2022年9月23日 星期五

專利適格性需要可預期性與一致性 - 101審查意見筆記



  • ... the claim is directed toward an abstract idea.  The limitations recite ....  The limitations entail commercial interactions including advertising, marketing or sales activities or behaviors, business relations as well as managing personal behavior, including rules or instruction...(避免/刪除申請專利範圍涉及一些容易被判定是廣告、行銷、販售物品等商業活動的特徵)
  • the judicial exception is not integrated into a practical application because the additional elements provided by the claim amount to insignificant extra-solution and the mere use of a computer as a tool to perform an abstract idea.(要找到專利範圍中的特殊特徵,使之具備可以轉換抽象概念為可實際應用的額外元件)
  • ... which amount to insignificant extra-solution activity since the activities are mere data gathering and selection of the particular data source or type of data to be manipulated in implementing the abstract idea.
  • 當審查意見指出:"simply adding insignificant extra-solution activities and applying the abstract idea via computing components is not a practical application of the abstract idea",反過來就是可以符合專利適格性的重點:申請專利範圍中包括具有重要的額外解決方案活動,且非僅將一般電腦技術用在被認為抽象概念的特徵上(編按,常見的軟體發明中的步驟都有可能被判定是人為作業而僅被一般目的電腦執行的抽象概念)。
  • The additional elements do not involve improvement to the functioning of a computer, or to any other technology or technical field (MPEP 2106.05(a)), the claims do not apply the abstract idea with, or by use of, a particular machine (MPEP 2106.05(b)), the claims do not effect a transformation or reduction of a particular article to a different state or thing (MPEP 2106.05(c)), and the claims do not apply or use the abstract idea in some other meaningful way beyond generally linking to use of the abstract idea to a particular technological environment, such that the claim as a whole is more than a drafting effort designed to monopolize the exception (MPEP 2106.05(e)).
  • The claim does not include additional elements that are sufficient to amount to significantly more than the judicial exception.  (這句話是101核駁意見的標準語言,顯見地,在答辯時要證明其中有additional elements,或是通過修正加入additional elements,並且,就軟體發明而言,不能是通常或一般功能的電腦元件。)
  • 就軟體發明而言,發明不能僅是收集與選擇資料等僅實現抽象概念的不重要的解決方案。(MPEP 2106.05(g))
  • the court have recognized receiving, processing, and storing data to be well-understood, routine, and conventional functions when they are claimed in a merely generic manner or as insignificant extra-solution activity. (MPEP 2106.05(d)II)
  • the additional elements used to amounts to no more than merely applying the exception using generic computer components, executing basic functions of a computer.(看來,即便請求項中有additional elements,但若僅是使用一般目的電腦、執行電腦基本功能,仍無法超越抽象概念。)
回到上述2019年專利適格性審查的聯邦記事,其中關於「2019 Revised Patent Subject Matter Eligibility Guidance」,包括幾個主題:

(編按,以下討論都是為了「專利適格性」的可預期性與一致性(predictability and consistency),通過持續討論的過程與相關審查方針的修訂,避免這類專利的不可預期性,避免法院與審查意見之間的分歧。)

I. Groupings of Abstract Ideas


被視為抽象概念的,第一類是數學關係式、方程式、數學計算等,第二類是管理人類活動、基本經濟原則與實務、商業或法律互動、管理個人行為或關係或人們之間的互動,第三類是心智程序(mental processes),如人類心智執行的事物。

II. ‘‘Directed To’’ a Judicial Exception

申請專利範圍是涉及(directed to)法定例外,為不可專利,反之,則是可以專利。舉例來說,即便專利範圍描述了抽象概念、自然律或自然現象,但如果是涉及電腦或技術功能的改善,則可以專利。如果專利範圍,即便描述了抽象概念的項目,但如果整體而言,以有意義的方式整合了這些法定例外的元件為具有實際應用(practical application)的發明,則是符合專利適格性的發明。("A claim that integrates a judicial exception into a practical application will apply, rely on, or use the judicial exception in a manner that imposes a meaningful limit on the judicial exception, such that the claim is more than a drafting effort designed to monopolize the judicial exception.")

III. Instructions for Applying Revised Step 2A During Examination

A. Revised Step 2A

1. Prong One: (Evaluate Whether the Claim Recites a Judicial Exception)

評估專利範圍是否引述了法定例外項目(自然律、自然現象、抽象概念),若沒有,除非一些罕見情況,就跳出這個判斷步驟;如果有,就看prong two。所謂罕見情況,如:即便專利範圍並非抽象概念,但仍被審查委員視為引述了抽象概念。

(a) Identify the specific limitation(s) in the claim under examination (individually or in combination) that the examiner believes recites an abstract idea; and 
(b) determine whether the identified limitation(s) falls within the subject matter groupings of abstract ideas enumerated in Section I of the 2019 Revised Patent Subject Matter Eligibility Guidance.

2. Prong Two: (If the Claim Recites a Judicial Exception, Evaluate Whether the Judicial Exception Is Integrated Into a Practical Application)

評估專利範圍中是否描述了"整合法定例外項目為實際應用這些項目"的額外元件(additional elements)。如果有這些額外元件,通過step 2A,發明為可專利,跳出判斷步驟;若沒有額外元件,進入step 2B(專利範圍是否具備進步特徵/進步概念(inventive concept))。

(a) Identifying whether there are any additional elements recited in the claim beyond the judicial exception(s); and 
(b) evaluating those additional elements individually and in combination to determine whether they integrate the exception into a practical application, using one or more of the considerations laid out by the Supreme Court and the Federal Circuit, for example those listed below.

- 反映出電腦或技術功能的改善。
- 針對疾病與醫療情況,應用或使用法定例外影響特定治療方式或預防。
- 實現或使用法定例外項目,連結請求項中的特定機器(particular machine)或製作(manufacture)。
- 轉換或還原特定物品為不同的狀態或事物。
- 以有意義的方式以及超越一般使用方式應用或使用法定例外項目至特定技術環境中,整體上超越僅壟斷其例外項目的效果。
• An additional element reflects an improvement in the functioning of a computer, or an improvement to other technology or technical field;
• an additional element that applies or uses a judicial exception to effect a particular treatment or prophylaxis for a disease or medical condition;
• an additional element implements a judicial exception with, or uses a judicial exception in conjunction with, a particular machine or manufacture that is integral to the claim;
• an additional element effects a transformation or reduction of a particular article to a different state or thing; and
• an additional element applies or uses the judicial exception in some other meaningful way beyond generally linking the use of the judicial exception to a particular technological environment, such that the claim as a whole is more than a drafting effort designed to monopolize the exception.

- 僅應用(apply it)法定例外項目,例如僅以電腦指令實現抽象概念、僅使用電腦如執行抽象概念的工具、僅加入微不足道的額外方案活動,以及僅一般連結法定例外項目與特定技術環境。

(編按,專利範圍元件是否為well-understood, routine, conventional activity,這是Step 2B中的判斷事項。

B. Step 2B

若專利範圍涉及法定例外,將繼續評估專利範圍中的額外元件的個別或組合是否有實質超越(significantly more)法定例外本身的進步特徵(inventive concept)

step 2B考量的是:
- Adds a specific limitation or combination of limitations that are not well-understood, routine, conventional activity in the field, which is indicative that an inventive concept may be present;
- simply appends well-understood, routine, conventional activities previously known to the industry, specified at a high level of generality, to the judicial exception, which is indicative that an inventive concept may not be present.

C. Treating a Claim Limitation That Does Not Fall Within the Enumerated Groupings of Abstract Ideas as Reciting an Abstract Idea

D. Compact Prosecution
提醒審查委員,不論是否有101核駁,應逐項針對各種專利性議題(102, 103, 112, 101)作出完整審查意見。

- USPTO的2019開年禮之一 - 適格性指導方針(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/01/uspto2019.html
- 美國專利局於2019年10月又更新了專利適格性審查方針(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/10/10.html


