2019年10月4日 星期五

美國地方法院對101的態度 - PPS DATA, LLC v. Jack Henry & Associates, Inc. (E.D. Tex. Sept 2019)

本篇提出案例PPS DATA, LLC v. Jack Henry & Associates, Inc. (E.D. Tex. Sept 2019)在3月與9月的判決,作為瞭解美國地方法院對於35 U.S.C. § 101議題基本態度的參考。

原告/專利權人:PPS DATA, LLC
系爭專利:US7,181,430, US7,216,106, US7,440,924, US7,624,071, US8,660,956
判決日:March 21, 2019

本案緣起專利權人PPS Data於2018年對被告JHA提起侵權告訴,侵權被告向地方法院提起專利無效(違反35 U.S.C. § 101)簡易判決請願(summary judgment)。


在Claim 1界定的方法中,中央系統接收到存款資訊,包括支票影像,中央系統傳送電子存款資料與支票影像至不同的銀行帳戶,中央系統執行存款,還包括傳送相關影像與資料到銀行或聯邦儲備銀行。

1. A method for deposit processing at a central system a plurality of checks deposited at a remote site with accompanying deposit information, comprising:
the central system receiving deposit information for a plurality of different deposit transactions, with the deposit information including for each of the different deposit transactions a deposit account designation, electronic check data and check image data for at least one check to be deposited, wherein the central system is separate from MICR capture, deposit accounting, cash management, and float processing systems for a bank of first deposit and wherein the deposit account designation for each of at least a subset of the plurality of the deposit transactions is to a different bank of first deposit;
the central system transmitting the electronic deposit data and optionally the check image data for each different deposit transaction of the subset of the plurality of the deposit transactions to a respective different one of the banks of first deposit;
the central system performing at least one of sorting the received deposit information and error checking the received deposit information before transmission to any of the MICR capture, deposit accounting, cash management, and float processing systems of each of the different banks of first deposit designated in the respective deposit account designations in the deposit information; and

the central system transmitting electronic check data and the check image data directly or indirectly to a maker bank or a Federal Reserve Bank or a correspondent bank in a transmission having a transmission path that bypasses the MICR capture, deposit accounting, cash management, and float processing systems of the bank of first deposit for that deposit transaction.

其中主要議題是「Patent Eligibility Under 35 U.S.C. § 101」,根據案例Alice Corp. Pty. v. CLS Bank Int’l, 134 S. Ct. 2347, 2354 (2014),最高法院指示各級法院針對101議題應判斷系爭專利是否整合了多個技術特徵而取得實質超越的效果("integrate the building blocks into something more")。

根據以上描述,系爭專利本質是個典型以軟體實現的商業方法,在101議題中,先判斷系爭專利是否屬於自然律、自然現象或抽象概念(step 1),若為抽象概念(如本案),接續的檢驗是「判斷專利範圍中是否具有可以轉換專利範圍本質為可專利應用的額外元件(additional element)?」(step 2)。

(重要 - step 2)判決中很明確地表示:當專利範圍包括"超越"執行相關領域已知(well-understood)、常規(routine)與習知活動(conventional activities)的技術時,即滿足上述檢驗。




本篇案例議題之一就是證明系爭專利'430的Claim 1是否具有"代表性"?舉證失利將導致訴訟敗訴。

根據被告主張,認為系爭專利'430的Claim 1涉及金融資訊的取得、傳送與儲存,為抽象概念(step 1 - ineligible concept);而其中並沒有實質超越金融數據的操作的技術特徵,請求項範圍中所執行的步驟為一般電腦步驟與常規流程(step 2 - inventive concept)。




系爭專利:U.S. Patent No. 7216106(不同上述代表案'430)

'106案的Claim 1:

1. A computer-readable medium comprising a program product for deposit processing at a central system a plurality of checks with accompanying deposit information, comprising:
at least one computer-readable medium having computer readable program code embodied therein or among them if more than one medium, to be executed by a computer, the computer readable program code, when executed, capable of causing a machine to perform the following method steps
the central system receiving deposit information for a plurality of different deposit transactions, with the deposit information including for each of the different deposit transactions a deposit account designation in a bank of fist deposit, electronic check data and original check image data for at least one check to be deposited, wherein the central system is separate from MICR capture, deposit accounting, cash management, and float processing systems for the bank of first deposit;
a computer at the central system comparing at least one deposit parameter that is not an account number to an individual customer limit in advance of transmitting any of the deposit information to the bank of first deposit;
sending a communication if the individual customer limit is exceeded;
the central system performing at least one of sorting the received deposit information and error checking the received deposit information in advance of transmitting any of the deposit information to the bank of first deposit;
the central system transmitting at least some of the deposit information for each different deposit transaction to the bank of first deposit;
the central system transmitting electronic check data and check image data directly or indirectly to the maker bank, or to a Federal Reserve Bank or a correspondent bank, or to a print site for ultimate delivery in hard copy to a maker bank, with this transmitting bypassing the MICR capture, deposit accounting, cash management, float processing or other systems of the bank of first deposit.




my two cents:

從本篇提供了不錯的101訊息:step 1 - ineligible concept;step 2 - inventive concept。



USPTO根據案例Berkheimer提出101判斷中Step 2的審查指南:


第二,依據MPEP § 2106.05(d)(II)規定作出專利範圍中元件為公知、常規與習知的結論,其中列舉一些「法院認證過的」的公知、常規與習知,而且是「無足輕重的額外解決方案("insignificant extra-solution activity")」的電腦功能、生活科學等,可以參考一下(很多案例也是值得探討)。

第三,引用出版品證明專利範圍中的元件(或組合)是公知、常規與習知。(這裡強調與102中規定的出版品(printed publication)仍有差異,有些出版品不見得能證明元件為公知。)

第四,元件或其組合是否為公知、常規與習知,審查委員要根據自己的判斷發出正式通知(official notice),例如根據以上三點證據,再面對申請人答辯理由。這裡提到如同MPEP § 2144.03中規範的103議題討論。

- USPTO回應Berkheimer案提出step 2B審查備忘錄(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2018/04/usptoberkheimerstep-2b.html
- 整體性地考量專利適格性,這是法律議題 - Berkheimer v. HP, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2018)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2018/04/berkheimer-v-hp-inc-fed-cir-2018.html
- 根據USPTO審查意見的101筆記 - 審委的OA一堂課(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/03/uspto101-oa.html

- USPTO的2019開年禮之一 - 適格性指導方針(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/01/uspto2019.html





