2020年1月10日 星期五




Whoever invents any new, original, and ornamental design for an article of manufacture may obtain a patent therefor, subject to the conditions and requirements of this title.
The provisions of this title relating to patents for inventions shall apply to patents for designs, except as otherwise provided.

- 美國設計專利教戰守則(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2014/09/blog-post_30.html
- 設計專利與其可專利性討論(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2015/10/blog-post.html
- 美國設計專利筆記(有關期限...)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/07/blog-post.html
- 美國專利法第171條 - Design Patent(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2008/08/171-design-patent.html
- 設計專利的揭露義務 - MPEP 1504.04(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/03/mpep-150404.html

一般規定為工業繪圖方式提出設計圖面(美國),本篇討論以彩色圖面或是照片提出設計申請的辦法,USPTO在其設計專利申請指引中提出依照37 CFR §1.84(a)(2)規定,若有提出彩色圖與照片的必要性時,要提出請願(petition),解釋為何要以彩色圖與照片提出設計申請案

updated on Nov. 11, 2021 

根據網友mt回應本篇提到「海牙協定」已經廢除設計案使用彩圖所需的費用與請願書,經查相關文獻,如TIPO於105年智慧財產權月刊「從美日加入海牙協定探討我國設計專利之發展」一文中,說明「提交彩色圖式及照片不需特別提出申請」,其中:「依據海牙協定申請之行政規程第401條(a)明定...,USPTO修定專利法細則第1.84條設計專利申請案提交彩色圖式之辦法, 美國設計案之申請可直接採用彩色圖式, ... 不需另外如舊專利法細則第1.84(a)(2)條提出請求(Petition),也不必再繳交37 CFR 1.17(h)請求之規費,...。



"The patent or application file contains a least one drawing executed in color. Copies of this patent or patent application publication with color drawing(s) will be provided by the Office upon request and payment of the necessary fee."

petition有官方費用,規定在37 CFR § 1.17(h):(費用部分需要依照最新版本才是,目前是這樣)
(h) For filing a petition under one of the following sections which refers to this paragraph:
By a micro entity (§ 1.29)......$35.00
By a small entity (§ 1.27(a))......$70.00
By other than a small or micro entity......$140.00


"The color shown on the claimed design forms no part thereof."

37 CFR 1.84關於設計專利中彩色圖與照片圖的規定,其中(a)(2)與(b)重點有:
  • 彩色圖要有足夠的品質,而使得黑白複印時仍可以看到細節
  • USPTO接受請願才能受理以彩色圖與照片提出設計專利。
  • 費用規定在37 CFR § 1.17(h)
  • 如果是黑白照片,一般不被接受,除非照片是說明設計或發明唯一可行的方式
  • 可以黑白照片的情況:「electrophoresis gels, blots (e.g., immunological, western, Southern, and northern), autoradiographs, cell cultures (stained and unstained), histological tissue cross sections (stained and unstained), animals, plants, in vivo imaging, thin layer chromatography plates, crystalline structures, and, in a design patent application, ornamental effects, are acceptable. 」。
  • 如果是彩色照片, 只要滿足上述規定,可被接受。


37 CFR 1.84 Standards for drawings.

(a) Drawings. There are two acceptable categories for presenting drawings in utility and design patent applications.

(2) Color. Color drawings are permitted in design applications. Where a design application contains color drawings, the application must include the number of sets of color drawings required by paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section and the specification must contain the reference required by paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section. On rare occasions, color drawings may be necessary as the only practical medium by which to disclose the subject matter sought to be patented in a utility patent application. The color drawings must be of sufficient quality such that all details in the drawings are reproducible in black and white in the printed patent. Color drawings are not permitted in international applications (see PCT Rule 11.13). The Office will accept color drawings in utility patent applications only after granting a petition filed under this paragraph explaining why the color drawings are necessary. Any such petition must include the following:
(i) The fee set forth in § 1.17(h);
(ii) One (1) set of color drawings if submitted via the Office electronic filing system or three (3) sets of color drawings if not submitted via the Office electronic filing system; and
(iii) An amendment to the specification to insert (unless the specification contains or has been previously amended to contain) the following language as the first paragraph of the brief description of the drawings:
The patent or application file contains at least one drawing executed in color. Copies of this patent or patent application publication with color drawing(s) will be provided by the Office upon request and payment of the necessary fee.

(b) Photographs.—
(1) Black and white. Photographs, including photocopies of photographs, are not ordinarily permitted in utility and design patent applications. The Office will accept photographs in utility and design patent applications, however, if photographs are the only practicable medium for illustrating the claimed invention. For example, photographs or photomicrographs of: electrophoresis gels, blots (e.g., immunological, western, Southern, and northern), autoradiographs, cell cultures (stained and unstained), histological tissue cross sections (stained and unstained), animals, plants, in vivo imaging, thin layer chromatography plates, crystalline structures, and, in a design patent application, ornamental effects, are acceptable. If the subject matter of the application admits of illustration by a drawing, the examiner may require a drawing in place of the photograph. The photographs must be of sufficient quality so that all details in the photographs are reproducible in the printed patent.

(2) Color photographs. Color photographs will be accepted in utility and design patent applications if the conditions for accepting color drawings and black and white photographs have been satisfied. See paragraphs (a)(2) and (b)(1) of this section.



1 則留言:

  1. 查詢好像美國設計申請彩色圖並不用petition也不用petition fee(因應海牙協定)2015年5月13日生效
