2021年4月6日 星期二

Google合理使用JAVA API程式 - Google LLC v. Oracle America, Inc. (Supreme Court 2021)

美國最高法院於2021年4月5日判決出爐:Google合理使用JAVA API程式 - Google LLC v. Oracle America, Inc. (Supreme Court 2021),推翻2018年CAFC判決Google侵害著作權成立的決定。



(from Syllabus of April 5, 2021 Supreme court decision


本次討論的議題涉及延續10年的爭議,故事源自Oracle(甲骨文)公司於2009年4月(距今12年)把系統大廠Sun Microsystems(昇陽電腦)(編按,當年開發Java後在網路伺服器市場呼風喚雨)買下,即擁有Java原始碼版權與相關專利權。之後,從專利侵權開始,例如Sun於1998年獲得US5,966,702,2010年轉讓給Oracle,次年即向Google提出侵權告訴。


歷經10年,案件進入最高法院,主要議題就是Google是否合理使用Oracle自Sun Microsystems取得的Java的37個API?


Oracle通過交易取得Java SE版權,Google從2005年就開始開發Android並採用Java中的11500行程式碼,即API,讓Android平台的程式開發者在此基礎上開發Android應用軟體,"時機成熟",Oracle開始"回收"自己的投資,向Google提出侵權告訴,法院考量的是,是否Oracle可以主張API的著作權?如果可以,Google是否合理使用(fair use)這些程式碼?

議題落於,Java SE API是否可主張著作權(copyrightability)?是否Google可以合理使用(fair use)這些程式碼?

(編按,SE指的是"standard edition",既然是"標準版本",其原始意圖應該是要公開成為標準!API指的是application programming interface,既然是"介面",其中隱含的意思應該也是公開使用的介面。)

"Google envisioned an Android platform that was free and open, such that software developers could use the tools found there free of charge."

"As Android’s founder explained, “the whole idea about open source [platform] is to have very, very few restrictions on what people can do with it,” and Sun’s interoperability policy would have undermined that free and open business model."



17 U.S.C. § 102 Subject matter of copyright:  In general
(b)  In no case does copyright protection for an original work of authorship extend to any idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery, regardless of the form in which it is described, explained, illustrated, or embodied in such work.

17 U.S. Code § 107 - Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use
Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include— 
(1)the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes; 
(2)the nature of the copyrighted work; 
(3)the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and 
(4)the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work. 
The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors.

最高法院的判決基礎是,設定相關Java SE API程式碼具有著作權,可被著作權法保護,審理Google是否合理使用這些程式碼?

法院認為,電腦程式碼的著作權與一般著作權不同,因為電腦程式碼是有功能目的的,因此,電腦程式碼的合理使用成為其主要的討論議題。最高法院判定在地院陪審團的判斷中,由於合理使用是個法律議題,而非事實的判斷,因此最高法院先釐清陪審團審判權(right of trial by jury)並不包括有權可以解決合理使用辯護的議題



1. 本案著作權的本質是提供"使用者(針對程式開發者)介面"(API),因此又與一般電腦程式的著作權保護有所不同。
2. Google有限度使用相關程式碼是用於「transformative use(轉換的使用)」,Google僅複製要讓程式開發者開發可以在不同電腦環境運作而無須拋棄熟悉的部份的程式碼
3. Google所複製上萬行的程式碼僅佔所有API程式的0.4%,並且其動機是要讓程式開發者可以讓其技能運用在新的移動裝置平台上。
4. Google的移動裝置平台的市場與Java SE市場不同,並非取代,且事實顯示Oracle使用Java SE的利益是在不同的市場,因此並不會造成公共利益的損害。
5. 法院認為電腦程式著作主要是其功能,很難適用一般著作權,且Google僅因其目的而使用一小部份程式碼。

最高法院判決:Google複製Java SE API程式碼的需求是因應程式開發新的與可轉換程式的需要,法律上為合理使用!

Held: Google’s copying of the Java SE API, which included only those lines of code that were needed to allow programmers to put their accrued talents to work in a new and transformative program, was a fair use of that material as a matter of law.



A. “The Nature of the Copyrighted Work”

"The Sun Java API is a “user interface.” It provides a way through which users (here the  programmers) can “manipulate and control” task-performing computer programs “via a series of menu commands.”"

"... unlike many other programs, its use is inherently bound together with uncopyrightable ideas (general task division and organization) and new creative expression (Android’s implementing code)."

B. “The Purpose and Character of the Use”

"Google copied portions of the Sun Java API precisely, and it did so in part for the same reason that Sun created those portions, namely, to enable programmers to call up implementing programs that would accomplish particular tasks."

"It copied the API (which Sun created for use in desktop and laptop computers) only insofar as needed to include tasks that would be useful in smartphone programs."

C. “The Amount and Substantiality of the Portion Used”

"Google copied those lines not because of their creativity, their beauty, or even (in a sense) because of their purpose. It copied them because programmers had already learned to work with the Sun Java API’s system, and it would have been difficult, perhaps prohibitively so, to attract programmers to build its Android smartphone system without them.

(編按,著作權侵權或合理使用的其中之一考量是,複製的目的是因為其創造性、美感或是其目的,就可能非合理使用,這也常見於網路文章抄抄抄的內容,如果連"表達方式"都抄入,就明顯有侵權問題,電腦程式比較沒有為了美感而寫的程式碼(其實,可能有程式開發者會反對這個說法!)。Google可以說服人的是,其複製的目的是因為程式開發者已經熟悉Java API)

D. Market Effects

"In any event, the jury’s fair use determination means that neither Sun’s effort to obtain a license nor Oracle’s conflicting evidence can overcome evidence indicating that, at a minimum, it would have been difficult for Sun to enter the smartphone market, even had Google not used portions of the Sun Java API."

"Google’s copying helped Google make a vast amount of money from its Android platform. And enforcement of the Sun Java API copyright might give Oracle a significant share of these funds."

"The uncertain nature of Sun’s ability to compete in Android’s market place, the sources of its lost revenue, and the risk of creativity-related harms to the public, when taken together, convince that this fourth factor—market effects—also weighs in favor of fair use."

(編按,陪審團認為Oracle或Sun很難進入手機市場,即便Google沒有使用Java API也難)

"For each method, the declaring code is associated with particular lines of implementing code (the dotted arrow). It is that implementing code (which Google wrote for its Android API) that actually instructs the computer in the programmer’s application."


- 美國最高法院將要對Google v. Oracle著作權爭議提出意見(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2020/10/google-v-oracle.html
- 合理使用著作權標的的四個判斷因素 - Oracle America, Inc. v. Google LLC (Fed. Cir. 2018)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2018/03/oracle-america-inc-v-google-llc-fed-cir.html) 


(factor one)Google確實為商業使用,雖沒有用Android授權取得利益,但是最終販賣的手機仍是商業行為;即便Google有重新撰寫了部分的功能,但是與原本程式差異不大,為一樣的功能與目的,確不構成「transformative」(轉變);雖Google還不至於構成惡意(bad faith),因為以上兩個理由,仍不符合理使用的第一個因素。

(factor two)這個因素是考量是否著作權本身有開創性,法官認為37個API具有開創性,使得Google不得不用,而不容易重新撰寫程式,因此這點符合合理使用。

(factor three)即便Google有加上自己的程式,卻不影響使用了原本程式的比例,這點是看Google使用了多少比例的原始碼。Google為了要顧及社群程式開發,並加上不容易開發相同的功能,因此就沿用多數程式碼,因此這部分是否合理使用,法院持平看待。

(factor four)最高法院曾表示第四個因素是合理使用最重要的判斷因素。對市場而言,「傷害(harm)」是指主張著作權程式碼對於真實或預期市場的傷害,以及對於潛在衍生使用的傷害。Google主張,Oracle並非製造裝置,也沒有開發自己的手機平台,因此認為自己是合理使用。


最終,經平衡上述四點,並考量著作權的目的,判決Google不符合理使用Oracle Java APIs的條件"

- Android中使用Java API為合理使用? - Oracle v. Google(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2016/06/androidjavaapi-oracle-v-google.html) 


"判決表示,根據前例,電腦程式的結構、程序與組織(the structure, sequence and organization of a computer program)是根據每案的特定事實來判定是否為可保護的標的,且判斷時總是會排除不受保護的部分。判決表示此Oracle v. Google案就是落於不保護的部分

針對這回Java API的爭議,爭議的為166個API(packages)中的37個API。Android作業系統中有97%為Google新開發的程式,剩餘3%為可自由代換(也就是被主張侵權的部分),顯然陪審團用"使用比例"來作判斷。判決認為,如果同意Oracle的主張,將會允許每個人針對實現一個系統的一版本程式主張著作權,如此,將可能禁止他人撰寫不同的版本去實現相同的功能。"

- Oracle與Google針對JAVA程式著作權的爭議(Google合理使用?)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2013/02/oraclegooglejavagoogle.html) 
- Oracle與Google的著作權爭議現階段CAFC態度(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2014/06/oraclegooglecafc.html) 
- Google與Oracle因為Java開打(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2012/04/googleoraclejava.html) 
- Oracle告Google - 看專利學專利(About Claims XXXIII)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2010/08/oraclegoogle.html

查詢相關專利轉讓資料:Patent Assignment Search(https://assignment.uspto.gov/patent/index.html#/patent/search


