2014年10月9日 星期四










兩個獨立範圍可以看看,Claim 1界定一個可以轉換移動產生的動能為帶動發電機的轉子轉動的能量,之後就是界定這個能量轉換器的結構,有個圓盤,經壓力帶動而轉動。
下圖中,10是個可以推動而轉動的圓盤,其中連結元件12a, 12b, 12c與齒輪結構13a, 13b, 13c, 13d, 13e就是可以帶動發電機的關鍵連接件,組合起來就是下圖的21。

1. A motion convertor for converting kinetic energy from the movement of traffic into rotational energy for operating a rotor of an electricity generator, the motion convertor comprising at least one engagement element and a disk rotatable about a substantially vertical axis, the engagement element being vertically linearly-displaceable relative to the rotatable disk, wherein the engagement element is rotatably mounted such that progressive substantially vertical displacement in a direction towards the rotatable disk causes engagement of the engagement element with the rotatable disk and rotation of the engagement element, thereby causing the rotatable disk to rotate.

Claim 14界定了一個地板單元,包括如claim 1的能量轉換器、電力產生器,以及可按壓的上表面(depressible upper surface)。
下圖的40就是一個地板單元,實施例顯示更為複雜的機構,有個彈性皮43、照明裝置42、推進板210,217a, 217b就是轉子,219是可以輸出能量的線圈。
14. A floor unit comprising an apparatus for harvesting kinetic energy, the floor unit comprising:
a motion convertor for converting kinetic energy from the movement of traffic into rotational energy for operating a rotor of an electricity generator, the motion convertor comprising at least one engagement element and a disk rotatable about a substantially vertical axis, the engagement element being vertically linearly-displaceable relative to the rotatable disk, wherein the engagement element is rotatably mounted such that progressive substantially vertical displacement in a direction towards the rotatable disk causes engagement of the engagement element with the rotatable disk and rotation of the engagement element, thereby causing the rotatable disk to rotate;
the electricity generator including the rotor which is rotatable by the rotatable disk of the motion convertor; and
a depressible upper surface, wherein depression of the depressible upper surface causes linear displacement of the engagement element of the motion convertor in a direction towards the rotatable disk of the motion convertor.



