2023年5月31日 星期三

如何取得AI相關發明的專利? - 筆記

參考Forbes的文章「How To Patent Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning Models」,十分有興趣,就做些筆記,其中描述也有我自己的一點點心得(加入我自己的詮釋)。



這裡也有我常與客戶分享的,要申請AI相關專利,重要也是比較難的問題是"講清楚"~就是文章中建議要揭露「what, why, when and how」,揭露的程度就是讓相關領域一般技術人員可以理解並據以實施,雖這是一個模糊的規範,但就是要求揭露一定程度的細節(重點一)



取得「監督型(supervised learning model」學習模型的專利,這類學習模型有人類介入,就是人類作為老師來訓練AI模型,因此相關描述需要刻意排除人類的角色,可將人類的行為轉換為機器的動作。(重點二)

AI相關發明是由電腦實現的發明(CII),也就是軟體發明,自然就受到電腦相關專利的規範,因此,說開了,"AI"僅是一個很夯的名詞,但是實質內容就是一個形式軟體程序的展現,也十分"合理地"會面對專利適格性(patently eligible)的質疑。




再以影像處理為例,在AI訓練之前,會有些前置處理作業,如判斷影像的重要性、分類、影像標籤(labeled image)、如何形成影像的標籤等,建議揭露相關資訊。我想,在每一個AI相關發明中,都有其特殊性,其中之一就是對數據的前置作業的特殊性。(重點六)

取得「非監督型(unsupervised learning model」學習模型的專利,這類AI模型訓練過程沒有人類介入,而特別需要深度學習的技術(deep learning)(重點七)


在非監督式學習過程,取得的大量數據之間並沒有已知關聯性,因此需要通過電腦程序識別數據的特徵,常見應用在於異常檢測(anomaly detection)以及學習數據之間的關聯性,例如取得原本以為關聯不大的數據之間的關聯性。(重點九)


有一種AI相關發明是要強化學習模型(reinforcement learning model),AI模型應用在特定用途中,之後藉著學習AI模型在特定應用下產出的數據,進行評分,並反饋優化特定應用下的AI模型。(重點十一)





2023年5月29日 星期一



之前也有一篇討論:附屬請求項的侵權議題 - 筆記(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2023/03/blog-post_30.html

---Asserting dependent claims in German patent infringement proceedings---






根據判例,在專利無效程序中,可以提出多個request,而附屬請求項總是可以作為輔助的請求(auxiliary request)。





本篇內容源自USPTO檢索教戰手冊:Multi-Step U.S. Patent Search Strategy(https://www.uspto.gov/learning-and-resources/support-centers/patent-and-trademark-resource-centers-ptrc/resources/seven

2.用較廣用語檢索,再慢慢加入其他發明特徵縮小檢索結果,檢視檢索結果的專利首頁,排除沒有關聯的專利。(Quick Reference Guides:https://ppubs.uspto.gov/pubwebapp/static/pages/quick-reference-guides.html
4.利用相關專利分類(這裡建議使用CPC,可參考:EPO與USPTO啟動CPC(合作專利分類系統)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2013/01/epousptocpc.html)擴張檢索範圍,建議進入CPC檢索網頁:Classification Resources page(https://www.uspto.gov/web/patents/classification/
5.檢視專利公報首頁引用前案,參考其中專利被引證(forward citation)和專利引證(backward citation)的資訊(編按,專利被引證數(Patent Forward Citations)與專利引證數(Patent Backward Citations)是可用來評估專利價值與創新性的參考依據)。

Multi-Step U.S. Patent Search Strategy

Summary of the Multi-Step U.S. Patent Search Strategy
  1. Brainstorm terms describing your invention. Try to think of alternative words to describe your concept. For example, an umbrella could also be called a parasol or a sunshade.
  2. Conduct a keyword search using Patent Public Search. You can begin with a broad search for your main concept, and then narrow the search results by adding additional features of your invention. Review the front pages of patents and published patent applications, eliminating those that are irrelevant. Guidance on how to search is available in our Quick Reference Guides.
  3. Conduct an in-depth review of the documents found by your search. Review in detail the complete patents and published patent applications you found that are similar to your invention. Don’t forget to review the drawings, specification and claims for similarities to your invention.
  4. Expand the search with relevant CPC classifications. Go to the Classification Resources page and select the CPC classification system. Find a relevant classification and use it in a classification search in Patent Public Search’s Advanced Search with the .CPC. field code.
  5. Review cited references. The front page of a patent includes a section of cited references provided by the applicant and/or the patent examiner. Review the U.S. patents and published patent applications that a patent has cited and/or the patents that have cited them since their publication. Patent Public Search can provide a search of both the backward and forward citations.
  6. Broaden your search with foreign patents, non-patent literature and/or a patent professional’s search. Check Espacenet, the European Patent Office’s worldwide patent publication database of over 140 million patent publications. Also search books, journals, websites, technical catalogs, and conference proceedings in the applicable field. You may want to hire a registered patent attorney or patent agent to review the search.










2023年5月24日 星期三

發明人有揭露"可據以實施/可實施性"發明內容的義務 - Amgen v. Sanofi (supreme court May 18, 2023)

美國最高法院於May 18, 2023針對Amgen v. Sanofi案做出說明書可實施性撰寫要求的意見。


先參考此Amgen v. Sanofi案例報導:

- 關於說明書可實施性案例筆記 - 基於Amgen v. Sanofi案(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2022/04/amgen-v-sanofi.html
- CAFC第一回合:說明書揭露標準的討論 - Amgen v. Sanofi (Fed. Cir. 2017)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/11/amgen-v-sanofi-fed-cir-2017.html) 
- CAFC第二回合:實施例多仍可能未達可實施性的揭露要求 - Amgen Inc. v. Sanofi-Aventis (Fed. Cir. 2021)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2021/05/amgen-inc-v-sanofi-aventis-fed-cir-2021.html

案例「AMGEN INC. ET AL. v. SANOFI ET AL.」涉及「功能手段用語專利範圍的解釋基於說明書記載的內容(涉及35 U. S. C. §112(a)明確性規定」的議題,特別是關於功能手段用語的專利範圍要求說明書有足夠支持外,還要求可據以實施的內容,且不是多個實施例就可以滿足。(編按,這些"基本要求"夠專利工程師忙的了!)

(3)是否「可實施性」是讓發明相關領域技術人員在無需過度實驗(undue experimentation)下而能達成(reach)欲主張權利的實施例的全部範圍?(也就是在不用實質時間與努力就能識別出全部或近乎全部發明的實施例)

系爭專利(US8,829,165、US8,859,741,專利權人:AMGEN INC. ET AL.)涉及一種有助於降低"會導致心血管疾病"的低密度脂蛋白(low-density lipoprotein,LDL)膽固醇(壞膽固醇)的抗體(antibodies),其中原理是以LDL受體(LDL receptor)從血液移除LDL膽固醇,然而,這個過程會受到一種蛋白酶"PCSK9"降解(degradation)LDL受體,影響抗體效果,於是,系爭專利提出一種可以抑制蛋白酶("PCSK9")的抗體,藉由阻擋"PCSK9"以避免降解LDL受體。


特別的是,系爭專利範圍描述了執行"結合"與"阻擋"的抗體功能,如以下claim 1的描述。

參考'165的claim 1:

1. An isolated monoclonal antibody, wherein, when bound to PCSK9, the monoclonal antibody binds to at least one of the following residues: S153, I154, P155, R194, D238, A239, I369, S372, D374, C375, T377, C378, F379, V380, or S381 of SEQ ID NO:3, and wherein the monoclonal antibody blocks binding of PCSK9 to LDLR.

'741的claim 1:

1. An isolated monoclonal antibody that binds to PCSK9, wherein the isolated monoclonal antibody binds an epitope on PCSK9 comprising at least one of residues 237 or 238 of SEQ ID NO: 3, and wherein the monoclonal antibody blocks binding of PCSK9 to LDLR.

Amgen以系爭專利對Sanofi提出侵權告訴,Sanofi主張專利無效的理由就是說明書不滿足可實施性要求(enablement requirement)(35 U. S. C. §112(a))。






引用案例"Bonito Boats, Inc. v. Thunder Craft Boats, Inc.",提到說明書揭露原則,專利賦予發明人"藉由公開給大眾的技術內容"以取得可以"防止競爭者剝削的保護"(protection from competitive exploitation)。

"(a) The patent “bargain” describes the exchange that takes place when an inventor receives a limited term of “protection from competitive exploitation” in exchange for bringing “new designs and technologies into the public domain through disclosure” for the benefit of all."






my two cents:



2023年5月22日 星期一

Understanding 35 U.S.C rejection in the office action - USPTO簡報筆記

本篇分享USPTO「Understanding 35 U.S.C rejection in the office action」簡報筆記。

- 「prima facie」拉丁文意思是「初步印象」,法律上的翻譯是「表面證據」,英文解釋為「true, valid, or sufficient at first impression : apparent」,本篇內容解釋為"A prima facie case is one that at first sight presents sufficient evidence to support your conclusion.",意思是在不用太多論述的情況下有足以證明特定事實的證據。

- 就專利審查而言,就是檢索提出的先前技術明顯地證明申請案發明不具新穎性或進步性。


- 發明不可專利的新穎性理由:102(a)(1)-專利有效申請日之前已獲准專利、描述於公開文獻中、公開使用、公開販售,或已經以各種形式公開的新穎性證據(otherwise available to the public);或是,102(a)(2)-發明的有效申請日之前已經描述在"其他發明人"的領證專利(35usc151)、先前專利申請案、早期公開案(35usc122(b))之中。

102(a) Novelty; Prior Art. —A person shall be entitled to a patent unless—
(1) the claimed invention was patented, described in a printed publication, or in public use, on sale, or otherwise available to the public before the effective filing date of the claimed invention; or
(2) the claimed invention was described in a patent issued under section 151, or in an application for patent published or deemed published under section 122(b), in which the patent or application, as the case may be, names another inventor and was effectively filed before the effective filing date of the claimed invention.

- 新穎性指單一先前技術已經揭露發明特徵。

- 新穎性證據形式:國內外專利文獻、各種公開文獻(這類證據是printed publicaton);申請人自己承認的先前技術(AAPA);建構先前技術的相關知識與活動;通過邏輯推理的證據或公知常識。

- 涉及「35 USC §102(a)(1)」中規定已經以各種形式公開的新穎性證據(otherwise available to the public):科學會議上的口頭報告、貿易展覽的演示、演講內容、談話性節目的內容、公開視頻(youtube video)或各種線上材料。


- 若先前技術與申請案發明並不相同,但之間的"差異"對相關領域一般技術人員而言在發明有效申請日之前為顯而易見(obvious),仍無法獲准專利。

- 發明判定不具顯而易見的條件:The differences between the claimed invention as a whole and the reference teachings must have been obvious differences: –before the effective filing date of the claimed invention; and –to a person having ordinary skill in the art

- 103的法律依據:

- 根據美國最高法院的Graham v. John Deere Co. 判例(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2012/10/graham-v-john-deere-co.html),專利審查委員做出103核駁意見時應論述:
  1. 先前技術的領域與內容。
  2. 發明與先前技術的差異為何。
  3. 相關領域一般技術人員的技術水平。
  4. 是否有非顯而易見的客觀證據?

- 成為103核駁意見的先前技術資格就是要符合102的先前技術要求。

- 103議題中的先前技術功能有:理解相關領域一般技術人員的技術水平以及一般人的公知知識。

- 103審查意見可基於多個引證文獻的組合。

- 基於103的核駁意見要證明基於上述適格的先前技術建立了「a prima facie case of obviousness(顯而易見的表面證據)」。

- 要組合多件引證文獻,要查閱多件先前技術的關聯教示、相關領域或市場上存在的需求的影響,以及相關領域一般技術人員所具備的背景知識目的是要判斷是否有明顯的理由可以組合這些引證文獻。這是基於KSR判例的意旨。

- KSR相關報導:
http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2009/02/ksr-v-teleflex.html(KSR v. Teleflex案簡單描述)

- 審查委員需要先建立「prima facie case of obviousness」的證據,一旦建立,就換成申請人需要證明非顯而易見的理由/證據。

- 建立prima facie case of obviousness」的要求:
  1. 判斷申請案有效申請日之前一般技術人員的技術水平(“person of ordinary skill in the art”)。
  2. 要以發明的整體來判斷(“as a whole”)。
  3. 有合理的論述(clear articulation of the rationale or reason(s))。
  4. 優勢證據(Preponderance of Evidence)。

- "通過修改先前技術"(顯而易見的判斷常常是基於修改先前技術所衍伸的判斷)無法建立prima facie case of obviousness」的理由:(1)如果修改先前技術使得先前技術的發明不能達成其預期的目的(等於是修改了先前技術本身);(2)先前技術的修改會改變先前技術的原理。

- 成功的合理期待(reasonable expectation of success),要做出顯而易見的結論,要證明有成功的合理期待,並要有適度的可預測性。

- reasonable expectation of success的案例:
缺乏證明「合理期待的成功」論述的非顯而易見性討論 - In re Stepan Co. (Fed. Cir. 2017)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/09/in-re-stepan-co-fed-cir-2017.html
失敗的先前技術並沒有證明成功的合理期待 - OSI Pharma v. Apotex Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2019)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2020/02/osi-pharma-v-apotex-inc-fed-cir-2019.html


2023年5月17日 星期三

最高法院拒絕審理兩件下級法院的專利適格性判決 - 101議題更撲朔迷離

從幾個常看的blog與新聞網頁得知美國最高法院拒絕受理兩件有關專利適格性(35 U.S.C. § 101)的上訴案件:Interactive Wearables v. Polar 以及 Tropp v. Travel Sentry

- SCOTUSblog - https://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/tropp-v-travel-sentry-inc/(for Tropp v. Travel Sentry

----- Interactive Wearables v. Polar -----
經查,Interactive Wearables v. Polar案過去曾經有分享:審判專利適格性考量發明是否明確?- Interactive Wearables, LLC v. Polar Electro Oy et. al (E.D.N.Y. 2020) (https://enpan.blogspot.com/2022/04/interactive-wearables-llc-v-polar.html)。

此案在地方法院的爭議是,因為說明書不明確造成請求項元件為"抽象概念"的描述,也找不出可專利的"進步特徵inventive concept)",因此判決不具專利適格性。這是很特別的判決,其中將112議題連結到101議題。

"The specification limits its discussion of the components to abstract functional descriptions devoid of technical explanation as to how to implement the invention."

"Such vague, functional descriptions of . . . components are insufficient to transform the abstract idea into a patent-eligible invention.” 

"The failure of the specification in this regard, which applies to all of the components identified in the claims of the Asserted Patents, cannot be remedied through new allegations in an amended complaint."

案件上訴CAFC,CAFC直接依據Fed. Cir. Rule 36維持原判(affirmances without a written opinion

----- Tropp v. Travel Sentry -----

Tropp v. Travel Sentry (CAFC)(因為過去沒報導,因為此新聞,補了:硬體結構描述不足的專利適格性議題 - TRAVEL SENTRY, INC. v. DAVID A. TROPP (CAFC 2022)-https://enpan.blogspot.com/2023/05/travel-sentry-inc-v-david-tropp-cafc.html


my two cents:


硬體結構描述不足的專利適格性議題 - TRAVEL SENTRY, INC. v. DAVID A. TROPP (CAFC 2022)


判決時間:February 14, 2022

案件於地方法院在簡易判決中判定系爭專利不具專利適格性(35 U.S.C. § 101),代表'537 Claim 1如下:

1. A method of improving airline luggage inspection by a luggage screening entity, comprising:
making available to consumers a special lock having a combination lock portion and a master key lock portion, the master key lock portion for receiving a master key that can open the master key lock portion of this special lock, the special lock designed to be applied to an individual piece of airline luggage, the special lock also having an identification structure associated therewith that matches an identification structure previously provided to the luggage screening entity, which special lock the luggage screening entity has agreed to process in accordance with a special procedure,
marketing the special lock to the consumers in a manner that conveys to the consumers that the special lock will be subjected by the luggage screening entity to the special procedure,
the identification structure signaling to a luggage screener of the luggage screening entity who is screening luggage that the luggage screening entity has agreed to subject the special lock associated with the identification structure to the special procedure and that the luggage screening entity has a master key that opens the special lock, and
the luggage screening entity acting pursuant to a prior agreement to look for the identification structure while screening luggage and, upon finding said identification structure on an individual piece of luggage, to use the master key previously provided to the luggage screening entity to, if necessary, open the individual piece of luggage.

'537的claim 1描述改善航空行李檢查的方法,步驟一:提供特殊的鎖,其中有組合鎖(號碼鎖)的部分以及鑰匙部分、行銷這把特殊鎖說明這是為了機場檢查行李之用、其中有識別結構,行李檢查員擁有可開鎖的萬能鑰匙,當行李檢查員根據識別結構確認可以用萬能鑰匙開啟行李。

根據系爭專利的技術可知,這是一個結構裝置的專利,但是寫成方法專利就有「不適格」的問題,地方法院在審理專利適格性議題時,認為如上述'537的claim 1所描述的方法專利實質上描述了使用與行銷行李鎖的基本步驟這是長期存在的基本經濟實踐與組織人類活動的方法。據此認為系爭專利為不可專利(ineligible)。

"The district court summarized: The claim “essentially describes the basic steps of using and
marketing a dual-access lock for luggage inspection, a longstanding fundamental economic practice and method of organizing human activity.”"

這個判定明顯是因為系爭專利僅是組織人類活動的技術,為抽象概念,CAFC同意地院意見,其中參考案例 - Intellectual Ventures I LLC v. Symantec Corp.,如同前例判斷組織抽象的特徵屬於不可專利標的。

- 判定人類活動、一般電腦功能為抽象概念的案例 - IV v. Symantec (CAFC 2016)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2016/10/iv-v-symantec-cafc-2016.html

查看系爭專利的內容,如上述claim 1,其中採用了一個「特殊鎖」,但是申請專利範圍並未指出這個「特殊鎖」有何硬體上的特徵使其特別~。

"No “technical specifications or concrete improvements,” or identification of what physical changes are made to the lock mechanism to make the lock “specialfound in the claim"

相關意見中引用了前例Simio, LLC v. FlexSim Software Prods., Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2020),表示,當請求項的特徵為抽象,即便改善了抽象概念,也不會轉換為可專利。


my two cents:


2023年5月11日 星期四

專利申請中新增的特徵產生共同發明人爭議 - Pannu v. Iolab Corp. (Fed. Cir. 1998)

本篇報導是基於前一篇案例(誰是共同發明人的爭議 - HIP, Inc. v. Hormel Foods Corp. (Fed. Cir. 2023))討論時提到Pannu factors,就再次找出本案例來看。

本篇名稱「專利申請中新增的特徵產生共同發明人爭議 」,主要爭議在「誰是發明人?或是誰可以是共同發明人?」(inventorship),專利是否因此無效跟是否有欺瞞意圖有關係。

過去報導「一件有關發明人不實的案例筆記 - Jaswant S. PANNU v. IOLAB CORPORATION (CAFC 1998)」主要針對「發明人不實」的議題,一般理解是當判定專利發明人不實,將影響專利權的行使,而從Pannu案進一步理解,當訴訟標的的專利權有發明人不實的情況時,除了要求更正外,還可能有專利權無效的問題,亦可能面對"旁系禁反言(collateral estoppel)"(關於訴訟立場、防止審理已經重複的爭點)的阻礙。


案件簡史 - Pannu v. Iolab Corp. (Fed. Cir. 1998)

此案例的其中之一議題是系爭專利(Reissue Patent 32,525)的發明人資格(inventorship)。

整個故事從Pannu(應該是位醫生)於1980年4月提出專利申請案開始,專利涉及「改良人工水晶體」的技術。到了同年10月,Pannu遇到Dr. William Link,Link後來成為Heyer-Schulte公司的總裁,是製造人工水晶體的廠商,雙方討論Heyer-Schulte是否有興趣獲得Pannu授權製造相關產品,Link也建議Pannu可以一體成形的方式製作人工水晶體,後來也成功地製造相關產品,更提供Pannu可以植入病患的眼中。

Claim 1:

CIP案獲准又再領證RE32,525,Pannu的律師向Dr. William Link提出授權的提案,結果不講還好,一旦提出授權提案,Link回應其中一體成形的設計是他提出的,還驚訝發明人僅列出Pannu一人,claim 1如上,明白地表示這是「one-piece construction/一體式結構」。



Panu於1993年向Iolab提出侵權告訴,Iolab提出系爭專利無效的主張,理由是系爭專利揭露內容並未滿足可實施性要件,缺乏best mode,以及發明人不實(improper inventorship)

發明人不實(improper inventorship)議題:


(本案地院對專利權人頗為友善)經過審理,根據法院意見,認為Link並非唯一發明人,但也不能說Pannu在發明人不實上有惡意(bad faith),而發明人是可更正的,也不會造成專利無效。





Iolab繼續提出證據證明發明人不實,並且基於35 U.S.C. § 256規定不能通過更正迴避。

35 U.S. Code § 256 - Correction of named inventor
Whenever through error a person is named in an issued patent as the inventor, or through error an inventor is not named in an issued patent, the Director may, on application of all the parties and assignees, with proof of the facts and such other requirements as may be imposed, issue a certificate correcting such error.
(b)Patent Valid if Error Corrected.—
The error of omitting inventors or naming persons who are not inventors shall not invalidate the patent in which such error occurred if it can be corrected as provided in this section. The court before which such matter is called in question may order correction of the patent on notice and hearing of all parties concerned and the Director shall issue a certificate accordingly.

CAFC法官認為地方法院有錯,錯在並未將inventorship議題讓陪審團審理,並根據「35 U.S. Code § 282 - Presumption of validity; defenses」中規範被告可以主張專利無效的條件,認為Pannu已有欺瞞意圖 - deceptively intended not to disclose that co-inventorship in its application to the Patent Office根據35U.S.C.102(f),專利無效

pre-AIA 35U.S.C. 102(f):
A person shall be entitled to a patent unless — (不予專利理由)
(f) he did not himself invent the subject matter sought to be patented; or

Accordingly, if non-joinder of an actual inventor is proved by clear and convincing evidence, ... a patent is rendered invalid.



在此就提出Pannu factors(共同發明人的要件):
(1) contributed in some significant manner to the conception of the invention; 
(2) made a contribution to the claimed invention that is not insignificant in quality, when that contribution is measured against the dimension of the full invention; and 
(3) did more than merely explain to the real inventors well-known concepts and/or the current state of the art. 

- 誰是共同發明人的爭議 - HIP, Inc. v. Hormel Foods Corp. (Fed. Cir. 2023)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2023/05/hip-inc-v-hormel-foods-corp-fed-cir-2023.html
- 一件有關發明人不實的案例筆記 - Jaswant S. PANNU v. IOLAB CORPORATION (CAFC 1998)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2021/09/blog-post_20.html
- 發明人不實而不准專利(共同發明人有誰?) - In re VerHoef (Fed. Cir. 2018)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2018/05/in-re-verhoef-fed-cir-2018.html
- 發明人更正不會讓專利無效、司法禁反言之適用 - Egenera, Inc. v. Cisco Systems, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2020)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2020/10/egenera-inc-v-cisco-systems-inc-fed-cir.html


2023年5月9日 星期二

誰是共同發明人的爭議 - HIP, Inc. v. Hormel Foods Corp. (Fed. Cir. 2023)


HIP, Inc. v. Hormel Foods Corp. (Fed. Cir. 2023)案件資訊:
原告/被上訴人:HIP, INC.
判決日期:May 2, 2023

從上述案件資訊來看,專利權人Hormel列為被告,不是一般侵權訴訟,是關於共同發明人(joint inventor)的議題。案件在地方法院判決David Howard應列為系爭專利的共同發明人之一,對此判決,專利權人Hormel上訴CAFC,涉及法條為規範更正發明人的35 U.S.C. § 256

35 U.S. Code § 256 - Correction of named inventor(https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/35/256
Whenever through error a person is named in an issued patent as the inventor, or through error an inventor is not named in an issued patent, the Director may, on application of all the parties and assignees, with proof of the facts and such other requirements as may be imposed, issue a certificate correcting such error.
(b)Patent Valid if Error Corrected.—
The error of omitting inventors or naming persons who are not inventors shall not invalidate the patent in which such error occurred if it can be corrected as provided in this section. The court before which such matter is called in question may order correction of the patent on notice and hearing of all parties concerned and the Director shall issue a certificate accordingly.


'498的Claim 1如下,以混和式烹調系統製作預煮培根肉塊的方法包括:第一,預熱肉塊,以溶掉肉塊周圍的脂肪,過程可以撒鹽或香料,第二,以更高溫燒烤。概念上就是兩步驟烹組流程

1. A method of making precooked bacon pieces using a hybrid cooking system, comprising:
preheating bacon pieces with a microwave oven to a temperature of 140° F. to 210° F. to create preheated bacon pieces, the preheating forming a barrier with melted fat around the preheated bacon pieces and reducing an amount of condensation that forms on the preheated bacon pieces when transferred to a cooking compartment of an oven, the barrier preventing any condensation that forms from contacting the preheated bacon pieces under the melted fat and diluting flavor in the preheated bacon pieces;
transferring the preheated bacon pieces to the cooking compartment of the oven, the cooking compartment heated with steam from an external steam generator, the external steam generator being external to the cooking compartment, the steam being injected into the cooking compartment and being approximately 400° F. to 1000° F. when the steam leaves the external steam generator, the cooking compartment including internal surfaces, the steam assisting in keeping the internal surfaces at a temperature below 375° F. thereby reducing off flavors during cooking in the cooking compartment; and
cooking the preheated bacon pieces in the cooking compartment to a water activity level of 0.92 or less to create precooked bacon pieces.

關於inventorship,就從發明如何開始著手理解,2005年,Hormel先預煮培根肉,以改善微波烹煮培根的方式,在2007年,Hormel與David Howard(還有另一人Tom Van Doorn)碰面討論相關產品與程序,也討論Howard的公司Unitherm的系統,Unitherm後來成為本案的原告HIP,也是相關產品的公司。




在2008年,Hormel租了Unitherm的烤箱測試兩步驟烹煮培根,經過實驗,Hormel發展出自己的設備,後續的測試顯示他關閉了內部電熱元件,而採用微波爐預熱培根,可防止撒的鹽被洗掉。測試結果是,先預熱培根,再以高溫蒸汽煮肉,之後Hormel在2011年提出專利申請案,並於2018年獲准專利'498,其中發明人並沒有David Howard。

專利爭議仍出於訴訟,HIP(前身為Unitherm)在2021年向Hormel提出告訴,宣稱David Howard是'498的唯一發明人,或是共同發明人,認為Howard貢獻以下技術至少之一:

(1) using superheated steam at a level of 90% or more in claims 3 and 12; 
(2) heating the internal surfaces of the oven to a temperature less than 375º F. in claim 1; 
(3) preheating by hot air in claim 5; and/or
(4) preheating with an infrared oven in claim 5.


地院判決Howard貢獻'498的claim 5技術,應列為發明人之一。

列舉'498的claim 5部分,粗體字底線部分為認定Howard有貢獻的技術:

5. A method of making precooked meat pieces using a hybrid cooking system, comprising:
preheating meat pieces in a first cooking compartment using a preheating method selected from the group consisting of a microwave oven, an infrared oven, and hot air to a temperature of at least 140° F. to create preheated meat pieces, the preheating forming a barrier with melted fat around the preheated meat pieces and reducing an amount of condensation that forms on the preheated meat pieces when transferred to a second cooking compartment, the barrier preventing any condensation that forms from contacting the preheated meat pieces under the melted fat and diluting flavor in the preheated meat pieces;


第一,上訴人Hormel認為claim 5技術非重要技術,並且是申請時已知技術,不能稱Howard因此就是發明人。

關於「Inventorship」,引用前例Fina Oil & Chem. Co. v. Ewen, 123 F.3d 1466, 1473 (Fed. Cir. 1997),具有重要貢獻(significant contribution,針對請求項範圍)的人才能是共同發明人之一。

(1) contributed in some significant manner to the conception of the invention;(以某種重要方式貢獻發明概念)
(2) made a contribution to the claimed invention that is not insignificant in quality, when that contribution is measured against the dimension of the full invention; and(在整體發明上衡量貢獻時,對發明的貢獻在質量上並非微不足道)
(3) did more than merely explain to the real inventors well-known concepts and/or the current state of the art.(對真正發明人並非僅解釋已知的概念或是現有技術)

相關案例可參考:一件有關發明人不實的案例筆記 - Jaswant S. PANNU v. IOLAB CORPORATION (CAFC 1998)https://enpan.blogspot.com/2021/09/blog-post_20.html

看來,Pannu(3)就是本案David Howard面對的問題,因為Hormel宣稱地方法院判斷Howard有貢獻的claim 5發明(microwave oven, an infrared oven, and hot air)僅是已知技術甚至還引用了先前技術US2004/0131738(Holm)

有趣的是,專利權人Hormel在判決中有一大段(還需要翻頁)內容證明claim 5為習知技術的論述。


法院作出決定是,Howard並非共同發明人,理由是,如Pannu(2),發明人應對發明在質量上有非微不足道的貢獻,根據HIP的論述,說明Howard的貢獻僅是微不足道的(“insignificant in quality”),因為Holm已經提到Howard宣稱有貢獻microwave oven, an infrared oven, and hot air的特徵,將上系爭專利的說明書、請求項與圖式,都說明Howard的貢獻無足輕重,

CAFC最終否決地方法院判決,認為David Howard並非共同發明人。

my two cents:


- 發明人不實而不准專利(共同發明人有誰?) - In re VerHoef (Fed. Cir. 2018)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2018/05/in-re-verhoef-fed-cir-2018.html
- 一件有關發明人不實的案例筆記 - Jaswant S. PANNU v. IOLAB CORPORATION (CAFC 1998)https://enpan.blogspot.com/2021/09/blog-post_20.html


2023年5月4日 星期四

當權利被轉換,原權利人的權利將被限制 - Uniloc USA, Inc. v. Motorola Mobility LLC (Fed. Cir. 2022)

判決日:November 4, 2022

本篇討論到「collateral estoppel」,字面意義翻為「旁系禁反言」,若以實質意義來翻是「爭點禁反言」,意義上是禁止針對相同爭點重複審判、或是重複行使權利...

過去相關collateral estoppel報導如:
- 用語"樞接"的解釋與侵權議題 - UCP International v. Balsam Brands Inc. (CAFC 2019)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2021/07/ucp-international-v-balsam-brands-inc_30.html
- 侵權的可能以及販售的意圖建立確認之訴的立場 - UCP International v. Balsam Brands Inc. (CAFC 2019)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2021/07/ucp-international-v-balsam-brands-inc.html
- 提供證據的義務、前案結合的動機以及旁系禁反言 - Polygroup Limited MCO v. Willis Electric Co., LTD (Fed. Cir. 2019)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/07/polygroup-limited-mco-v-willis-electric.html

本案緣起Uniloc於Delaware地方法院以系爭專利'134向Motorola提起侵權訴訟。Motorola則是主張原告缺乏訴訟立場(lack standing,認為Uniloc無權主張專利權反擊,理由是Uniloc已經把專利權讓給Fortress Credit Co.,不能重複行使專利權。


判決文中補充,Uniloc在另一訴訟中也對Blackboard公司提出侵權訴訟,系爭專利是US6,324,578與US7,069,293,該案也被撤銷,理由是缺乏專利標的管轄權(lack of subject matter jurisdiction),如此,根據「collateral estoppel」將此案意見套用於本案,同樣作出撤銷訴訟的決定。

(補充)查TIPO專文「美國聯邦法院(Federal Courts)訴訟程序及策略https://tiponet.tipo.gov.tw/downloads/module030/information_5_5.pdf」中根據分類將「Subject-Matter Jurisdiction」翻譯為「事務管轄」。

案件經上訴,上述兩件訴訟的被告Motorola與Blackboard都引用另一件Uniloc訴訟-Uniloc v. Apple(此案法院撤回上訴),藉此主張基於collateral estoppel」,Uniloc缺乏訴訟立場。

(1) the Unilocs committed an Event of Default and failed to cure or annul said Event, granting Fortress a license, including a right to sublicense, to the asserted patent; (已將權利授權與再授權的權利給Fortress)
(2) a patent plaintiff must have exclusionary rights in the patent to have standing to sue for infringement; and(原告應包括排他權才有立場提起侵權訴訟)
(3) Uniloc USA lacked exclusionary rights in the asserted patent because Fortress had the ability to license the asserted patent to the alleged infringer (Apple), which deprived Uniloc USA of standing.(因為Fortress有能力授權給被宣稱侵權者的對象,因此剝奪了Uniloc的訴訟立場)

(補充)因此,如果Uniloc要繼續訴訟,需要與Fortress簽署終止協議(termination agreement),而Uniloc也是這樣做,案件還會繼續。

系爭專利US6,161,134提出兩個功能獨立的資訊設備(information appliance,如手機)與網路設備(network appliance,如網路電話),彼此相互連接,資訊設備儲存使用者資訊,使用者資訊將使得網路電話通過特定使用者設定連接網路,以進行網路語音通訊。


相關授權合約就包括本次討論案件的系爭專利'134(本次Motorola案,也包括Blackboard案的'578與'293),就是因為Uniloc將專利權授予Fortress,必且Fortress還有權將專利權再授權給他人,繞了一圈被授權者還可能包括被告侵權者(這就是collateral estoppel」的意義,當權利被轉換,原授權者的權利將被限制)。使得地方法院以collateral estoppel」為由撤銷訴訟。



Uniloc引用CAFC前例判決,認為即便專利權人授權給他人,其中也包括了再授權的權利,仍不能剝奪專利權人在憲法Article III的立場。

CAFC認為,他們理解以上Article III立場,但是認為專利權人與專利權受讓人卻沒有相同的專利權,也就是說,即便將專利權與再授權的權利讓與他人,原專利權人仍具有訴訟立場。CAFC則表示,不論上述權利與立場的主張,本案主要是因為
collateral estoppel」為由,認為專利權人已經無權主張權利。

爭議涉及各方權利的界定,是否權利經轉換後,原權利人還擁有相當的權利?顯然沒有,適用collateral estoppel」的條件包括:

(1) the issue sought to be precluded must be the same as the one involved in the prior action;
(2) the issue must have been actually litigated;
(3) the issue must have been determined by a valid and final judgment; and
(4) the determination must have been essential to the prior judgment.

CAFC判斷,本案與前例Uniloc v. Apple為一致的議題,因此相關議題也實際訴訟過,並已經作出有效的最終判決,對前案例而言也是重要的議題,因此本案適用collateral estoppel」判斷。


本案結論是,因為Uniloc將權利授權給Fortress,還包括再授權的權利,基於collateral estoppel」,Uniloc不具備訴訟立場。

my two cents:
要提起訴訟前,要先審視相關權利合約,避免落入collateral estoppel」的爭議。


2023年5月3日 星期三

「圖式編號」的規定 - 37 CFR 1.84

美國專利細則規範很多細節,如圖中編號Fig. 1, ...順序、字母與大小都有規定,甚至僅使用單張圖式時... 還不能使用"Fig."。

(u) Numbering of views.(視圖編號)
(1) The different views must be numbered in consecutive Arabic numerals(用數字順序編號), starting with 1, independent of the numbering of the sheets and, if possible, in the order in which they appear on the drawing sheet(s). Partial views intended to form one complete view, on one or several sheets(部分視圖用完整一或多張圖表示), must be identified by the same number followed by a capital letter(部分視圖用相同編號加上"大寫字母"編號). View numbers must be preceded by the abbreviation "FIG."(用縮寫"FIG."表示) Where only a single view is used in an application to illustrate the claimed invention, it must not be numbered (單獨一張圖就不用編號了)and the abbreviation "FIG." must not appear.(單張視圖的申請案不能使用"FIG."縮寫)
(2) Numbers and letters identifying the views must be simple and clear and must not be used in association with brackets, circles, or inverted commas. (視圖編號與字母不要配合使用特殊符號)The view numbers must be larger than the numbers used for reference characters.(視圖編號要大於圖中元件符號)

這個規定應該是常識,卻常被我們忽略,或是沒有想過(我自己幾乎沒有印象寫過僅使用一張圖的案子,化學案則應該比較常見一張圖或是沒有圖式的情況!),當只有一張圖,就沒有編號的必要,也就沒有Fig. 1, Fig. 2的需要,連Fig. 1也沒有必要,就直接畫出圖來,說明書用"the figure"。

同事分享有OA提出僅單張圖式卻使用"Fig. 1"的objections。

US9655833僅一張圖,圖式介紹中沒有使用"Fig. 1",說明書使用"the FIGURE"。

US9167814使用一張圖,圖式簡說使用「Fig. 1」,但說明書使用「the FIGURE」。

US5981622僅一張圖,說明書中圖式簡說使用「Fig. 1」,說明書描述都有「Fig. 1」與「the FIGURE」。

