2023年9月26日 星期二



USPTO的「Subject Matter Eligibility」網頁:

October 2019 Update: Subject Matter Eligibility:https://www.uspto.gov/sites/default/files/documents/peg_oct_2019_update.pdf




要獲得專利前提需要符合35U.S.C.101規範的幾種發明樣態:process, machine, manufacture, composition of matter。符合後,才會進到Step 2A, 2B的判斷。

step 2A的prong 1, 2流程:

【STEP 2A PRONG 1】Evaluating Whether A Claim Recites A Judicial Exception At Step 2A Prong One

"In Step 2A Prong One, the 2019 PEG instructs examiners to evaluate whether a claim recites a judicial exception, i.e., an abstract idea enumerated in Section I of the 2019 PEG, a law of nature, or a natural phenomenon. The 2019 PEG did not change the meaning of “recites” from how this term is used in the Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP).4 That is, a claim recites a judicial exception when the judicial exception is “set forth” or “described” in the claim. While the terms “set forth” and “describe” are thus both equated with “recite,” their different language is intended to indicate that there are two ways in which an exception can be recited in a claim. For instance, the claims in Diamond v. Diehr clearly stated a mathematical equation in the repetitively calculating step, such that the claims “set forth” an identifiable judicial exception, but the claims in Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank, “described” the concept of intermediated settlement without ever explicitly using the words “intermediated” or “settlement.”"

當請求項中直接敘述(recite,包括列舉出(set forth)或描述(describe))司法例外(抽象概念、自然律與自然現象)。這裡舉例說在Diamond v. Diehr案中清楚指出數學方程式在計算步驟中,即set forth了可識別的司法例外,而Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank案則算是describe了居中調解(intermediated settlement)的概念。

因此當將數學方程式寫入(set forth)申請專利範圍,就已經是直接"挑戰"35U.S.C.101專利適格性的議題。

在2019年版專利適格性審查基準中,定義「數學概念/mathematical concepts」為數學關係式、數學方程式、計算式等。當申請專利範圍中引入了數學概念,審查委員應考量申請專利範圍敘述了數學概念,或僅是包括基於數學概念的限制。如果僅是包括基於數學概念的限制,不算是敘述數學概念。

Example 41(加密通訊/Cryptographic Communications

Claim: A method for establishing cryptographic communications between a first computer terminal and a second computer terminal comprising:
receiving a plaintext word signal at the first computer terminal;
transforming the plaintext word signal to one or more message block word signals MA;
encoding each of the message block word signals MA to produce a ciphertext word signal CA, whereby CA=MAe (mod n);
where CA is a number representative of an encoded form of message word MA;
where MA corresponds to a number representative of a message and 0 ≤ MA ≤ n-1;
where n is a composite number of the form n=p*q;
where p and q are prime numbers;
where e is a number relatively prime to (p-1)*(q-1); and
transmitting the ciphertext word signal CA to the second computer terminal over a communication channel.


第一種「mathematical concepts」態樣:數學關係式("A mathematical relationship is a relationship between variables or numbers. A mathematical relationship may be expressed in words or using mathematical symbols."),這是用來描述變數與數字的關係,可以用字或數學符號表示。

- a relationship between reaction rate and temperature, which relationship can be expressed in the form of a formula called the Arrhenius equation, Diamond v. Diehr;
- a conversion between binary-coded decimal and pure binary numerals, Gottschalk v. Benson; and
- a mathematical relationship between enhanced directional radio activity and antenna conductor arrangement (i.e., the length of the conductors with respect to the operating wave length and the angle between the conductors), Mackay Radio & Tel. Co. v. Radio Corp. of Am.

第二種態樣:數學方程式("mathematical equation/formula"),直接在專利範圍中描述數學方程式的範例:

- a Arrhenius equation, Diamond v. Diehr;
- a formula for computing an alarm limit, Parker v. Flook; and
- a mathematical formula for hedging (claim 4), Bilski v. Kappos.

第三種態樣:數學計算式("mathematical calculation"),就是直接在專利範圍中計算/判斷一些變數、執行演算法等,相關範例如:

- performing a resampled statistical analysis to generate a resampled distribution, SAP Am., Inc. v. InvestPic, LLC; 
- calculating a number representing an alarm limit value using the mathematical formula ‘‘B1=B0 (1.0–F) + PVL(F),’’ Parker v. Flook; and
- using a formula to convert geospatial coordinates into natural numbers, Burnett v. Panasonic Corp.

當請求項中有數學概念時,往往在step 2A prong one判斷是司法例外(即判斷為"abstract idea/抽象概念")的發明,進入step 2A prong two判斷請求項中是否描述了額外元件(additional elements)而整合了司法例外而具有實際應用(practical application)的發明?

【STEP 2A PRONG 2】Evaluating Whether A Judicial Exception Is Integrated Into A Practical Application At Step 2A Prong Two

當判斷申請專利範圍描述的發明為"abstract idea/抽象概念"包括數學概念、心智流程、管理人類活動等,此階段在專利適格性的判斷尚未定論前,稱「暫時性的抽象概念/tentative abstract idea」。


相關案例如:Thales Visionix Inc. v. United States, 850 F.3d 1343, 1348-49 (Fed. Cir. 2017),可參考:使用數學概念的非習知方法並非抽象概念 - Thales Visionix Inc. v. United States (Fed. Cir. 2017)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2023/09/thales-visionix-inc-v-united-states-fed.html),判決文:https://cafc.uscourts.gov/opinions-orders/15-5150.opinion.3-6-2017.1.pdf

若仍判斷發明並未將司法例外整合為實際應用時,專利適格性判斷流程將進行step 2B,這時,審查基準要求審查委員解釋申請專利範圍中的額外元件的單獨或組合(individually or in combination)是否能讓申請專利範圍的整體(as a whole)"實質超越(significantly more)"司法例外。

若判斷申請專利範圍中的元件在其領域中僅是敘述公知(well-understood)、常規(routine)與習知活動(conventional activity),這時考量的是"Berkheimer Memorandum",
是針對step 2B的判斷原則:系爭專利範圍中元件個別或元件的組合是否在相關技術領域中為已知、常規與習知技術? 


參考:USPTO Memorandum of April 19, 2018, “Changes in Examination Procedure Pertaining to Subject Matter Eligibility, Recent Subject Matter Eligibility Decision (Berkheimer v. HP, Inc.)”, available at https://www.uspto.gov/sites/default/files/documents/memo-berkheimer-20180419.PDF.

根據本部落格中「USPTO回應Berkheimer案提出step 2B審查備忘錄」(http://enpan.blogspot.com/2018/04/usptoberkheimerstep-2b.html)的報導,(此篇內容詳述何謂公知元件)要求審查委員要"基於事實"才能認定元件或其組合為公知、常規與習知("well-understood, routine, conventional"),101審查備忘錄提供4種形式的證據用以執行step 2B的分析:


第二,依據MPEP § 2106.05(d)(II)規定作出專利範圍中元件為公知、常規與習知的結論,其中列舉一些「法院認證過的」的公知、常規與習知,而且是「無足輕重的額外解決方案("insignificant extra-solution activity")」的電腦功能、生活科學等。

第三,引用出版品證明專利範圍中的元件(或組合)是公知、常規與習知。(這裡強調與102中規定的出版品(printed publication)仍有差異,有些出版品不見得能證明元件為公知。)

第四,元件或其組合是否為公知、常規與習知,審查委員要根據自己的判斷發出正式通知(official notice)。

- 基於101核駁意見的趨勢(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2020/04/101.html
- USPTO回應Berkheimer案提出step 2B審查備忘錄(http://enpan.blogspot.com/2018/04/usptoberkheimerstep-2b.html) 
- 法官怎麼看Berkheimer案(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2018/06/berkheimer.html) 
- 整體性地考量專利適格性,這是法律議題 - Berkheimer v. HP, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2018)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2018/04/berkheimer-v-hp-inc-fed-cir-2018.html) 
- 根據USPTO審查意見的101筆記 - 審委的OA一堂課(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/03/uspto101-oa.html


