2023年8月3日 星期四

數學方法是否達到技術目的,關乎發明是否具備專利適格性 - 歐洲訴願T 2085/17

歐洲專利的可專利標的(專利適格性)規定一般來說是比較清楚的,且簡單理解,就是看專利特徵是否具有技術效果而有技術貢獻?可參考「可專利標的的要件 - 歐洲訴願決定T 258/03(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2021/12/t-25803.html)」,此案提供了一個更寬的標準,專利範圍中是否具備專利適格性,並非與依據與先前技術比對結果,而是單純就專利範圍而言,是否具有技術性的特徵(technical character),其中需要排除52(2)EPC所規定的不可專利標的(發現、科學原理、數學方法、美學創造、執行人類活動、遊戲或商業行為的方案、規則與方法、電腦程式、資訊表示等)。

案件編號:T 2085/17
判決日期:Sep. 25, 2020
涉及法條:EPC Art. 52(1), 52(2), 52(3), 56

系爭申請案關於解決“軟體產品”多維優化問題的方法(METHOD FOR SOLVING MULTIDIMENSIONAL OPTIMIZATION PROBLEMS),從專利名稱來看就是"十分有趣"的數學問題,拿來申請專利必然會面對專利適格性(subject matter eligibility)的問題。


系爭專利申請案Claim 1如下:



1. 因為方法通過電腦程式解決優化(軟體)問題,以設定(軟體)產品,因此具備技術特徵(technical character)。
2. 基於優化演算法而可能在生產過程選擇具體產品(concrete product in a production process),因此解決了具體問題。
3. 在方法中,輸入值為一組可實行方案,輸出值為產品設定,使以電腦實現的方法具備了技術效果。
4. 認為方法建立了特別有品質的軟體標準,因此具備有技術特徵,符合52(1)EPC可專利的要件。

訴願決定:(這裡提到,申請人並未在審查部門駁回申請案後提出口審(oral proceeding)請求,因此之前訴願委員會直接做出初步意見,之後再接獲申請人提出訴願,結果訴願委員會直接以之前提出的初步意見作為本次訴願決定。)


1. Article 52(2) and (3) EPC

"the subject-matter defined in claim 1 consequently goes beyond a purely mathematical method as such and is not excluded from patentability pursuant to Article 52(2) and (3) EPC."

2. (重點)Articles 52(1) and 56 EPC

"A mathematical method may only contribute to the technical character of the invention if it serves a technical purpose or if the technical character comes from a specific technical implementation of the mathematical method."

3. 訴願委員會評斷,系爭申請案請求項記載了數學方程式,其中claim 1的最後步驟提到了發明的目的:經選擇與組合得出經優化的軟體設定。訴願委員在此做了特別的分析,如果沒有這些選擇與組合就不會得出軟體設定,因此,問題在於是否數學方法輸出值的特定的選擇策略提供了必要的技術目的?






"The mathematical method and its implementation can consequently not contribute to the technical character of the invention, because they do neither serve a well-defined technical purpose nor necessitate a special technical implementation going beyond a generic implementation."

基於歐洲審查部門(examining division)在駁回決定沒有明顯瑕疵,案件不會發回重審,而直接在訴願委員會中決定。

因為系爭專利申請案請求項中具備技術貢獻的特徵,因此並不排除其具備專利適格性;但專利技術特徵為已知,使請求項中不具備進步特徵(inventive step),認為與習知技術差異並非技術性的特徵,因此不具備進步性。

my two cents: Subject Matter Eligibility筆記

在此先提醒,這裡用USPTO MPEP 2106的一句話釐清"可專利性/patentability"與"專利適格性/patent eligibility/subject matter eligibility"的差別:

Examiners are reminded that 35 U.S.C. 101 is not the sole tool for determining patentability; 35 U.S.C. 112 , 35 U.S.C. 102, and 35 U.S.C. 103 will provide additional tools for ensuring that the claim meets the conditions for patentability.

The Alice/Mayo two-part test is the only test that should be used to evaluate the eligibility of claims under examination. While the machine-or-transformation test is an important clue to eligibility, it should not be used as a separate test for eligibility. Instead it should be considered as part of the "integration" determination or "significantly more" determination articulated in the Alice/Mayo test.


事實上,較佳地應考量上下文來看"patentability"是否僅指"patent eligibility / subject matter eligibility",如從過去閱讀的歐洲訴願案,確實也很廣泛地使用"patentability"來討論可專利標的的議題。如案例T 258/03中所描述的:

Furthermore, in accordance with Article 52(3) EPC, the subject-matter mentioned in paragraph 2 of the same article is only excluded from patentability as such. It has long been recognised that, due to this stipulation, a mix of technical and non-technical features may be patentable:

"The use of technical means for carrying out a method for performing mental acts, partly or entirely without human intervention, may, having regard to Article 52(3) EPC, render such a method a technical process or method and therefore an invention within the meaning of Article 52(1) EPC" (T 38/86, headnote III);

"Non-exclusion from patentability cannot be destroyed by an additional feature which as such would itself be excluded..." (T 769/92, headnote II).

Article 52 Patentable inventions

(1)European patents shall be granted for any inventions, in all fields of technology, provided that they are new, involve an inventive step and are susceptible of industrial application. 

(2)The following in particular shall not be regarded as inventions within the meaning of paragraph 1:

(a)discoveries, scientific theories and mathematical methods; 

(b)aesthetic creations; 

(c)schemes, rules and methods for performing mental acts, playing games or doing business, and programs for computers; 

(d)presentations of information. 

(3)Paragraph 2 shall exclude the patentability of the subject-matter or activities referred to therein only to the extent to which a European patent application or European patent relates to such subject-matter or activities as such.

專利適格性議題可參考本部落格 #101 的標籤內容,漸漸地也會納入別國的專利適格性議題,也增加 #eligibility 的標籤。


