2021年3月30日 星期二

使用電腦改善速度或效率不足以為可專利標的 - Enco Systems, Inc. v. DaVincia, LLC (Fed. Cir. 2021)


原告/上訴人/專利權人:ENCO SYSTEMS, INC.
被告產品:ACE 2000," "ACE 2100," and "ACE 2200"
判決日:March 8, 2021

本案起因為專利權人Enco對被告DaVincia提出侵權訴訟(2019年),經被告提出專利無效請願後,地院判決系爭專利不符35 U.S.C. § 101


搜尋被告DaVincia公司,會連到「Link Electronics網站:https://linkelectronics.com/」,但在此無法細查彼此的關係或是演變,僅提供參考。Link Electronics公司網站展示很多影音設備,從中可以得出本案被告產品,自動字幕機系列:ACE 2000," "ACE 2100," and "ACE 2200"。

系爭專利發明是利用電腦實現自動速記(stenography)的技術,根據地方法院判決,認為系爭專利範圍為高階概括的表述與廣泛的功能性用語("The district court explained that the claims “suffer from the same high-level generalities and broad-form functional terminology”"),依照判例Alice Corp. Pty. Ltd. v. CLS Bank International (2014),判定系爭專利發明涉及抽象概念,專利範圍不包括可以超越抽象概念的進步概念(inventive concept),不具專利適格性(patentability)。

"The district court then determined that the claims do not include an “inventive concept” beyond the abstract idea because they rely on “self-described conventional computer components” arranged for functional purposes without a “particularized and concrete” configuration."(編按,這段話內容包括答辯101的幾個重要線索)

系爭專利US7,047,191關於一種為AV信號提供自動字幕的方法,方法步驟包括選擇一次顯示的字幕資料的數量,判斷字幕編碼方式,取得字幕的設定,自動識別出語音的圖樣(pattern),學習語音中的新字(new words),將語音信號轉換為字幕,根據時間連結後,可以同時顯示影像與字幕。

1. A method for providing captioning in an AV signal, the method comprising:
selecting a number of lines of caption data which can be displayed at one time;
determining a type of a caption encoder being used with a speech-to-text processing system;
retrieving settings for the speech-to-text processing system to communicate with the caption encoder based on the identification of the caption encoder;
automatically identifying a voice and speech pattern in an audio signal from a plurality of voice and speech patterns with the speech-to-text processing system;
training the speech-to-text processing system to learn one or more new words in the audio signal;
directly translating the audio signal in the AV signal to caption data automatically with the speech-to-text processing system, wherein the direct translation is adjusted by the speech-to-text processing system based on the training and the identification of the voice and speech pattern;
associating the caption data with the AV signal at a time substantially corresponding with the converted audio signal in the AV signal from which the caption data was directly translated with the speech-to-text processing system, wherein the associating further comprises synchronizing the caption data with one or more cues in the AV signal; and
displaying the AV signal with the caption data at the time substantially corresponding with the converted audio signal in the AV signal, wherein the number of lines of caption data which is displayed is based on the selection.


本案議題是35 U.S.C. § 101,引用Alice判例形成的專利適格性TWO-STEP規則,相關資料如下:
- 抽象概念若僅以一般目的電腦實現,不可專利 - Alice Corporation Pty. Ltd. v. CLS Bank International (2014)(http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2014/06/alice-corporation-pty-ltd-v-cls-bank.html
- USPTO的2019開年禮之一 - 適格性指導方針(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/01/uspto2019.html

CAFC舉出專利範圍不符35 U.S.C. § 101的狀況包括:(1)涉及(directed to)專利不適格概念:自然律、自然現象、抽象概念;(2)如果屬於專利不適格概念,接著考量專利範圍中特定元件的單獨或組合,若沒有加入足以轉換為可專利應用的特徵,以上兩個狀況就是不符101規定的的專利範圍。(其中相關判定可以參考以上連結)



這裡的理解是參考案例「University of Florida Research Foundation, Inc. v. General Electric Co. (Fed. Cir. 2019)」(本部落格曾經報導此案,但是重點不是這裡引用的議題),使用資料合成技術代替「筆和紙」的方式而宣稱改善了技術,但此仍僅涉及抽象概念

Univ. Florida案:
(畫面截自:http://www.cafc.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/opinions-orders/18-1284.Opinion.2-26-2019.pdf參考過去報導:涉及司法豁免權的侵權訴訟 - University of Florida Research Foundation, Inc. v. General Electric Company (Fed. Cir. 2019)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/05/university-of-florida-research.html

法院的判定是,根據系爭專利說明書內容,系爭專利並沒有包括任何可超越習知電腦硬體與軟體的技術能轉換抽象概念為可專利應用("The claims do not incorporate anything more beyond conventional computing hardware and software, which do not transform the subject matter into an eligible application of the abstract idea.")。



my two cents:



