2022年10月31日 星期一

侵權訴訟與禁制令發出的原則 - ABC Corp. I v. Schedule "A" (Fed. Cir. 2022)

ABC Corp. I v. Partnership & Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule “A” No. 21-2150 (Fed. Cir. 2022) 案件資訊:
原告/被上訴人:ABC CORPORATION I, ABC CORPORATION II("本文中提到的Hangzhou Chic Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd."是專利權人,Unicorn Global, Inc."是專屬的批發商,這兩方才是真的原告/利害關係人)
判決日:October 28, 2022

於2020年8月17日,ABC對被告(Schedule "A",前前後後增加了許多的被告的合稱)提起設計專利侵權告訴,系爭設計如下:






設計關於hoverboard(中文應該是"平衡車",靠人的肢體平衡滑動的車),被告侵權產品稱"Gyroor",對照四件系爭專利,被告侵權產品也是四件,原告提出基於侵權的初步禁制令(preliminary injunction)、最終禁制令(final injunction)與損害賠償。地方法院於2020/09/22發出"temporary restraining order(臨時禁止令)",接著於2020/11/22發出初步禁制令。

設計侵權判斷主要原則是以普通觀察者查看是否被告侵權產品與設計比對後會有混淆(ordinary observer test),就本案例來看,設計專利的平衡車都有"hourglass(沙漏)"形狀的主體,兩輪中間為平坦的表面,有拱形的蓋子包圍輪子,還有底面的正面與背面有比較大的半徑。









初步禁制令(preliminary injunction)的成立條件包括:原告證明訴訟可能勝訴;證明如果禁制令會產生無法彌補的損害;禁制令有利公共利益,並在權衡下,同意發出禁制令。

"A plaintiff seeking a preliminary injunction must establish that he is likely to succeed on the merits, that he is likely to suffer irreparable harm in the absence of preliminary relief, that the balance of equities tips in his favor, and that an injunction is in the public interest."


"Design patent infringement occurs when a party, “without license of the owner, (1) applies the patented design, or any colorable imitation thereof, to any article of manufacture for the purpose of sale, or (2) sells or exposes for sale any article of manufacture to which such design or colorable imitation has been applied.”"


如此,地方法院的判決是傾向原告專家意見,判定系爭設計與被告侵權產品之間非實質不相似(not sufficiently dissimilar),因此侵權成立,並因為侵權成立的可能性(likelihood of success),同意發出初步禁制令。





三、CAFC認為地院沒有對被告侵權產品逐一比對(product-by-product infringement analysis)。事實上,被告侵權產品之間有明顯差異,應逐一拿來比對。

補充:CAFC除了認為地方法院沒有採用普通觀察者逐產品審視侵權事實外,也不符合聯邦民事訴訟規則(Federal Rule of Civil Procedure)Rule 65(d)規定發出禁制令通知與為何發出禁制令的理由(Rule 52(a)(2))

Rule 65(d). Injunctions and Restraining Orders
(d) Contents and Scope of Every Injunction and Restraining Order. 
(1) Contents. Every order granting an injunction and every restraining order must: 
(A) state the reasons why it issued; 
(B) state its terms specifically; and 
(C) describe in reasonable detail—and not by referring to the complaint or other document—the act or acts restrained or required. 
(2) Persons Bound. The order binds only the following who receive actual notice of it by personal service or otherwise: 
(A) the parties; 
(B) the parties’ officers, agents, servants, employees, and attorneys; and 
(C) other persons who are in active concert or participation with anyone described in Rule 65(d)(2)(A) or (B).

Rule 52(a)(2). Findings and Conclusions by the Court; Judgment on Partial Findings
(a) Findings and Conclusions.
(2) For an Interlocutory Injunction. In granting or refusing an interlocutory injunction, the court must similarly state the findings and conclusions that support its action.

(updated on Nov. 1, 2022)

四、CAFC認為,即便如地方法院所判斷,原告有勝訴的可能性,但所發出的初步禁制令的範圍有過廣的問題,CAFC引用案例International Rectifier,認為初步禁制令應限制在實際判斷侵權的產品上。

參考案例:International Rectifier Corp. v. IXYS Corp., 383 F.3d 1312 (Fed. Cir. 2004).




2022年10月27日 星期四


- US-PGPUB(自3/2001尚未獲准的申請案)
- USPAT(自1970年至今的美國專利、專利號碼與分類可查到1790年)
- USOCR(1970年之前的文字辨識的專利檔案)




ex. "pmbus" and "floating point" and "decoding"

ex. "p?bus" and "floating$5" and "decod*"

ANDTwo terms, joined by "AND" must occur within the same document.photographic AND noodleReturns all documents that contain both the terms "photographic" and "noodle" somewhere in the document - regardless of their order.
ORTwo terms, joined by "OR" means at least one of the terms must occur in the document.dog OR catOne of these two terms must occur in the document.
NOTThe first term must occur, the second term must not.cardboard NOT boxReturns documents where the term "cardboard" does occur in the document, and the term "box" never occurs in the document.
XORTwo terms, joined by "XOR" means at least one of the terms must occur in the document, but not both termspipe XOR ptfeOne of these two terms must occur in the document, but not both terms.

ADJTwo terms must occur directly next to each other, and in order. ADJ is the only ordered operator.oxidizing ADJ bacteriaReturns documents where these two terms occur adjacent to each other and in the same order. This is the default operator, and is applied when no operators are given.
ADJ[n]Two terms must occur within [n] terms of each other, in order, and within the same sentence.wet adj4 siliconThe term "silicon" must occur within the 4 words that follow the term "wet" - so the following "wet oxidized, polysilazane-based silicon oxide" would be considered a hit. Maximum value of N is 450.
NEARSimilar to ADJ but order is not relevant.electrospray NEAR ionReturns documents where the terms "electrospray" and "ion" are next to each other and in the same sentence, but in any order. So unlike ADJ, this search would return a hit for "negative ion electrospray"
NEAR[n]Again, similar to ADJ[n], but order is not relevant.cyclotron NEAR7 magneticFinds documents where the term cyclotron is within 7 words or the term magnetic - regardless of order. This would hit the following "a magnetic sector mass analyzer, or an ion cyclotron." Maximum value of N is 450.
WITHTerms joined with WITH must occur within the same sentence.detect WITH lightFinds documents where the terms "Light" and "detect" occur within the same sentence.
WITH[n]Terms joined with WITH must occur within n sentences of each other.detect WITH10 lightFinds documents where the terms "Light" and "detect" occur within 10 sentences of each other. Maximum value of N is 25.
SAMETerm joined with SAME must occur within the same paragraph.synthesizing SAME tomographyVery similar to WITH but the searches occur over paragraphs rather than sentences.
SAME[n]Two term just occur within n paragraphs of each other.wheel SAME3 woodVery similar to WITH[n] but the searches occur over n paragraphs rather than sentences. Maximum value of N is 25.

ABSearches the abstract text of the patent.
ADSearches the application filing date of the patent.20120616.ad.
APPSearches the application number of the patent (must use with slash).10/501576.app. or (12/123456).app.
ASSearches the assignee name text of the patent.microsoft.as.
AYSearches the application filing year of the patent.2006.ay.
BSUMSearches the Brief Summary section of the patent.medicinal.bsum.
CCLSSearches against the US Patent classification and subclass.138/$.ccls.
CLASSearches the USPC Classification text of the patent.435.clas.
CLMSearches the claims section of the patent.tube.clm.
CLMSSearches the claims section of the patent.computer.clms.
CPCSearches the Cooperative Patent Classification.F16L11/00.cpc.
CPCASearches the Cooperative Patent Classification.B32B2307/50.cpca.
CPCISearches the Cooperative Patent Classification.
Date Ranges            
Various date ranges for application year, application date, patent date, and patent year.      
Equal = @pd=20011118
Greater than > @ad>19961231
Greater than or equal to >= @ay>=2014
Less than < @py<1997
Less than or equal to <= @py<=1975
Not equal to <> @pd<>19990216
Range >=…<= @ay>=1980<=1986
Searches the claims section of the patent.program.dclm.
DETDSearches the detailed description section of the patent.sheepdog.detd.
DIDSearches for a specific Document ID.US-2418590-A.did. or US-2418590.did.
must include the hyphens
FDSearches the application filing date of the patent.20110811.fd.
FYSearches the application filing year of the patent.2016.fy.
INSearches the inventor name text of the patent.black.in.
INVSearches the inventor name text of the patent.sontag.inv.
IPCSearches the international patent classification of the patent.G06F17/00.ipc.
PDSearches the publication date of the patent.20150217.pd.
PNSearches for a specific patent number.7557042.pn.
SPECSearches the Specification section of the patent.sheltie.spec.
TISearches the title text of the patent.concrete.ti.
URPNSearches the references cited patent number of the patent.8025207.urpn.
XASearches the assistant examiner's name of the patent.smith.xa.
XPSearches the primary examiner's name of the patent.hook.xp.


ex. 來找一個最近的作業。找到一個檔案,這個文件瀏覽的pane還蠻好用的,自帶一個pdf下載功能,以後就不用到別的網站下載了。在文件瀏覽區的最上方"highlights"還會主動列出從搜尋指令關聯的字串,方便查找文中內容。





2022年10月20日 星期四

皮拉提斯是一種運動方法的通用詞,不能註冊商標 - Pilates, Inc. v. Current Concepts, Inc. (S.D.N.Y.2000)

「皮拉提斯(Pilates)」是一種常聽到的健身運動,看來是有點像Yoga(不專業理解,但判決文中提到的消費者調查有拿Yoga比對),用來拉伸筋骨、加強平衡與身體柔軟度的運動。從wikipedia知道這是德國人Joseph Pilates發明的運動,而當時的他並沒有申請"商標"等壟斷的想法,可能就是自己的名字,沒有必要,而且從判決文中知道,Pilates只想要推廣這個運動方法,並沒有專屬或授權使用的必要,只是後面的人可能就不這樣想了。

Pilates, Inc. v. Current Concepts, Inc. (S.D.N.Y.2000)案件資訊:
被告:CURRENT CONCEPTS, INC. and Kenneth Endelman
判決日:October 19, 2000
系爭商標:PILATES service mark (Reg. No. 1,405,304, registered August 12, 1986) and the PILATES equipment mark (Reg. No. 1,907,447, registered July 25, 1995)(後者...資料庫顯示的內容與Pilates無關,這點待確認)

Reg. No. 1,405,304"註冊商標證明:


對Pilates發展歷史與Joseph Humbertus Pilates本人的故事有興趣者可以看判決內容,法院文件應該是不會錯的。

Joseph Humbertus Pilates發明「皮拉提斯」運動,1965年開店,Pilates教授許多學生,顯然「皮拉提斯」就是靠這些學生開枝散葉,Pilates死於1967年,他的妻子Clara Pilates繼續教學,直到1970年,之後由他的學生John Steel繼續,John Steel是律師,開始發展這個運動,也生產相關運動用品,在各地成立公司 - Pilates Studio, Inc.。... 故事有點長,就簡單摘要而已。

直到本案被告Endelman出現,他也是Pilates學生,本身有家具商,後來出產Pilates運動用品改良版,後來另一被告Current Concepts也開始生產相關運動用品。

到了1990年代,本案第二男主角Sean Gallagher(第一是Pilates本人)出現,Gallagher創立Pilates, Inc.,也是本案原告。為何Pilates, Inc./Sean Gallagher可以成為原告,因為Sean Gallagher於1992年註冊並取得「PILATES」服務商標,後來也取得運動用品類別的PILATES商標,並授權給Pilates, Inc.

拿到PILATES商標後,就準備要開始"肅清"市場上許多"Pilates"的健身事業,開始授權相關商標使用權,並開始進行Pilates健身認證(其中關鍵人物是Pilates的訓練者、夥伴、教授者與推廣者Kryzanowska),根據判決書,授權認證的Pilates導師的人數有450位,攪亂原本開枝散葉的Pilates健身方法的一池春水。(編按,故事很長,就不贅述,但Sean Gallagher真是有生意頭腦)

原告Pilates, Inc.於1996年對Current Concepts與Endelman提出商標侵權與不公平競爭告訴。

但特別的是,法院認為沒有任何證據顯示最初Mr. Pilates有要保護用他的名字命名的運動與商品,也有Pilates友人作證表示Pilates夫婦沒有任何要限制他人使用Pilates的意圖,只是希望這個運動方法可以推展到全世界。

- 侵權事實:Current Concepts本身教授Pilates與製造運動用品,且也認證導師,有大量的廣告與使用Pilates商標事實。
- 原告本身也持續使用系爭商標。
- 商標名稱的通用性(genericness),許多報章雜誌、書籍與網路,甚至是消費者調查,都證明Pilates是個通用詞。



1. The Primary Significance Of PILATES Is As A Method Of Exercise, Not As A Source Of A Product Or Service(皮拉提斯/Pilates是一種運動方法,而不是特定商品或服務的來源)

The evidence shows that consumers identify the word PILATES only with a particular method of exercise, whether the word is used by itself or in connection with instruction services or equipment for use in that method. Plaintiff cannot monopolize a method of exercise by asserting trademarks in the generic word used to describe it.(對普通消費者而言,Pilates是一種健身方法)

2. PILATES Is A Genus, Not A Species(皮拉提斯在分類分級上是一個屬(Genus),而不是一個種(Species))

A generic term is one that refers, or has come to be understood as referring, to the genus of which the particular product is the species." Abercrombie, 537 F.2d 4, 9 (2d Cir.1976).

3. No Word Other Than PILATES Can Adequately Describe Products And Services Based On The Pilates Method(沒有Pilates以外的自可以充分描述基於Pilates健身方法的商品與服務)

Instead the law grants a monopoly over a phrase only if and to the extent it is necessary to enable consumers to distinguish one producer's goods from others and even then only if the grant of such a monopoly will not substantially disadvantage competitors by preventing them from describing the nature of their goods.(商標基於一般消費者需要有識別性,這是重要判定商標是否適格的要素)


my two cents:



2022年10月19日 星期三



相似地,很久以前有篇報導:創意帶給人類幸福(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2009/05/blog-post_08.html)、腳底的能量(專利與產品)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2014/10/blog-post_9.html),都屬於play for power的概念。

這裡看到的是:PLAY FOR POWER:https://www.playforpower.com/


本篇是因為年底台北市長參選人提到「深蹲」換票的提議時,想去找是否有相關專利,卻看到這個「play for power」的發明,從網頁資訊看是荷蘭公司。就從鞦韆(swing)與電力(electricity)找是否有專利,確實找到相似的多年前的PCT申請案,但這是印度進PCT申請案,想到很久沒有寫專利與產品的題目,就在此筆記。

Electricity generation using the motion of a swing
國際申請日:12 May 2008,優先權溯及12 May 2007
申請人/發明人:Shastri, Bharat

利用「深蹲」獲得環保等有益的報償也應該屬於一種play for power,想找深蹲感測器這類的專利,不過這類技術應該都是散佈在各種專利中,包括人體活動偵測、運動偵測、關節偵測、影像辨識與人工智慧中的,其實不容易找到代表的專利~



WO 2017/121291

另有看到利用演算法偵測人類深蹲的論文:Human deep squat detection method based on MediaPipe combined with Yolov5 network


NSS案告訴我們一些明確性的重點 - Nature Simulation Systems Inc. v. Autodesk, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2022)

Nature Simulation Systems Inc. v. Autodesk, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2022)案件資訊:
被告/被上訴人:AUTODESK, INC.
系爭專利:US10,120,961 (’961)、US10,109,105 (’105)
判決日:OPINION ISSUED: January 27, 2022OPINION MODIFIED: October 17, 2022(rehearing)


claim 1如下,產生幾個幾何面,並map至相鄰的幾個三角形,根據交叉連線判斷幾何關係,刪減線條,之後分離後,查看分離的三角形與布林運算的關聯而重新組合這些幾何面,再做些調整後形成新的三角形集合,之後映射到這些三角形的幾何面上。

其實這樣是看不懂的,但附屬項claim 9針對布林運算有定義,所稱的布林運算為利用三角形幾何面執行"組合、交集、排除、減法與除法",相關做法包括:刪除某物件模糊或可見的三角形、複製物件的三角形至緩衝器,或是從中複製出來,反轉每個三角形的法向量,合併三角形以形成新的擴展的三角形集。

1. A method that performs immediate Boolean operations using geometric facets of geometric objects implemented in a computer system and operating with a computer, the method comprising:
mapping rendering facets to extended triangles that contain neighbors;
building intersection lines starting with and ending with searching for the first pair of triangles that hold a start point of an intersection line by detecting whether two minimum bounding boxes overlap and performing edge-triangle intersection calculations for locating an intersection point, then searching neighboring triangles of the last triangle pair that holds the last intersection point to extend the intersection line until the first intersection point is identical to the last intersection point of the intersection line ensuring that the intersection line gets closed or until all triangles are traversed;
splitting each triangle through which an intersection line passes using modified Watson method, wherein the modified Watson method includes removing duplicate intersection points, identifying positions of end intersection points, and splitting portion of each triangle including an upper portion, a lower portion, and a middle portion;
checking each triangle whether it is obscure or visible for Boolean operations or for surface trimming;
regrouping facets in separate steps that includes copying triangles, deleting triangles, reversing the normal of each triangle of a geometric object, and merging reserved triangles to form one or more new extended triangle sets; and
mapping extended triangles to rendering facets.

案件緣起NSS對Autodesk提出侵權告訴,系爭專利範圍包括'961的claims 1, 8以及'105的claim 1。案件經地院進行專利範圍解釋的Markman審理程序,認為系爭專利範圍不明確(35 U.S.C. § 112(b)


首先,法院先定義上訴的"明確性"議題,所謂明確性是法律問題(question of law),並以發明相關領域技術人員觀點來判斷("Claim indefiniteness is decided from the viewpoint of persons skilled in the field of the invention."),所謂發明相關領域技術人員有定義:至少是電腦科學(特別是指電腦繪圖領域)的碩士學位,或是學士學位+兩年相關領域經驗。


(重點一,此重點需要參考CAFC不同的見解)地方法院判定系爭專利範圍不明確的部分有兩處,如上述標示:"searching neighboring triangles of the last triangle pair that holds the last intersection point",以及"modified Watson method"。地院提出一些待回答的問題,但認為即便說明書有解答,仍不見得使得專利範圍具備明確性。於是,這個地院見解成為主要上訴議題。



§ 112. Specification
(b) Conclusion.-- The specification shall conclude with one or more claims particularly pointing out and distinctly claiming the subject matter which the inventor or a joint inventor regards as the invention.


"The claims’ principal function, therefore, is to provide notice of the boundaries of the right to exclude and to define limits; it is not to describe the invention, although their original language contributes to the description and in certain cases satisfies it. Claims define and circumscribe, the written description discloses and teaches."

(重點三)經典案例 - Nautilus, Inc. v. Biosig Instruments, Inc., 572 U.S. 898, 909 (2014),可參考本部落格報導:最高法院對明確性的態度 - Nautilus, Inc. v. Biosig Instruments, Inc.(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2014/06/nautilus-inc-v-biosig-instruments-inc.html),其中定義申請專利範圍/專利的明確性,有權利也有義務:專利必須足夠精準以清楚告知所要保護與主張權利的專利範圍,並告知那些部分仍是開放給公眾的。

"A patent must be precise enough to afford clear notice of what is claimed, thereby ‘apprising the public of what is still open to them.’"

怎麼解釋專利範圍,則是規範於經典案例 - Phillips v. AWH Corp.,可參考本部落格報導:合理解釋專利範圍的案例 - Phillips v. AWH Corp. (Fed. Cir. 2005)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2015/05/phillips-v-awh-corp-fed-cir-2005.html


然而,CAFC認為地方法院是依據所提出的未被回答的問題判斷系爭專利的明確性,並非依照Phillips v. AWH Corp.原則解釋專利範圍,也就是說,地院針對系爭專利範圍中兩個技術特徵,並提出四個未被回答的問題,並非去參照說明書內容去解釋

以上述系爭專利範圍中"modified Watson method"為例,經查專利審查歷史,通過修正,說明發明使用這個在相關領域中已經是成熟的技術以能根據交叉線分開每個三角形,並在請求項中描述其中步驟,但地院卻忽略這個審查歷史給予的weight,CAFC在無需討論是否修正產生任何問題,但認為地院忽略審查歷史並不符合判例提供的解釋專利範圍原則。

(重點五)於是CAFC針對地院提出的問題查閱系爭專利說明書與答辯歷史,特別如系爭專利範圍中提及的"modified Watson method",表面上看來確實並不明確,但經查閱說明書的描述,CA理解系爭專利是要改善已知的"Watson and Delaunay methods",並使用已知並發展成熟的技術,如此,前例教示我們,在專利中參照相關技術領域中發展成熟的技術(界定在專利範圍中)並沒有使得專利範圍不明確("Precedent teaches that when “the general approach was sufficiently well established in the art and referenced in the patent” this “rendered the claims not indefinite.”")。


my two cents:



2022年10月17日 星期一

34年前魚鉤專利申請案終於准了 - 涉及101議題的判決思路 - In re Rudy (Fed. Cir. 2020) / USPTO判准


一些歷史與先前爭議報導(編按,這篇在2014年寫出,當年沒有寫得太詳細,就"忘記背後努力面前的" 聖經腓立比書3:13):
- 難以核准的魚鉤專利(In re Rudy (Fed. Cir. 2014))(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2014/03/in-re-rudy-fed-cir-2014.html

本篇討論的是"In re Rudy, 956 F.3d 1379 (Fed. Cir. 2020)",案件資訊:
系爭申請案:07/425,360(申請日:October 21, 1989
判決日:April 24, 2020

不同於2014那年的爭議,當年有許多因素造成法院駁回專利申請案(103議題),這回申請人捲土重來,從PTAB以發明不符專利適格性為理由駁回申請案後,再次上訴CAFC,而本次議題是35 U.S.C. § 101。(編按,又是一件"撐太久"被弄到的案例,30年前應該沒有現在這麼彰顯101可專利性專利適格性(正確的說法是專利適格性,指是否為可被專利保護的標的clarified,updated on Aug. 3, 2023)議題,專利撐到現在,很多條件不符現今101專利適格性要求。)

爭議專利範圍有claims 34, 35, 37, 38, 40, and 45–49,系爭專利'360涉及一種無眼、無結、可著色和/或半透明/透明釣魚鉤(Eyeless, Knotless, Colorable and/or Translucent/Transparent Fishing Hooks)的相關設備。

'360自前次2014年被駁回,回到USPTO,審查委員2015年駁回,理由是發明(Claims 34, 35, 37, 38, 40, and 45–49)不符35 U.S.C. § 101專利適格性規定,PTAB於2019再確認駁回申請案。

這裡列舉claim 34:
34. A method for fishing comprising steps of
(1) observing clarity of water to be fished to deter-mine whether the water is clear, stained, or muddy,
(2) measuring light transmittance at a depth in the water where a fishing hook is to be placed, and then
(3) selecting a colored or colorless quality of the fishing hook to be used by matching the observed water conditions ((1) and (2)) with a color or color-less quality which has been  previously determined to be less attractive under said conditions than those pointed out by the following correlation for fish-attractive non-fluorescent colors:

PTAB採用TWO-STEP 101專利適格性審查步驟,主要依據2019年USPTO發布的專利適格性審查指南,認為上述claim 34中根據觀察與量測水的狀態選擇顏色或無色魚鉤為"人類心智執行的動作",判定為抽象概念,並判定專利範圍中的限制的個別或特定順序的組合沒有超出抽象概念,因此判決不符
35 U.S.C. § 101專利適格性規定。


特別的是,根據Rudy(果然是律師)主張,認為PTAb在101議題上錯誤或是拒絕採用判例,而以USPTO的審查指南當作好像法律一樣("legal error by instead applying the Office Guidance "as if it were prevailing law""),認為這個指南簡單地取代專利適格性的法律是錯誤的,並沒有法律效力。


法院回到35 U.S.C. § 101法條,並考量最高法院長久以來判定不予專利的例外:自然律、自然現象與抽象概念,並參照判例以TWO-STEP架構判斷專利適格性,除非這些法院判決的前例又被翻盤,然而,TWO-STEP架構仍是具有歷史意義的101有效的判斷標準,雖不被約束,但法院仍表示尊重這個下級但專業的行政單位的決定,畢竟USPTO的指南也是依照法院意旨作出。

法院對於101議題的態度:"While we greatly respect the PTO’s expertise on all matters relating to patentability, including patent eligibility, we are not bound by its guidance. And, especially regarding the issue of patent eligibility and the efforts of the courts to determine the distinction between claims directed to [judicial exceptions] and those directed to patent-eligible applications of those [exceptions], we are mindful of the need for consistent application of our case law."

[two-step Alice/Mayo framework]
就本案而言,法院查閱PTAB基於實質證據做出的事實調查結果(factual findings),仍是採用「two-step Alice/Mayo framework」。

'360的claim 34描述了三個步驟,包括使用者觀察水的狀況(清澈、髒污、混濁)、量測透光度,以及選擇有色或是無色的魚鉤。法院也判定這是人類心智活動(mental process),屬於抽象概念。

接著判斷claim 34差不多也是資訊收集、分析資訊的技術,即便Rudy有些有趣的說法,法院仍判定系爭專利並無超越抽象概念,並且專利範圍沒有任何特定機器或轉換發生(machine-or-transformation test仍是有效的判定標準),沒有轉換抽象概念為可專利的應用。


CAFC於April 24, 2020判決系爭專利不具專利適格性,案件經Rudy提出重審請願被否決後(07/17/2020),Rudy把戰場又拉回USPTO(這個部份我比較少見,看來是可以的),於05/04/2021向USPTO提出修正方案,針對claim 34提出修正如下,a method to catch fish增加了一些魚鉤的使用方法(並沒有刪除人為觀察的描述):


my two cents:


2022年10月14日 星期五

102議題之"at once envisage" - MPEP 2131.02(III)筆記

本篇延續之前報導(新穎性中的“at once envisage”原則討論 - Mylan Pharms. Inc. v. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. (Fed. Cir. 2022)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2022/10/at-once-envisage-mylan-pharms-inc-v.html)中討論的"at once envisage"(我是翻譯"立即設想")。

根據MPEP 2131新穎性審查指南(https://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/pac/mpep/s2131.html)中的2131.02 III的描述,當有種類(species,屬於下位概念的特徵)可以從揭露內容"立即設想(at once envisaged)"時,其一般描述將可預期揭露內容所涵蓋的主張權利的物種。


  • 即便參考文獻沒有描述權利範圍中的元件的安排或組合,如果相關領域技術人員閱讀此參考文獻可以"立即設想"權利範圍中的安排或組合時,表示此參考文獻可以預期 (anticipate)此項專利範圍。(編按,這如一般常說的即便沒有揭露但卻無歧異得知,這仍是新穎性的範疇)

  • 相關案例是Kennametal, Inc. v. Ingersoll Cutting Tool Co.(https://cafc.uscourts.gov/opinions-orders/14-1350.opinion.3-23-2015.1.pdf
  • Kennametal案中,引證文獻揭示了很多材料與塗佈方法的組合可能性,使得法院判決系爭專利已經讓相關領域技術人員可以"at once envisage"系爭專利範圍中的特定組合,不具新穎性。
  • "The Federal Circuit stated that the reference’s "express ‘contemplation’ of PVD coatings provided sufficient evidence that a reasonable mind could find that a person of skill in the art… would immediately envisage applying a PVD coating."(聯邦巡迴法院在Kennametal判決:先前技術(即便有多種排列組合)表達出使用PVD塗佈方法的意圖(有意圖即可),已是足夠的證據證明相關領域技術人員可以立即設想到使用PVD塗佈方法。)

  • 案例可參考:未被揭露但因“at once envisage”而不具新穎性案例討論 - Kennametal, Inc. v. Ingersoll Cutting Tool Co. (Fed. Cir. 2015)https://enpan.blogspot.com/2022/10/at-once-envisage-kennametal-inc-v.html

-------MPEP 2131.02 III--------------------

2131 Anticipation — Application of 35 U.S.C. 102

2131.02 Genus-Species Situations


"[W]hether a generic disclosure necessarily anticipates everything within the genus … depends on the factual aspects of the specific disclosure and the particular products at issue." Sanofi-Synthelabo v. Apotex, Inc., 550 F.3d 1075, 1083, 89 USPQ2d 1370, 1375 (Fed. Cir. 2008). See also Osram Sylvania Inc. v. American Induction Tech. Inc., 701 F.3d 698, 706, 105 USPQ2d 1368, 1374 (Fed. Cir. 2012) ("how one of ordinary skill in the art would understand the relative size of a genus or species in a particular technology is of critical importance").

A reference disclosure can anticipate a claim even if the reference does not describe "the limitations arranged or combined as in the claim, if a person of skill in the art, reading the reference, would ‘at once envisage’ the claimed arrangement or combination." Kennametal, Inc. v. Ingersoll Cutting Tool Co., 780 F.3d 1376, 1381, 114 USPQ2d 1250, 1254 (Fed. Cir. 2015) (quoting In re Petering, 301 F.2d 676, 681(CCPA 1962)). In Kennametal, the challenged claim was to a cutting tool requiring a ruthenium binding agent with a physical vapor deposition (PVD) coating. Claim 5 of the reference disclosed all the elements of the claimed coated cutting tool, however, ruthenium was one of five specified binding agents and the claim did not specify a particular coating technique. The specification of the reference disclosed PVD as one of three suitable coating techniques. The Federal Circuit stated that the reference’s "express ‘contemplat[ion]’ of PVD coatings provided sufficient evidence that a reasonable mind could find that a person of skill in the art… would immediately envisage applying a PVD coating. Thus, substantial evidence supports the Board's conclusion that [the reference] effectively teaches 15 combinations, of which one anticipates pending claim 1. Though it is true that there is no evidence in [the reference] of ‘actual performance’ of combining the ruthenium binder and PVD coatings, this is not required." Kennametal, 780 F.3d at 1383, 114 USPQ2d at 1255 (citations omitted).

When a claimed compound is not specifically named in a reference, but instead it is necessary to select portions of teachings within the reference and combine them, e.g., select various substituents from a list of alternatives given for placement at specific sites on a generic chemical formula to arrive at a specific composition, anticipation can only be found if the classes of substituents are sufficiently limited or well delineated. Ex parte A, 17 USPQ2d 1716 (Bd. Pat. App. & Inter. 1990). If one of ordinary skill in the art is able to "at once envisage" the specific compound within the generic chemical formula, the compound is anticipated. One of ordinary skill in the art must be able to draw the structural formula or write the name of each of the compounds included in the generic formula before any of the compounds can be "at once envisaged." One may look to the preferred embodiments to determine which compounds can be anticipated. In re Petering, 301 F.2d 676, 133 USPQ 275 (CCPA 1962).

In In re Petering, the prior art disclosed a generic chemical formula "wherein X, Y, Z, P, and R'- represent either hydrogen or alkyl radicals, R a side chain containing an OH group." The court held that this formula, without more, could not anticipate a claim to 7-methyl-9-[d, l'-ribityl]-isoalloxazine because the generic formula encompassed a vast number and perhaps even an infinite number of compounds. However, the reference also disclosed preferred substituents for X, Y, Z, P, R, and R' as follows: where X, P, and R' are hydrogen, where Y and Z may be hydrogen or methyl, and where R is one of eight specific isoalloxazines. The court determined that this more limited generic class consisted of about 20 compounds. The limited number of compounds covered by the preferred formula in combination with the fact that the number of substituents was low at each site, the ring positions were limited, and there was a large unchanging structural nucleus, resulted in a finding that the reference sufficiently described "each of the various permutations here involved as fully as if he had drawn each structural formula or had written each name." The claimed compound was 1 of these 20 compounds. Therefore, the reference "described" the claimed compound and the reference anticipated the claims.

In In re Schauman, 572 F.2d 312, 197 USPQ 5 (CCPA 1978), claims to a specific compound were anticipated because the prior art taught a generic formula embracing a limited number of compounds closely related to each other in structure and the properties possessed by the compound class of the prior art was that disclosed for the claimed compound. The broad generic formula seemed to describe an infinite number of compounds but claim 1 was limited to a structure with only one variable substituent R. This substituent was limited to low alkyl radicals. One of ordinary skill in the art would at once envisage the subject matter within claim 1 of the reference.

Compare In re Meyer, 599 F.2d 1026, 202 USPQ 175 (CCPA 1979) (A reference disclosing "alkaline chlorine or bromine solution" embraces a large number of species and cannot be said to anticipate claims to "alkali metal hypochlorite."); Akzo N.V.v.International Trade Comm’n, 808 F.2d 1471, 1 USPQ2d 1241 (Fed. Cir. 1986) (Claims to a process for making aramid fibers using a 98% solution of sulfuric acid were not anticipated by a reference which disclosed using sulfuric acid solution but which did not disclose using a 98% concentrated sulfuric acid solution.). See MPEP § 2144.08 for a discussion of obviousness in genus-species situations.


未被揭露但因“at once envisage”而不具新穎性案例討論 - Kennametal, Inc. v. Ingersoll Cutting Tool Co. (Fed. Cir. 2015)

新穎性前例"Kennametal, Inc. v. Ingersoll Cutting Tool Co. (Fed. Cir. 2015)"為MPEP 2131.02(III)中引用案例,其中專利關於具有PVD塗層的釕粘合劑的切割工具,claim 5揭露的切割工具中採用5個特定粘合劑的其中之一 - "釕(ruthenium)",說明書揭露的PVD塗層是3種塗層技術的其中之一,結果CAFC對此Kennametal案的判決中認為引證文獻已經表達使用PVD塗層的意圖/預期(contemplation),使得相關領域技術人員可以立即設想("envisage")使用PVD塗層,因此認為實質證據有效教示了15(五x三)種組合方式,雖然沒有揭露"PVD塗層與釕粘合劑"的組合,卻不需要這樣的證據。

MPEP 2131.02(III)
"A reference disclosure can anticipate a claim even if the reference does not describe "the limitations arranged or combined as in the claim, if a person of skill in the art, reading the reference, would ‘at once envisage’ the claimed arrangement or combination." Kennametal, Inc. v. Ingersoll Cutting Tool Co., 780 F.3d 1376, 1381, 114 USPQ2d 1250, 1254 (Fed. Cir. 2015) (quoting In re Petering, 301 F.2d 676, 681(CCPA 1962)). In Kennametal, the challenged claim was to a cutting tool requiring a ruthenium binding agent with a physical vapor deposition (PVD) coating. Claim 5 of the reference disclosed all the elements of the claimed coated cutting tool, however, ruthenium was one of five specified binding agents and the claim did not specify a particular coating technique. The specification of the reference disclosed PVD as one of three suitable coating techniques. The Federal Circuit stated that the reference’s "express ‘contemplat[ion]’ of PVD coatings provided sufficient evidence that a reasonable mind could find that a person of skill in the art… would immediately envisage applying a PVD coating. Thus, substantial evidence supports the Board's conclusion that [the reference] effectively teaches 15 combinations, of which one anticipates pending claim 1. Though it is true that there is no evidence in [the reference] of ‘actual performance’ of combining the ruthenium binder and PVD coatings, this is not required." Kennametal, 780 F.3d at 1383, 114 USPQ2d at 1255 (citations omitted)."

Kennametal, Inc. v. Ingersoll Cutting Tool Co. (Fed. Cir. 2015)案件資訊:
系爭專利:US7,244,519(美國複審(inter partes reexamination) 95/001,417
判決日:March 25, 2015


Claim 1界定的切割工具包括有水泥碳化物基材以及至少一塗層,使用的就是PVD塗層方法。

1. A cutting tool, comprising:
a cemented carbide substrate, wherein the substrate comprises hard particles and a binder, and the binder comprises ruthenium; and
at least one coating on at least a portion of the substrate, wherein the coating has the characteristics of a coating applied by physical vapor deposition.




本案爭議開始自原本專利權人TDY Industries, Inc.取得系爭專利權後,對Ingersoll提出侵權告訴,提告之後,TDY將專利權轉移給本案例的上訴人KennametalKennametal算是蠻倒楣,因為接手侵權訴訟後,Ingersoll就成功地通過美國複審程序無效系爭專利,Kennametal只能提出上訴,地院則是暫停審理侵權訴訟。

Ingersoll提出複審(inter partes reexamination)的理由是102, 103,審查委員同意103理由駁回系爭專利,專利權人Kennametal修正專利範圍,修正後的Claim 1如下:

1. A cutting tool, comprising:
a cemented carbide substrate, wherein the substrate comprises hard particles and a binder, and the binder comprises ruthenium; and
at least one physical vapor deposition coating on at least a portion of the substrate.

Ingersoll又再補充102, 103的無效理由,同樣地審委又僅採用103理由駁回專利。於是專利權人Kennametal提起訴願,Ingersoll也交叉上訴,理由是USPTO沒有採用其102理由。

PTAB審理雙方訴願理由,PTAB認為USPTO審查未採用Ingersoll提出的102理由是錯的(針對claims 1–4, 9–18, 23, 24, 27–31, 35, 36, 45, 46, 49, 50, 58, 83, 85 and 89),前案證據是US6,554,548 (Grab),其中claim 5列舉的元件內容已經涵蓋系爭專利'519的claim 1內容,並且PVD為Grab說明書揭露的塗佈方法之一,因此PTAB判定上述幾項系爭專利範圍不具新穎性(102),其餘範圍則是結合另一前案US6,214,247等前案判定為顯而易見(103)。

claim 5 of Grab:
1. A coated cutting insert comprising:

5. The coated cutting insert of claim 1 wherein the binder alloy further includes one or more of tungsten, iron, nickel, ruthenium, and rhenium.

Kennametal對上述PTAB意見上訴CAFC,主要議題為新穎性(35 U.S.C. § 102(b) (2006)),一般理解的新穎性核駁意見就是有單一引證文獻揭露了系爭專利範圍任一的全部特徵,然而,一旦單一引證文獻並未明確揭示系爭專利範圍中全部元件的安排或組合(arrangement or combination),若相關領域技術人員經閱讀引證文獻而能"立即設想(at once envisage)"到系爭專利範圍元件的安排或組合,此引證文獻仍讓系爭專利範圍不具新穎性(英文使用"a reference anticipate the claim"),前例為In re Petering

Kennametal主張Grab沒有揭露使用"ruthenium as a binder and a PVD coating"這個關鍵特徵,但法院認為Grab揭示了近31種可能性,其中涵蓋了系爭專利特徵。Kennametal反駁,認為Grab其實提供了更多更多(拼湊後有10881種可能性)的排列組合的可能性,如此致使Grab自己有不明確的問題,基於Grab教示的數量龐大,系爭專利的技術並非如上述前例In re Petering 可以簡單判定為"at once envisage"





"at once envisage"

CAFC並不認為Grab提出如專利權人講得那麼多,認為Grab claim 5僅描述了5種金屬,其中之一即為系爭專利範圍中的"ruthenium",且Grab僅揭露3種塗佈方法,其中之一即系爭專利範圍採用的PVD,如此判定系爭專利範圍已經被Grab案揭露。


CAFC確認PTAB裁定系爭專利claims 1–4, 9–18, 23, 24, 27– 31, 35, 36, 45, 46, 49, 50, 58, 83, 85 and 89不具新穎性;另裁定claims 2–14, 16–31, 33–52, 56–59, 84–88, 90 and 93為顯而易見。


可參考:部落格引用"Kennametal"案例的相關報導:新穎性討論中的實質證據議題 - Nidec Motor v. Zhongshan Broad Ocean Motor (Fed. Cir. 2017)https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/03/nidec-motor-v-zhongshan-broad-ocean.html

my two cents:
就此案來看,"at once envisage"是可爭議的新穎性核駁意見,與進步性一線之隔,議題頗為有趣,事實上,新穎性判斷確實並非是要一模一樣(但是本次討論案例若前案教示的數量太大,是否可以anticipate使用其中之一組合的後案,這點倒是可以討論),這樣看太過嚴苛,可參考我國審查基準所提出的第二篇2.4新穎性之判斷基準:

(1) 完全相同;
(2) 差異僅在於文字之記載形式或能直接且無歧異得知之技術特徵;或是
(3) 差異僅在於相對應之技術特徵的上、下位概念。


