2023年10月2日 星期一

功能性用語帶來的不明確問題 - WSOU Invs., LLC v. Google LLC (Fed. Cir. 2023).

當行動電話世代交替後,Nokia放棄行動電話的市場,有很多NPE"收購"過去Nokia的專利,想要透過授權或訴訟獲利,本案原告WSOU INVESTMENTS LLC應該就是其中之一,一告就用15件專利,不過"過去"專利是否能受到現在法院的考驗,還是有許多問題要面對。

RPX對WSOU(由Uniloc exec設立)的報導https://insight.rpxcorp.com/entity/1308032-wsou-investments-llc,有100多件專利訴訟進行中。

被告/被上訴人:GOOGLE LLC
判決日期:September 25, 2023

本案緣起專利權人WSOU用15件專利對Google提起侵權訴訟,本案涉及其中兩件 - US7,304,563、US8,238,681,地方法院提起一個專利範圍解釋命令(single claim construction order),用以涵蓋所有15件專利,並基於這個專利範圍解釋,地院階段判定其中'563的claims 1, 16、'681的claims 1, 9, 16, 24為不明確因此專利無效。

'563關於具有鬧鐘功能的行動通訊終端,發明的特徵可參考claim 1,裝置包括鬧鐘、儲存發報時間的記憶體,以及當時間到達發報時間即發出警報訊息的發報單元。這樣應該還不足以獲准專利,專利特徵為藉由啟動與"其他通訊終端"的網路連線發出警報訊息,使得其他終端發出訊號。

Claim 1:
1. A mobile communication terminal, comprising:
a clock configured to maintain an indication of the current time;
a memory configured to store a definition of an alert time; and
an alerting unit configured to issue an alert when the current time matches the alert time, the alerting unit being configured to issue the alert by initiating a connection to another communication terminal over a network so as to cause that other terminal to locally signal the incidence of the connection incoming thereto,
wherein the alerting unit comprises a signaling unit configured to locally signal to a user, and the alerting unit is configured to issue the alert by causing the signaling unit to locally signal to the user,
wherein the memory is configured to store an indication of whether the alerting unit is configured to issue the alert using the signaling unit, and the alerting unit is configured to issue the alert using the signaling unit in accordance with that indication, and
wherein the alerting unit is configured to issue the alert by initiating the connection to the other communication terminal at a predetermined time offset from signaling the user using the signaling unit.

claim 16:
16. An apparatus for alerting a user by means of a mobile communication terminal, the apparatus comprising:
maintaining means for maintaining an indication of the current time;
storing means for storing in a memory a definition of an alert time; and
issuing means for issuing an alert when the current time matches the alert time by initiating a connection to another communication terminal over a network so as to cause that other terminal to locally signal the incidence of the connection incoming thereto
wherein the means for issuing an alert comprises signaling means for locally signaling to the user,
wherein the means for issuing an alert issues the alert by causing the signaling means to locally signal to the user,
wherein the storing means stores an indication of whether the means for issuing an alert is to issue the alert using the signaling means, and
wherein the means for issuing an alert issues an alert by initiating a connection to the other communication terminal at a predetermined time offset from signaling the user by the signaling means.



1. A method comprising:
logically separating into a plurality of parts at least one sub-window of interest of a plurality of sub-windows of interest arranged in a grid formation in an autofocus window of interest;
assigning a focus value mask to each of the plurality of parts of the at least one sub-window; and
executing an autofocus algorithm using the assigned focus value masks, where the plurality of parts of the at least one sub-window of interest comprise a first part closest to a center of the at least one sub-window of interest, a third part farthest from the center of the at least one sub-window of interest, and a second part in between the first part and the second part, where the first part has a weighted focus value of Value1, the second part has a weighted focus value of Value2, and the third part has a weighted focus value of Value3, where Value1, Value2, and Valueeach represent a rational value assigned to a corresponding focus value.

根據系爭專利'563的claim 16中"issuing means for issuing an alert",這是訴諸35 U.S.C. § 112的功能手段用語解釋,參考說明書內容,其涵蓋上述兩種發報方式,此功能發報手段解釋為"(1) “initiating a connection to another communication terminal over a network” and (2) “causing the signaling means to locally signal the user.”"。


進一步地,還有另一個被認為是功能手段用語是claim 1的「alerting unit」,判定是與claim 16的「means for issuing an alert」的兩個功能一樣。很嚴重地,法院判定用語"unit"定義為所執行的功能,就本案而言,與means、processor是可以互換的。

法院判定系爭專利'563的說明書並未提供足夠結構特徵支持「issuing means」與「alerting unit」如何運作的解釋。

法院認為另一系爭專利'681中用語「second part in between the first part and the second part」為荒謬、無意義的(nonsensical)(主要是因為其中自我矛盾),判定為不明確用語



WSOU上訴議題包括:(1)地院錯誤解讀"alerting unit"為35 U.S.C. § 112解釋下的功能手段用語;(2)主張,對應"alerting unit"與"means for issuing an alert"執行的功能,'563專利說明書已經揭露足夠的結構特徵。

(老議題)毫無疑義地,系爭專利'563的claim 16使用了"means"用語,就是訴諸112功能手段用語解釋規定;而claim 1使用了"unit",Google主張此仍為"placeholder",指的是所有可以執行特定功能的占位符、這些用語的周圍都是純功能描述,沒有任何結構特徵,以及說明書對於"alerting unit"描述不多,而且都是功能性的(編按,Google的主張剛好是寫專利說明書、claim的人的提醒。)。

編按,法院認證的means plus function占位符,如:“mechanism for,” “module for,” “device for,” “unit for,” “component for,” “element for,” “member for,” “apparatus for,” “machine for,” or “system for” ...。持平地講使用unit, module, device...這些用語是否一定會被認定是不明確,或是使用112(f)功能手段用語解釋,應該是看前後文是否能讓相關領域一般技術人員理解其中結構或步驟而定,如CPU, GPU,這些用語的使用雖是盡量避免,但也不是那麼"硬"。

可參考:是否訴諸112(f)的三個判斷 - MPEP 2181, section I(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2018/07/112f-mpep-2181-i.html);USPTO的2019開年禮之二 - 明確性指導方針(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/01/uspto2019_8.html)。


在此,法院判決雖是有法可循,但是卻可能不近人情,如果看來是明確的,即便用語上不明確,整體技術還是可能是明確的(對於相關技術領域的人而言)。WSOU就是這樣想,因為alerting unit/means for issuing an alert等功能是電腦程式完成,自然是沒有結構特徵。法院說明,沒有任何案件授權其中一方僅通過呈現相關領域都可能不理解的外部證據以說明其明確的結構。也就是說,專利權人不能僅提出外部證據證實說明書中欠缺的內容。

“None of our cases mandate that a party seeking to overcome the presumption against application of 112, [¶] 6 can only do so by presenting extrinsic evidence that one of ordinary skill would fail to understand that a term connotes a definite structure.”

經確認系爭專利範圍應訴諸112(f)解釋,系爭專利說明書是否有足夠的結構特徵對應申請專利範圍中執行的功能?專利權人搬出說明書能夠支持結構特徵的描述,如手機中的處理器、記憶體、天線等,但法院判定這些是行動裝置的一般描述,法院要求要超過這些描述的特徵,而不僅是電腦與處理器的描述而已。顯見,法院要求的是實現alerting, issuing an alert的相關描述,如這段落的要求:what it is or how it operates。


my two cents:

除了101, 102, 103外,112是在專利審查階段其實是再通常不過的議題,再厲害的說明書都有可能面對112議題,除了功能手段用語以外,還有其他問題,如可實施性、範圍是否太廣而不明確,或是並未包括實施發明的必要手段等,但往往可以通過修正或解釋克服掉。如果審查階段沒有解決112的問題(誤准),當112議題帶到法院,就有可能大翻船,那時就很尷尬,因此最好在專利審查階段或是提出訴訟前審視專利範圍,盡量避免不明確問題。

針對申請專利範圍中描述要訴諸35 U.S.C. § 112解釋的功能手段用語,會要求說明書揭露足夠的結構特徵,或是材料,或是動作。以我的後見之明來看,本案alerting unit/means for issuing an alert技術特徵,根據說明書說明發出的訊息可以是聲響或是震動,因此或者可以交代一下是裝置中的喇叭、揚聲器或震動器等,或是描述其中作動的流程。

35 U.S.C. 112  Specification
(f) ELEMENT IN CLAIM FOR A COMBINATION.—An element in a claim for a combination may be expressed as a means or step for performing a specified function without the recital of structure, material, or acts in support thereof, and such claim shall be construed to cover the corresponding structure, material, or acts described in the specification and equivalents thereof.


