2022年10月14日 星期五

未被揭露但因“at once envisage”而不具新穎性案例討論 - Kennametal, Inc. v. Ingersoll Cutting Tool Co. (Fed. Cir. 2015)

新穎性前例"Kennametal, Inc. v. Ingersoll Cutting Tool Co. (Fed. Cir. 2015)"為MPEP 2131.02(III)中引用案例,其中專利關於具有PVD塗層的釕粘合劑的切割工具,claim 5揭露的切割工具中採用5個特定粘合劑的其中之一 - "釕(ruthenium)",說明書揭露的PVD塗層是3種塗層技術的其中之一,結果CAFC對此Kennametal案的判決中認為引證文獻已經表達使用PVD塗層的意圖/預期(contemplation),使得相關領域技術人員可以立即設想("envisage")使用PVD塗層,因此認為實質證據有效教示了15(五x三)種組合方式,雖然沒有揭露"PVD塗層與釕粘合劑"的組合,卻不需要這樣的證據。

MPEP 2131.02(III)
"A reference disclosure can anticipate a claim even if the reference does not describe "the limitations arranged or combined as in the claim, if a person of skill in the art, reading the reference, would ‘at once envisage’ the claimed arrangement or combination." Kennametal, Inc. v. Ingersoll Cutting Tool Co., 780 F.3d 1376, 1381, 114 USPQ2d 1250, 1254 (Fed. Cir. 2015) (quoting In re Petering, 301 F.2d 676, 681(CCPA 1962)). In Kennametal, the challenged claim was to a cutting tool requiring a ruthenium binding agent with a physical vapor deposition (PVD) coating. Claim 5 of the reference disclosed all the elements of the claimed coated cutting tool, however, ruthenium was one of five specified binding agents and the claim did not specify a particular coating technique. The specification of the reference disclosed PVD as one of three suitable coating techniques. The Federal Circuit stated that the reference’s "express ‘contemplat[ion]’ of PVD coatings provided sufficient evidence that a reasonable mind could find that a person of skill in the art… would immediately envisage applying a PVD coating. Thus, substantial evidence supports the Board's conclusion that [the reference] effectively teaches 15 combinations, of which one anticipates pending claim 1. Though it is true that there is no evidence in [the reference] of ‘actual performance’ of combining the ruthenium binder and PVD coatings, this is not required." Kennametal, 780 F.3d at 1383, 114 USPQ2d at 1255 (citations omitted)."

Kennametal, Inc. v. Ingersoll Cutting Tool Co. (Fed. Cir. 2015)案件資訊:
系爭專利:US7,244,519(美國複審(inter partes reexamination) 95/001,417
判決日:March 25, 2015


Claim 1界定的切割工具包括有水泥碳化物基材以及至少一塗層,使用的就是PVD塗層方法。

1. A cutting tool, comprising:
a cemented carbide substrate, wherein the substrate comprises hard particles and a binder, and the binder comprises ruthenium; and
at least one coating on at least a portion of the substrate, wherein the coating has the characteristics of a coating applied by physical vapor deposition.




本案爭議開始自原本專利權人TDY Industries, Inc.取得系爭專利權後,對Ingersoll提出侵權告訴,提告之後,TDY將專利權轉移給本案例的上訴人KennametalKennametal算是蠻倒楣,因為接手侵權訴訟後,Ingersoll就成功地通過美國複審程序無效系爭專利,Kennametal只能提出上訴,地院則是暫停審理侵權訴訟。

Ingersoll提出複審(inter partes reexamination)的理由是102, 103,審查委員同意103理由駁回系爭專利,專利權人Kennametal修正專利範圍,修正後的Claim 1如下:

1. A cutting tool, comprising:
a cemented carbide substrate, wherein the substrate comprises hard particles and a binder, and the binder comprises ruthenium; and
at least one physical vapor deposition coating on at least a portion of the substrate.

Ingersoll又再補充102, 103的無效理由,同樣地審委又僅採用103理由駁回專利。於是專利權人Kennametal提起訴願,Ingersoll也交叉上訴,理由是USPTO沒有採用其102理由。

PTAB審理雙方訴願理由,PTAB認為USPTO審查未採用Ingersoll提出的102理由是錯的(針對claims 1–4, 9–18, 23, 24, 27–31, 35, 36, 45, 46, 49, 50, 58, 83, 85 and 89),前案證據是US6,554,548 (Grab),其中claim 5列舉的元件內容已經涵蓋系爭專利'519的claim 1內容,並且PVD為Grab說明書揭露的塗佈方法之一,因此PTAB判定上述幾項系爭專利範圍不具新穎性(102),其餘範圍則是結合另一前案US6,214,247等前案判定為顯而易見(103)。

claim 5 of Grab:
1. A coated cutting insert comprising:

5. The coated cutting insert of claim 1 wherein the binder alloy further includes one or more of tungsten, iron, nickel, ruthenium, and rhenium.

Kennametal對上述PTAB意見上訴CAFC,主要議題為新穎性(35 U.S.C. § 102(b) (2006)),一般理解的新穎性核駁意見就是有單一引證文獻揭露了系爭專利範圍任一的全部特徵,然而,一旦單一引證文獻並未明確揭示系爭專利範圍中全部元件的安排或組合(arrangement or combination),若相關領域技術人員經閱讀引證文獻而能"立即設想(at once envisage)"到系爭專利範圍元件的安排或組合,此引證文獻仍讓系爭專利範圍不具新穎性(英文使用"a reference anticipate the claim"),前例為In re Petering

Kennametal主張Grab沒有揭露使用"ruthenium as a binder and a PVD coating"這個關鍵特徵,但法院認為Grab揭示了近31種可能性,其中涵蓋了系爭專利特徵。Kennametal反駁,認為Grab其實提供了更多更多(拼湊後有10881種可能性)的排列組合的可能性,如此致使Grab自己有不明確的問題,基於Grab教示的數量龐大,系爭專利的技術並非如上述前例In re Petering 可以簡單判定為"at once envisage"





"at once envisage"

CAFC並不認為Grab提出如專利權人講得那麼多,認為Grab claim 5僅描述了5種金屬,其中之一即為系爭專利範圍中的"ruthenium",且Grab僅揭露3種塗佈方法,其中之一即系爭專利範圍採用的PVD,如此判定系爭專利範圍已經被Grab案揭露。


CAFC確認PTAB裁定系爭專利claims 1–4, 9–18, 23, 24, 27– 31, 35, 36, 45, 46, 49, 50, 58, 83, 85 and 89不具新穎性;另裁定claims 2–14, 16–31, 33–52, 56–59, 84–88, 90 and 93為顯而易見。


可參考:部落格引用"Kennametal"案例的相關報導:新穎性討論中的實質證據議題 - Nidec Motor v. Zhongshan Broad Ocean Motor (Fed. Cir. 2017)https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/03/nidec-motor-v-zhongshan-broad-ocean.html

my two cents:
就此案來看,"at once envisage"是可爭議的新穎性核駁意見,與進步性一線之隔,議題頗為有趣,事實上,新穎性判斷確實並非是要一模一樣(但是本次討論案例若前案教示的數量太大,是否可以anticipate使用其中之一組合的後案,這點倒是可以討論),這樣看太過嚴苛,可參考我國審查基準所提出的第二篇2.4新穎性之判斷基準:

(1) 完全相同;
(2) 差異僅在於文字之記載形式或能直接且無歧異得知之技術特徵;或是
(3) 差異僅在於相對應之技術特徵的上、下位概念。



