,並無法準確定義toe與heel,系爭專利說明書其實沒有描述這麼多細節,也沒有提到曲率半徑的計算,Nike的專家證人認為toe與heel有許多解釋,使得無法基於明確的用語來描述系爭專利範圍定義的桿頭;Saso的專家證人雖偏向Saso,卻也沒有針對相關議題提供明確回應,甚至認為解釋Claim 7時沒有需要準確決定toe與heel的位置。



審理專利範圍的明確性時,剛好遇到美國最高法院2014年「Nautilus, Inc. v. Biosig Instruments, Inc.」判決,這時,Saso並沒有作出適當的回應,CAFC也因此沒有考量Saso基於先前標準(Nautilus之前)的答辯內容。然而,即便Saso有回應,CAFC仍認為地院的判斷符合Nautilus判例形成的「合理而明確的明確性判斷標準(“reasonable certainty” standard)」。


結論:本案基於侵權議題,要判斷是否侵權,要能選擇精確的位置以量測桿頭的曲面半徑,但相關證據,如說明書、相關領域技術人員並無法得知這些明確的位置,使得無法得知Claim 7合理明確的範圍

"Choosing precise points from which to measure the radii of curvature is essential to knowing whether a golf club infringes the ’495 patent. The district court did not clearly err in its findings that the patent provided no guidance on where to locate the points (the toe and heel) and that an artisan would not know specific definitions for those areas. Therefore, we agree with the district court’s legal conclusion and hold that claim 7 of the patent is invalid for indefiniteness because it fails to inform an artisan of the scope of the claim with reasonable certainty."

- “reasonable certainty” standard

可參考:最高法院對明確性的態度 - Nautilus, Inc. v. Biosig Instruments, Inc.https://enpan.blogspot.com/2014/06/nautilus-inc-v-biosig-instruments-inc.html

"明確性標準的案例以「Nautilus, Inc. v. Biosig Instruments, Inc., 572 U.S. 898, 909 (2014)」為主要依據,可參考本部落格文章:最高法院對明確性的態度 - Nautilus, Inc. v. Biosig Instruments, Inc.,Nautilus案的教示是"明確的"專利範圍應讓相關領域技術人員「參照說明書與審查歷史」可以合理而確定知悉發明的專利範圍(reasonable certainty)。"

my two cents:



專利所要求的明確 - Guandong Alison Hi-Tech Co. v. ITC and Aspen Aerogels, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2019)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/09/guandong-alison-hi-tech-co-v-itc-and.html

- CAFC第二次對Nautilus v. Biosig作出判決(April 27, 2015)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2015/12/cafcnautilus-v-biosigapril-27-2015.html

- 專利所要求的明確 - Guandong Alison Hi-Tech Co. v. ITC and Aspen Aerogels, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2019)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/09/guandong-alison-hi-tech-co-v-itc-and.html



